Here we go again. Hope it's much better than the first one.
Here we go again. Hope it's much better than the first one.
If it isn't, I'll break their kneecaps.dwarfkicker said:Here we go again. Hope it's much better than the first one.
dwarfkicker said:Hope it's much better than the first one.
Proj2501 said:Being a huge fan of AVP BEFORE the movie....i was supremely let down, dissapointed and disturbed at what i saw on the screen.
dwarfkicker said:They have a lot of obstacles to overcome and many barriers to break down in order to make this one good. Just as long as Anderson or that moron Uwe Bole don't touch it all should be good.
Or, one could hope.
That's called famous last words.dwarfkicker said:it can't be any worse than the first movie.
i really hope your rightdwarfkicker said:I have faith that it can't be any worse than the first movie.
Void Swordsman said:You just can't make a good Alien (I mean the series) movie anymore. From Alien to AVP it all has gone downhill, aliens just aren't scary anymore. All thanks to computer animation. It's probably the same for Predator movies but I only saw them in AVP. That's why I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be that good regardless of who's behind it unless they go back to their roots.
DarthVenom said:but both of these charters were created as highly violent aliens not happy go lucky kind of guys that killed with the least amount of violence possible. i mean i know AVP1 was kinda violent but compared to and of they're predecessors (Alien 1-4 & Predator 1&2). it was a sad attempt. it should have been rated R and should have had a way move violent story line.
DarthVenom said:i mean i have to admit i really enjoyed some of the story such as it taking place in an ancient pyramid in Antarctica. it was a good idea that went terribly wrong.
i think it would have made it a bit more enjoyable to watch since its supposed to be a action suspense thriller (which it was not)Aazealh said:I really don't think the "violence" is what makes these movies good or not... Had there been gallons of blood flowing in AvP, it would have sucked all the same.
but it made up a completely fictitious ancient civilisation that could have been the first civilisation. it was a pretty good idea that they used Antarctica. simply for the fact we have no clue what was there before it was a big block of ice. so using it as a premise for a complete psycho fest is pretty cool.Aazealh said:Come on, it was a terrible idea... Predators in Antartica?
yeah.Aazealh said:Aren't they supposed to like hot-hot weather?
ok. now this is where the movie started to get retarded lol.Aazealh said:And the frozen enslaved Alien queen revived by electric impulsions...
your rightAazealh said:Let's not start commenting about all of the movie's bad points, because otherwise we won't be finished by the time 256 comes out
sad to say but your really right.Aazealh said:suffice to say that they managed to make both badass creatures look lame.
ranemaka13 said:Not to mention that really strange sexual tension and the buddy-movie quality.
Herald of Yama said:Part of the problem with AvP stems from the fact that all of us know what the Alien and Predator look like.
DarthVenom said:i think it would have made it a bit more enjoyable to watch since its supposed to be a action suspense thriller (which it was not)
DarthVenom said:but it made up a completely fictitious ancient civilisation that could have been the first civilisation. it was a pretty good idea that they used Antarctica. simply for the fact we have no clue what was there before it was a big block of ice.
Aazealh said:And the frozen enslaved Alien queen revived by electric impulsions...
Denial said:I agree that AVP should have probably been set in the time of Aliens. My biggest complaint with that sort of thing is that inevitably the Predator technology basically doesn't advance. Obviously it's important to keep the character of the Predators the same, but 200-400(?) years without significant technological advancement on the part of Predators is a little hard for me to swallow.
xechnao said:Predator technology isn't theirs. They were predators on a planet where another race (yet unknown) landed and predators took on them. The technology they are using is the one of that race.
xechnao said:AVP was about those aliens so if you find the electric pulse a bad idea, then, I guess you just haven't paid much attention in the "aliens" fiction.
xechnao said:Predator technology isn't theirs. They were predators on a planet where another race (yet unknown) landed and predators took on them. The technology they are using is the one of that race.
Denial said:Another thing that bugged me was the fixation on the Predator shoulder cannons, to the extent of making Predators look weak without them.
Denial said:Well, I've considered that possibility. On the one hand, Predators don't exactly strike me as the type to be scientific or industrious. On the other hand, I find it rather unlikely that Predators have been hunting humans for hundreds/thousands of years using technology they don't even understand.
Aazealh said:Great, xechnao as the devil's advocate!
Oh yeah? Please remind me when in Aliens (1986 movie) do we see the frozen queen getting revived by electric impulsions?
We were talking about the original movies here xech, not about fan fiction. The same applies to your previous comment. Otherwise we might just directly move on to Alien vs Predator vs Terminator, my favorite book.