What They Say: The story continues...
What They Mean: Really, there's more story to be told! But we don't know if we can tell it anymore because nobody liked or watched our shit since we have no talent. So buy our Blu-rays so we can get another season going! Please, we're beggin you! Buy lots of them! Get them for your friends! Tell them the discs make good coasters! C'mon, we desperately need the money! Our careers are resting on this! Look, I know we did a terrible job, but if I don't bring in some real money soon, my wife's going to...oh, no! She's carrying a suitcase. She's walking out the door. My wife just left me. My parents have disowned me. I...don't have anything now. Just my job working for low-rent animation studio...and I'm terrible at it! I guess...I'm just gonna have to end it all. Goodbye, cruel world. Good–
They're just not trying anymore, are they?
What They Mean: Really, there's more story to be told! But we don't know if we can tell it anymore because nobody liked or watched our shit since we have no talent. So buy our Blu-rays so we can get another season going! Please, we're beggin you! Buy lots of them! Get them for your friends! Tell them the discs make good coasters! C'mon, we desperately need the money! Our careers are resting on this! Look, I know we did a terrible job, but if I don't bring in some real money soon, my wife's going to...oh, no! She's carrying a suitcase. She's walking out the door. My wife just left me. My parents have disowned me. I...don't have anything now. Just my job working for low-rent animation studio...and I'm terrible at it! I guess...I'm just gonna have to end it all. Goodbye, cruel world. Good–
They're just not trying anymore, are they?