Attention Star Wars Fundamentalists: The TRUE Trilogy on DVD.


With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
Nomad sent me this today.

[quote author="Nomad"]
  Don't know if you were aware of this... but thought you might find this interesting.

Now, the funny thing is, by coincidence, just hours before, I randomly checked for the original trilogy on, and learned of this there (this was totally out of the blue, I don't check every day for the trilogy or anything; first time I ever checked for it actually... can you say, The Force? =).

Anyway, what are people's feelings on this not so unforseen event? (amazon reviewers are sure pissy) Frankly, I don't think Star Wars sales methods can get any worse, so I'm all for it to at least have more reasonable access to the real trilogy (not even any Episode IV at the top of the scroll in SW). BUT, the catch is, they apparently aren't bringing it up to DVD snuff, it's just the LD transfers. That sucks if you really care about that stuff (not I), but it also leaves open the door for yet ANOTHER release, which I don't doubt will happen. Oh, and by the way, this one is, of course, only available for a limited time (from like September to December of this year =).

Nevermind, it just got worse. :troll:
I already have the original SW trilogy and I like the digitally remastered version, I dont think there would be any point in getting the True trilogy :miura:
No surprise here, I'll just wait 10 years more to buy the super mega pack with every Star Wars thing ever made for $20. Anyway I think they're only releasing this because of the LD rips converted to DVD format that circulate on Internet and that everybody's been getting for years.
they could at least give us the stuff they did all that special cleaning to.

ah well, I'm also going to wait for the "everything" star wars box set to show up in the bargain bin at this point. I don't see any real need to go out and get LD transfers.
I'd like to have it be like the special edition was for the VHS set that was released in the mid 90's or so.

It's not the "original" graphics I want back, it's the original storyline/characters.

The whole "Han shot first" thing the way it was first, and not switching out the actors from the films and what not, usin the original characters/storyline as it was first.

I'd like them to however bring the sound up to date/clean up the graphics (Not replace them, just clean it up and stuff, get the colors more in-line with each other and not so out of place like in the space scenes).
It's the perfect edition. No DVD sharpening. No Han shooting second. No wacky Jabba scene. This is how Star Wars was meant to be seen.

Finally, I can throw my "new" edition in the trash can and forget I ever got it.
I'm in that same boat. I don't care about picture or sound quality other than it being widescreen and basically functioning, also don't care for the "perfect DVD" (just another format, comes and goes, my problem is I don't have a working widescreen VHS of the flicks, or I wouldn't care). I really just want ease of viewing on the unruined versions of the movies, so it works for me however shitty it might be in general.
Was reading the entry Griff posted, and it looks like there's no option for those of us who JUST want the old editions. There is an single-disc version that includes only the new edition, but... I already have that. I'll have to shell out for both discs (new and original) just to get my nerdy hands on the original...

Oh and yeah, the Amazon "reviewers" are monsters:
"DON'T BUY THEM! Like the other guy said, order bootlegs off ebay. They'll be just as good as these, cheaper, and George won't get any of your money. He really doesn't deserve it."

"I want the original trilogy re-mastered for DVD in anamorphic widescreen, not some lame laser-disc transfer I can get from elsewhere. This is a cheap shot, IMO, on the part of Lucasfilm and not what the fans want."
It's funny to me, because these are the editions I've always wanted, to be honest.
It's funny how insanely protective people get of Star Wars.

They're effing movies. Watch the version that you like the best and ignore the others. It's so easy!
I heard about this a few weeks ago..definitely not surprising of Lucas.

After this there's the inevitable re-release of the original 3D!


"What do you mean you don't want to see Greedo shoot first in 3D?!!!"
Well, looks like we are just getting screwed over, it's NOT the true original versions of the films:
I don't see the problem (at least, anything we didn't already know about this release), for all intents and purposes it's still the originals. Like you said:

Stiler said:
It's not the "original" graphics I want back, it's the original storyline/characters.

Not to mention that Star Wars has gone through numerous alternate sound mixes both in theaters and for home formats (even including minor changes in dialogue in different LD and VHS releases) before the SE versions were even released. So, unless you saw it in '77, you probably haven't seen the truly "original" Star Wars. At first when I saw your post I thought it had changed to the special edition versions as the bonus on this release or something. Now THAT would be a cruel joke, but i'd still laugh. =)

Anyway, I think these Star Wars/HD DVD geeks need to lighten up (though that deadly serious speech about the Empire winning and the sadness of Star Wars apathy was amusing).

"Anamorphic widescreen, OMG!!!"
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:isidro: :judo: :schierke:
I was excited at first, but then I found out that these are laserdisc transfers, not transfers from the actual masterprints. Apparently those were destroyed.

It's basically the same thing you can download for fucking free off the internet, or buy bootlegs of off ebay, but in an offical retail box.

I don't care all that much, but I sure as hell aint buying copies, dr. gonzo's laserdisc transfers will do just fine. Or maybe that X0 fan-restoration project will turn out.
Wereallmad said:
I don't care all that much, but I sure as hell aint buying copies, dr. gonzo's laserdisc transfers will do just fine. Or maybe that X0 fan-restoration project will turn out.
To get Dr. Gonzo's versions to work in my DVD player, I'd have to buy a DVD burer for ~60 bucks. OR I could just buy these editions and not have them look like ghetto DVD-Rs. Sold.
Walter said:
To get Dr. Gonzo's versions to work in my DVD player, I'd have to buy a DVD burer for ~60 bucks. OR I could just buy these editions and not have them look like ghetto DVD-Rs. Sold.

Jesus, there are people who don't have DVD-burners in this day and age?
Walter said:
To get Dr. Gonzo's versions to work in my DVD player, I'd have to buy a DVD burer for ~60 bucks. OR I could just buy these editions and not have them look like ghetto DVD-Rs. Sold.

I bought the dvd burner in my computer for like 35 bucks at newegg and its rock solid.

and I heard that theres a chance these are going to be bundled with the newer ones for even more money. doesn't make much sense to me but so far none of this does.
Wereallmad said:
It's basically the same thing you can download for fucking free off the internet, or buy bootlegs of off ebay, but in an offical retail box.

Well, going by that argument, why buy any DVD's or anything since you can download and burn it for free? Even if these were enhanced, they'd go right up on the same torrent sites as Dr. Gonzo's fine uncut merchandise.

Not that you're wrong or anything, but it's another issue.

CnC said:
and I heard that theres a chance these are going to be bundled with the newer ones for even more money.  doesn't make much sense to me but so far none of this does.

Yeah, the whole thing is a clusterfuck, but the price is fixed at Amazon: $20.
"Griffith No More!" said:
I don't see the problem (at least, anything we didn't already know about this release), for all intents and purposes it's still the originals. Like you said:

Not to mention that Star Wars has gone through numerous alternate sound mixes both in theaters and for home formats (even including minor changes in dialogue in different LD and VHS releases) before the SE versions were even released. So, unless you saw it in '77, you probably haven't seen the truly "original" Star Wars. At first when I saw your post I thought it had changed to the special edition versions as the bonus on this release or something. Now THAT would be a cruel joke, but i'd still laugh. =)

Anyway, I think these Star Wars/HD DVD geeks need to lighten up (though that deadly serious speech about the Empire winning and the sadness of Star Wars apathy was amusing).

"Anamorphic widescreen, OMG!!!"
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:isidro: :judo: :schierke:

The problem is it's not the original aspect ratio, you're not goin to see the full scope of the film, it's like watching pan and scan.

Plus the sound, it just seems rather a crappy thing to do.

When I said I didn't care about the "original graphics" I meant that I didn't mean if they went in and cleaned it up, not changing the OAR and such, just like taking the original film, keeping it's original aspect ratio and then having the graphics cleaned up (not changed, just cleaned up). With options you could have both a digitially remastered surround sound aswell as the original one both to appease whichever type the viewer wanted to hear.
Well, I don't want to defend this turkey, I'm just not that picky or concerned with it being the best it can be, personally; like I said, if I had better VHS copies (or anybody had VHS players anymore =), I wouldn't even be that interested.
I suppose I could be shot for saying this but I really don't mind the "digitally remastered/ special effects out the wazoo" versions. The story that I loved as a kid is there and while the details are altered I still enjoy it.

but thats me, I can totally understand the purists' arguments.
Nah, and I haven't gotten those special edition DVD's either; probably another reason I'm not so opposed to this, buying the same thing twice isn't an issue with me here.
"Griffith No More!" said:
Well, going by that argument, why buy any DVD's or anything since you can download and burn it for free? Even if these were enhanced, they'd go right up on the same torrent sites as Dr. Gonzo's fine uncut merchandise.

That's a good point, one that I didn't consider, but I think the only reason a person has anymore to actually buy something that can be reproduced electronically is to support the creators, and I definately do not want to support George Lucas.
Wereallmad said:
That's a good point, one that I didn't consider, but I think the only reason a person has anymore to actually buy something that can be reproduced electronically is to support the creators, and I definately do not want to support George Lucas.

That's a good point as well, I haven't bought a Star Wars (movie tickets aside) product since middle school.

Anyway, for me, this is just a convienit opportunity for having serviceable copies of the old flicks I can just toss into any player. It hinges on how the anamorphic screen looks whether it's worth it for me or not. But, it's a casual want, like it's come around to the point that I don't care enough to wait for something better (maybe it even appeals to me beacuse they're doing so little with it for a change). Just another DVD purchase.
"Griffith No More!" said:
That's a good point as well, I haven't bought a Star Wars (movie tickets aside) product since middle school.

Anyway, for me, this is just a convienit opportunity for having serviceable copies of the old flicks I can just toss into any player. It hinges on how the anamorphic screen looks whether it's worth it for me or not. But, it's a casual want, like it's come around to the point that I don't care enough to wait for something better (maybe it even appeals to me beacuse they're doing so little with it for a change). Just another DVD purchase.

Yeah, the last star wars VIDEO I bought was the 1997 special edition on VHS. That was back in jr. high for me as well. I've bought a few star wars games, and assorted merchandise and what have you, but none of the videos, so the fact that I'd end up buying the 2004 special edition along with the original doesn't bug me, infact I've never seen all of the 2004 edition, so I wouldn't mind at all. For me it's merely a quality issue.

Then again, seeing how bad a job they did sharpening the picture for the 2004 release, I doubt we'd end up with a decent quality video even if the masters still exsisted.
Yeah, I haven't seen the 2004's at all, and now when it comes to these things it's to the point that I'm so wary I have an aversion to any changes at all, even just simple quality clean ups you alluded to. Anamorphic screen concerns aside, I almost rather watch the old fashioned lo-fi versions (and hey, I'd have the alternates anyway =).