Anti-Yong'ing scans


Staff member
Since Yong seems so intent to steal my scans. Ill not have him steal anything from here on out. I have implemented a new system that will take place from chapter 187 until I stop  scanning, and it goes a little something like this:


Too obvious? Too in the way? Comments please.

PS: I chose this particular image (chapter 177) because I always found this scene fucking hilarious (serpico falling to his death  ;D )
I like it, but perhaps give it some colour, so it's more readily-apparent that it is a watermark and not part of the original art. *nit-picks some more* Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
cool tactic... my only gripe is it getting in the way of the art... but thats a sacrifice I'm willing to make untill we ALL BUY THE BOOK... RIGHT!?
Woah, people talking about my picture! ^_^
Glad you guys think it's funny... I always thought that Gatts and Skully could be drinking buddies... They could trade battle stories and stuff, but where would the alchohol go for skully, in his armor? Would the behilits be floatin around in there too? ^_^;
Woah, people talking about my picture! ^_^
Glad you guys think it's funny... I always thought that Gatts and Skully could be drinking buddies... They could trade battle stories and stuff, but where would the alchohol go for skully, in his armor? Would the behilits be floatin around in there too? ^_^;
Well, they do say its best to drink on a full stomach.
ahhhhh! anchellas an anthropomorphic cat thing!! shoot me!! furries are evil! evil i tell you! nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...I really like your idea,'s simple, but really funny, and it don't create something bad to the tale of the story...

question is.... how well would Gattsu and SK hold their alcohol?

side note: I walked into my computer lab (at school) and there was this guy on

...well _I_ thought it was pretty cool.