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They have a lot of obstacles to overcome and many barriers to break down in order to make this one good.  Just as long as Anderson or that moron Uwe Bole don't touch it all should be good.

Or, one could hope.
Being a huge fan of AVP BEFORE the movie....i was supremely let down, dissapointed and disturbed at what i saw on the screen. Paul Anderson is my personal Satan...AVP had soooo muh potential...HOPEFULLY, but doubtfully AVP2 will make up for AVP....but lets get real....it wont happen....I hope Anderson is personally overseeing a crane shot and has an accident and falls to his death.....WHAT?!?! DONT JUDGE ME!!!!! >:(
Proj2501 said:
Being a huge fan of AVP BEFORE the movie....i was supremely let down, dissapointed and disturbed at what i saw on the screen.

Same, only I knew the movie would suck before I saw it. They kept the project on the shelves for like 10 years, only to finally give it to Anderson. Way to go, Fox. Anyway, I'm really not positive about that one either.
dwarfkicker said:
They have a lot of obstacles to overcome and many barriers to break down in order to make this one good.  Just as long as Anderson or that moron Uwe Bole don't touch it all should be good.

Or, one could hope.

Nothing can stop this movie from sucking. It's already been fortold.
You just can't make a good Alien (I mean the series) movie anymore. From Alien to AVP it all has gone downhill, aliens just aren't scary anymore. All thanks to computer animation. It's probably the same for Predator movies but I only saw them in AVP. That's why I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be that good regardless of who's behind it unless they go back to their roots.
i know I'm going to go and see it. i guess its just for my love of Alien and Predator. i was really pissed off when the made AVP >:( i love the comics and the games. but the movie, i mean come on man i didn't even go and see it in the theatre.
i have a quick question

why was this movie rated pg-13? i mean if I'm wrong and all of the other movies were rated G or PG than i wouldn't have an argument. but both of these charters were created as highly violent aliens not happy go lucky kind of guys that killed with the least amount of violence possible. i mean i know AVP1 was kinda violent but compared to and of they're predecessors (Alien 1-4 & Predator 1&2). it was a sad attempt. it should have been rated R and should have had a way move violent story line. i mean i have to admit i really enjoyed some of the story such as it taking place in an ancient pyramid in Antarctica. it was a good idea that went terribly wrong.

dwarfkicker said:
I have faith that it can't be any worse than the first movie.
i really hope your right
Void Swordsman said:
You just can't make a good Alien (I mean the series) movie anymore. From Alien to AVP it all has gone downhill, aliens just aren't scary anymore. All thanks to computer animation. It's probably the same for Predator movies but I only saw them in AVP. That's why I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be that good regardless of who's behind it unless they go back to their roots.

Well, the AvP setting is simple, it only works with a specific vision of the Aliens, the one in Aliens (by Cameron). You've got to have the Aliens depicted as deadly, but most importantly overwhelming in number. That's because the Predator(s) is designed in a way that makes it the ultimate warrior. Huge physical strength and abilities, and a vastly superior technology. So where the Alien lose in scariness, it gains in recklessness and a feeling of ineluctable assimilation of their environment. You kill a hundred, and twice the number comes out, stuff like that. Then you add a bunch of the-best-of-the-best space marines lost in the middle and trying to survive, all of that somewhere in space and in the future.

With that kind of scenario you can make anything, but of course it'll never be a thriller movie, just an action packed SF visual-fest. Now of course, instead of following the expected course of actions, they had the bright idea to have the movie play on Earth, present time, with a bunch of losers as protagonists.

DarthVenom said:
but both of these charters were created as highly violent aliens not happy go lucky kind of guys that killed with the least amount of violence possible. i mean i know AVP1 was kinda violent but compared to and of they're predecessors (Alien 1-4 & Predator 1&2). it was a sad attempt. it should have been rated R and should have had a way move violent story line.

I really don't think the "violence" is what makes these movies good or not... Had there been gallons of blood flowing in AvP, it would have sucked all the same.

DarthVenom said:
i mean i have to admit i really enjoyed some of the story such as it taking place in an ancient pyramid in Antarctica. it was a good idea that went terribly wrong.

Come on, it was a terrible idea... Predators in Antartica? Aren't they supposed to like hot-hot weather? And the frozen enslaved Alien queen revived by electric impulsions... Let's not start commenting about all of the movie's bad points, because otherwise we won't be finished by the time 256 comes out, suffice to say that they managed to make both badass creatures look lame.
Part of the problem with AvP stems from the fact that all of us know what the Alien and Predator look like. The original film for both franchises held off on showing what was doing the killing for as long as possible. A suspense film is carried by ascending and descending levels of fear throughout the picture; a horror film, by contrast, should have a consistent level of dread, punctuated by moments of disgust and abhorrence. Since neither the Alien nor the Predator represent an unknown, our fear is somewhat lessened: after all, we know its a movie, we know what the monster is, we know its methods and motivations, where's the dread in that? Other than than the Predator's hairstyle... ;D
Still no excuse for it to suck so much.

We all know what a shark looks like, but Jaws remained incredibly suspenseful for almost the entirety of the picture.
Not to mention Michael Myers. The first Halloween was great and we knew exactly what he looked like.
So, no, I don't think that's where the flaw lies. Trying to make excuse for shit is where the problem is.
I do think they shyed away from gore/violence to get the younger audience in....but in the end it hurt the film even more...i wanted to see chest bursters tearin outta people like the old days... i wanted to see the predator rip some spines out...again...like the old days....im startin to get the feelin...the old days had the right idea...they showed what they had to/wanted....and if it got the R then so be it....the films would stand out as bold and Aliens and Predator movies had a huge following behind them because they were bold and showed what people went to see, blood and violence...i do think the series offer more than just gore and violence tho ;)...,and i think CGI is takin some of the believabilty away from horror movies...pesonallu i enjoyed the man in suit. animatronic creatures...for some reason i can believe the Queen in Aliens more than an rampaging CGI Alien queen in AVP....however that for ME was the ONLY enjoyable sequence in the film...and what about the Alien/Predator hybrid....yea that could have brought the film to an entirely different level...a golden opportunity saved only for a lame ass cliffhanger.... AVP....moreover, Paul Anderson can lick my balls!!!! Thanks for ruinin one of my favorite series ASSHOLE!!!!!
Aazealh said:
I really don't think the "violence" is what makes these movies good or not... Had there been gallons of blood flowing in AvP, it would have sucked all the same.
i think it would have made it a bit more enjoyable to watch since its supposed to be a action suspense thriller (which it was not)
Aazealh said:
Come on, it was a terrible idea... Predators in Antartica?
but it made up a completely fictitious ancient civilisation that could have been the first civilisation. it was a pretty good idea that they used Antarctica. simply for the fact we have no clue what was there before it was a big block of ice. so using it as a premise for a complete psycho fest is pretty cool.
Aazealh said:
Aren't they supposed to like hot-hot weather?
Aazealh said:
And the frozen enslaved Alien queen revived by electric impulsions...
ok. now this is where the movie started to get retarded lol.
Aazealh said:
Let's not start commenting about all of the movie's bad points, because otherwise we won't be finished by the time 256 comes out
your right
Aazealh said:
suffice to say that they managed to make both badass creatures look lame.
sad to say but your really right.

ok i guess one of the only things i can say is that im really going to hope that its better than the first. maybe they learned from they're mistakes and are making a better film.
ranemaka13 said:
Not to mention that really strange sexual tension and the buddy-movie quality.

Yeah, or the way the lame characters were mimicking the characters in both Predator 1/2 and Alien 2/3. Except instead of the mountain girl yelling in Spanish that el diablo came to take him, you have some retarded nerd saying he wants a pizza in Italian or something along those lines. Great. Really, I could point out a flaw in every scene.

Herald of Yama said:
Part of the problem with AvP stems from the fact that all of us know what the Alien and Predator look like.

We knew what the Aliens looked like in Aliens, and it was still good. I agree with Ranemaka13 here. There's also the fact that nothing happens in the first hour of the movie. And it doesn't last 2 hours.

DarthVenom said:
i think it would have made it a bit more enjoyable to watch since its supposed to be a action suspense thriller (which it was not)

Yeah, don't be mistaken, I'm not saying that chestbursting is lame or that there shouldn't be blood, just that the absence of gore didn't make the movie bad, it was just a bad movie without gore.

DarthVenom said:
but it made up a completely fictitious ancient civilisation that could have been the first civilisation. it was a pretty good idea that they used Antarctica. simply for the fact we have no clue what was there before it was a big block of ice.

Well, we more or less know what it was, scientists scan it constantly too, so... Anyway that's a matter of opinion.
Aazealh said:
And the frozen enslaved Alien queen revived by electric impulsions...

Well, this is the way it is supposed to be working in the "aliens" setting.  AVP was about those aliens so if you find the electric pulse a bad idea, then, I guess you just haven't paid much attention in the "aliens" fiction.
Anything different than this would have just alienated the fans.
I agree that AVP should have probably been set in the time of Aliens. My biggest complaint with that sort of thing is that inevitably the Predator technology basically doesn't advance. Obviously it's important to keep the character of the Predators the same, but 200-400(?) years without significant technological advancement on the part of Predators is a little hard for me to swallow. Another thing that bugged me was the fixation on the Predator shoulder cannons, to the extent of making Predators look weak without them.

Obviously though, the biggest problem with the film is making an action flick with the first hour nothing but snooze-worthy talking by a bunch of humans that exist only to die. "I don't go on climbs without everyone being prepared." What the hell, rock-climber woman, can't walk down a 25 degree incline without training? Yawn.
Denial said:
I agree that AVP should have probably been set in the time of Aliens. My biggest complaint with that sort of thing is that inevitably the Predator technology basically doesn't advance. Obviously it's important to keep the character of the Predators the same, but 200-400(?) years without significant technological advancement on the part of Predators is a little hard for me to swallow.

Predator technology isn't theirs. They were predators on a planet where another race (yet unknown) landed and predators took on them. The technology they are using is the one of that race.
xechnao said:
Predator technology isn't theirs. They were predators on a planet where another race (yet unknown) landed and predators took on them. The technology they are using is the one of that race.

Well, I've considered that possibility. On the one hand, Predators don't exactly strike me as the type to be scientific or industrious. On the other hand, I find it rather unlikely that Predators have been hunting humans for hundreds/thousands of years using technology they don't even understand. Lets not get into the logistics of the number of Predators that die and the amount of wasted equipment that means. (Wouldn't they want to salvage the equipment, instead of letting off a nuke, the number of which must also be limited, and destroying the precious alien technology?)
After all, I'm sure the equipment they're using (masks, cloaking, etc) didn't come pre-configured for them (ie, the mask fitting the Predator skulls), so there's at least a large amount of modification going on. After all, glaives, spears, nets? What other race is going to be making those sorts of weapons except a very tribal, hunter-oriented culture? Even if the basis behind those weapons is alien technology, it doesn't really strike me as a trivial task to, say, incorporate a heat-seeking-guidance/propulsion system into a glaive. It's probably impossible to do that without understanding the technology pretty well.
Great, xechnao as the devil's advocate!

xechnao said:
AVP was about those aliens so if you find the electric pulse a bad idea, then, I guess you just haven't paid much attention in the "aliens" fiction.

Oh yeah? Please remind me when in Aliens (1986 movie) do we see the frozen queen getting revived by electric impulsions?

xechnao said:
Predator technology isn't theirs. They were predators on a planet where another race (yet unknown) landed and predators took on them. The technology they are using is the one of that race.

We were talking about the original movies here xech, not about fan fiction. The same applies to your previous comment. Otherwise we might just directly move on to Alien vs Predator vs Terminator, my favorite book.

Denial said:
Another thing that bugged me was the fixation on the Predator shoulder cannons, to the extent of making Predators look weak without them.

Yeah, barely stronger than a man really, actually the protagonist girl kicks more ass than them.

Denial said:
Well, I've considered that possibility. On the one hand, Predators don't exactly strike me as the type to be scientific or industrious. On the other hand, I find it rather unlikely that Predators have been hunting humans for hundreds/thousands of years using technology they don't even understand.

Yeah, they supposedly just hunt for sport. People going on safaris don't look very scientific to me. ;) Plus they travel into space at super-high speed or something like that, so... Add that to the rest of what you said.
Aazealh said:
Great, xechnao as the devil's advocate!

Oh yeah? Please remind me when in Aliens (1986 movie) do we see the frozen queen getting revived by electric impulsions?

We were talking about the original movies here xech, not about fan fiction. The same applies to your previous comment. Otherwise we might just directly move on to Alien vs Predator vs Terminator, my favorite book.

What I am talking about is not fan fiction, but the official fiction. And that would be the "alien" series fiction I am talking about, not the AVP nor the AVPVT ones. Get a clue about the series before answering back.
Anyway it's true that it wasn't hinted in the very first movie but it was hinted in the second ("aliens"). Later, officially they explained how xenomorphs and their metabolism works. As far as adult aliens go, it is true, they are activated(vived) through electomagnetic fields. Your house cables when you turn on the lights could revive an alien big time, figure out what happened in the pyramid.
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