2017 Berserk TV Series (Season 2)

I accidentally canceled my Crunchyroll subscription a week before the final episode. Whoops. :ganishka:

Someone else will have to carry on the GIF legacy :void:
Walter said:
I accidentally canceled my Crunchyroll subscription a week before the final episode. Whoops. :ganishka:

Someone else will have to carry on the GIF legacy :void:

I would if I knew how, but I'm sure someone will pick up the task for the last one! Hehe

I have a question, did we see minister Foss in the first trilogy? I don't remember seeing him. But mysteriously he is there when they infiltrate Windham in season 2... I've always wondered how they explain that guy since we never saw him in the movies...

If we did see him, then forget what I've just asked, been a while I watched the movies and might be a long while before I watch them again. I don't think I have to explain why. :magni:
jackson_hurley said:
I've always wondered how they explain that guy since we never saw him in the movies...

This TV series isn't an official continuation of the movies. They were done by completely separate teams and are unrelated.
I'm very curious to hear what the overall view is for Berserk the 2016/2017 Project (I've seen the episodes so I know its a farce) versus the past 2 adaption productions pros and cons.
kanji said:
imho doesn't deserve the bashing it's receiving.
But it does. A group of "professionals" is getting paid for an increasingly bad work that carries the name of Berserk on it. A name that didn't have an adaptation for years - and that means an eager audience for anything you throw at them. And it worked, partially. For me this is shite from the very first teaser up to the last scene, except for the 2D scenes.

kanji said:
Either way I found the anime dumbed it down significantly enough to make it easier for me to understand.
You didn't understand it. At least not thanks to the anime, but because you read the manga. You can't understand something by the anime that they didn't show you.
Menosgade said:
But it does. A group of "professionals" is getting paid for an increasingly bad work that carries the name of Berserk on it. A name that didn't have an adaptation for years - and that means an eager audience for anything you throw at them. And it worked, partially. For me this is shite from the very first teaser up to the last scene, except for the 2D scenes.

The first teaser trailer killed any hopes I had for this series, but even then I never expected it to be quite this bad.
Do you have any proof or sources to back this up? I'm not trying to be challenging, but I've yet to see any solid proof for exactly why the hiatuses keep occurring. I realize this hiatus could be due to the chapter being the last in the volume. However, I am willing to bet that the next anime season will happen some time in winter when the manga returns. The crap pacing of the anime is helpful in this way.
Phonon89 said:
Do you have any proof or sources to back this up? I'm not trying to be challenging, but I've yet to see any solid proof for exactly why the hiatuses keep occurring. I realize this hiatus could be due to the chapter being the last in the volume. However, I am willing to bet that the next anime season will happen some time in winter when the manga returns. The crap pacing of the anime is helpful in this way.

They have recently been tied to the anime, but that doesn't mean they always will be... There's been no indication of another season so far. The best indication of it will come in the next and final episode of this season.

Hiatuses have been around for the entire series, increasing substantially in 2006. No reason is given for them. A safe bet is that they are how Miura balances his work and life schedule so that he doesn't burn out early like many others have.

The last shot of Episode 24.
source: https://twitter.com/dsgtng/status/878250067551039488
Sigh, really wish it wouldn't 'continue'. The shitshow wildride goes on.

I could see it coinciding with a winter release at the end of December with the manga coming back bleh.
Johnny Apples said:
Motherfucker..... :mozgus:

Yup. I have this ridiculous feeling that it'll keep going on for a while with the manga coming back again every time. Please tell me I'm wrong and that this is a stupid feeling...
It's really hard to say right now if a Season 3 will be made or not. "The Story Continues" could mean to go read the manga for the rest. I sure hope that's the case.
Hitoshura said:
It's really hard to say right now if a Season 3 will be made or not. "The Story Continues" could mean to go read the manga for the rest. I sure hope that's the case.

Indeed, I was just thinking about that a few seconds ago after watching the episode. But I would not be surprised to have another one to be honest. Not that I'm excited about that prospect...
Hitoshura said:
It's really hard to say right now if a Season 3 will be made or not. "The Story Continues" could mean to go read the manga for the rest. I sure hope that's the case.

"The Story Continues"... just not in the anime, as S01E12 had VERY a different stinger at the end. It blatantly said, "Spring 2017: The next Arc Arrives" with a bit of teaser footage. None of that can be found here, so i am free of my curse. No more anime :ubik: . At least in form of TV seasons or films, as they could still pull a final OVA. The production company somehow released a Terra Formars OVA last month that jumped by multiples volumes ahead in the story. The madmen. PSX graphics Sea God may still be upon us and this ep. indeed featured Griffith on a cliff as one of the very final images.

My takeaways from the final ep. are these: How did they managed to fail at animating a caricature of a duck? Bonebeard should be the worst executed/voiced pirate i ever saw in animation. And someone at the studio legitimately thinks that the most important part of an episode must be hidden behind credits, as they now did it multiples times. 3/10 for this series finale and a 2/10 for S02.

Edit: Oh wait. The Grunbeld novel is written by the anime head writer. I will lol pretty hard if it gets adapted as a final gift to the fans (nice art on the pages by Miura btw).
residentgrigo said:
Edit: Oh wait. The Grunbeld novel is written by the anime head writer. I will lol pretty hard if it gets adapted as a final gift to the fans (nice art on the pages by Miura btw).

That's exactly why it'll be another black sheep in Berserk history.
Hitoshura said:

The last shot of Episode 24.
source: https://twitter.com/dsgtng/status/878250067551039488

Hitoshura said:
It's really hard to say right now if a Season 3 will be made or not. "The Story Continues" could mean to go read the manga for the rest. I sure hope that's the case.
God I hope your right.
This better be a damn joke. Do they freaking realize how they ruined the series? Or are they doing it in purpose or something. They ruined Berserker armor, Grunbeld fight and etc

All these stuffs were 10 times better in PS2 game that was made in 2004. What a shame..
When I was playing the game back in the days i was much more excited and the atmosphere is on point in Berserker armor transformation in PS2 game. And the fight against Grunbeld, and the Zodd fight in hill of swords

Yet in this shitty anime all i can hear is clanning all over and the amimition is freaking terrible

They better stop this shit really
Hitoshura said:

The last shot of Episode 24.
source: https://twitter.com/dsgtng/status/878250067551039488


Seriously though, I had a funny feeling this would happen. What a shame. Can't wait to see how they will fuck up the Sea God and everything in between. Looks like this shit train will keep going against any of our wills. All we can do is bite the pillow :judo:
I do have something final to say. I looked up where the anime exactly ended, to set a proper note on MU (Vol. 29 ep.249), and these madmen adapted 6 manga eps. this week.
That´s 120 pages in a 20 minute segment. No wonder that none of it worked! A 3rd act Death Note ep. and Bokurano´s pilot once (competently) adapted about 200 uninterrupted pages in such an amount of time but GEMBA´s "zeal" still needs to be noted.

Last ep. would have further needed to introduce Daiba but we certainly know why they skipped him. Azan´s return also remains MIA, which makes zero sense, but the duck segment made in on the air :???: . They even had the pumpkin salesman attack Isidro during a truly bewilder montage, yet the anime never featured his first appearance. This just shows how little the writers and directors understood the manga. The studio(s) adapted a cameo joke yet look what ended up on the cutting room floor. Berserk 2012-17 in a nutshell but S02 deserves a special place in anime hell.
I held on till the end and my reward was seeing things get worse :daiba: .