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Herald of Yama said:
Part of the problem with AvP stems from the fact that all of us know what the Alien and Predator look like. The original film for both franchises held off on showing what was doing the killing for as long as possible. A suspense film is carried by ascending and descending levels of fear throughout the picture; a horror film, by contrast, should have a consistent level of dread, punctuated by moments of disgust and abhorrence. Since neither the Alien nor the Predator represent an unknown, our fear is somewhat lessened: after all, we know its a movie, we know what the monster is, we know its methods and motivations, where's the dread in that? Other than than the Predator's hairstyle... ;D

THANK YOU!!! That is what I tried to say, and that is why these movies suck now!!!!
Xech's adamant insistence about his fanfiction-factbook saved the thread, for me 8) .
Walter said:
Xech's adamant insistence about his fanfiction-factbook saved the thread, for me  8) .

But I think I said it ain't FANfiction what I am talking about but the real, official fiction thing that sells and uses the copywrite. Perhaps there is a misunderstanding: the way I use the word fiction is not limited to fan-made stuff but includes the original, copywrited, trademarked material of out-of-reality (see science-fiction) works. The star wars universe fiction stands for the official novels, guides, films, a-figures etchetera.

Besides, for U that haven't read anything else that explains on aliens and electric impulses (official and not fan-made intended) the final movie obviously hints that what I am saying has some basis.

PS: the following books have much info encyclopedically collected about lots of stuff (and yes they are official):
ALIENS (leading edge pub)
ALIENS Colonial Marines Technical Manual (I think it's the same publisher but could be wrong)
Note: they could be out of print
Just for those ill-informed, what Xechnao is telling us is that the Star Wars LEGOs are just as legitimate as the official Star Wars. They have Lucas' official seal of approval, and he considers whatever LEGO decides portray, as officially canon.

Me? I'll watch the movies. But please, by all means, buy all possible franchise of your favorite series.
xechnao said:
Anyway it's true that it wasn't hinted in the very first movie but it was hinted in the second ("aliens").

What scene please?

xechnao said:
As far as adult aliens go, it is true, they are activated(vived) through electomagnetic fields.

There's nothing about an electromagnetic field in AvP though, just the Alien queen frying on the electric chair, kind of like monkeys on electric cables. I bet they would have used lava coming out of an underground volcano if they had got a big enough CGI budget. ::)

xechnao said:
PS: the following books have much info encyclopedically collected about lots of stuff (and yes they are official):
ALIENS (leading edge pub)
ALIENS Colonial Marines Technical Manual (I think it's the same publisher but could be wrong)
Note: they could be out of print

Well, it doesn't say so in my Survival Manual for the Alien versus Predator game on Jaguar, and that's the official Alien versus Predator franchise, now are these books officially from the Alien versus Predator franchise specifically, or are they just part of the "Aliens" franchise? ;D
Throw in some Griffith no more comments and some of my funny pictures (atleast I think they are amusing) and this thread will be complete.
Walter said:
Just for those ill-informed, what Xechnao is telling us is that the Star Wars LEGOs are just as legitimate as the official Star Wars. They have Lucas' official seal of approval, and he considers whatever LEGO decides portray, as officially canon.

Me? I'll watch the movies.  But please, by all means, buy all possible franchise of your favorite series.

Yeah but the LEGO example is a stretching sucker that beats to the ground everything. Those books, are very informative on the movies. They are not novels though, encyclopedic stuff. Something like middle-earth guides for Tolkien's novels for example.

Aazealh said:
What scene please?

There's nothing about an electromagnetic field in AvP though, just the Alien queen frying on the electric chair, kind of like monkeys on electric cables. I bet they would have used lava coming out of an underground volcano if they had got a big enough CGI budget. ::)

Well, it doesn't say so in my Survival Manual for the Alien versus Predator game on Jaguar, and that's the official Alien versus Predator franchise, now are these books officially from the Alien versus Predator franchise specifically, or are they just part of the "Aliens" franchise? ;D

In the first scene marines enter the Hive but if I recall correctly there has also been some hints when they were discussing with Ripley before (though not totally sure about that). It comes to mind something about power generators in a scene and something said in a scene later that links to it but really I can't remember very well. I'ld have to rewatch the movie. I have the Dvd, I'ld have to rewatch this.

About the electromagnetic field don't think about it as getting stuff fly but as a battery recharger. Aliens use them to drain energy or something so that they can get to move. And when I am talking about electromagnetic fields I mean fields that are created around cables and resistances where electric current passes and stuff. For a much better explanation check out those books, especially Aliens.

Those books are about the "aliens" franchise and where released before AvP was conceived I think but I am guessing that in AvP aliens follow the norm of the "aliens" franchise.
When I saw that in the AvP film I wasn't surprised.
SaiyajinNoOuji said:
Throw in some Griffith no more comments and some of my funny pictures (atleast I think they are amusing) and this thread will be complete.

Yeah, well it hasn't completely degenerated yet, but it's on the edge. ;D

xechnao said:
In the first scene marines enter the Hive but if I recall correctly there has also been some hints when they were discussing with Ripley before (though not totally sure about that).

I don't remember that. Also, in Aliens, we first see see a family going to explore a strange spaceship, and when they come back, the husband has a facehugger French kissing him. After that the colony is infested, and when the marines check it out later, they get into the Hive and find a guy glued to the wall and assist to a chestbursting (then they get attacked and flee/die). Their boss previously tells them that they can't use their big guns because of the generator nearby, if that's what you're referring to, but there's no mention of it having any incidence on the Xenomorphs as far as I can remember.

xechnao said:
It comes to mind something about power generators in a scene and something said in a scene later that links to it but really I can't remember very well. I'ld have to rewatch the movie. I have the Dvd, I'ld have to rewatch this.

Well, it would be kind of you to do so, really. :)
Aazealh said:
I don't remember that. Also, in Aliens, we first see see a family going to explore a strange spaceship, and when they come back, the husband has a facehugger French kissing him. After that the colony is infested, and when the marines check it out later, they get into the Hive and find a guy glued to the wall and assist to a chestbursting (then they get attacked and flee/die). Their boss previously tells them that they can't use their big guns because of the generator nearby, if that's what you're referring to, but there's no mention of it having any incidence on the Xenomorphs as far as I can remember.

Well, it would be kind of you to do so, really. :)

Hopefully. But no promise :)
xechnao said:
Those books, are very informative on the movies. They are not novels though, encyclopedic stuff.
I think I'll add a new section to the encyclopedia: "New Berserk Facts". It'll be encyclopedic in nature, not a novel; a guide to the series. Now... i just have to think of what facts I want to create...
Walter said:
I think I'll add a new section to the encyclopedia: "New Berserk Facts".  It'll be encyclopedic in nature, not a novel; a guide to the series.  Now... i just have to think of what facts I want to create...

If Kentaro Miura authorized this then you could quote me.
Rather than start another thread for it, I'd like to hijack this one for a few minutes to discuss 'Horror Movies in Antarctica': AvP-awful use of the place, most of the time they were in that pyramid deep below the earth's surface. The Thing(1979 remake)-also, alot of time was spent inside the research facilities, but it was hard to mistake the place for an equatorian ruin. Frankly, if any more horror movies set in Antarctica get produced in the next five years, the one at the top of the list should be At the Mountains of Madness
Anarctica was such a poor location for this movie. I can understand keeping the rest of the world issolated from the events that happened there. But AVP should have taken place on either a Space Station or a remote planet and it should have involved the freakin marines.
dwarfkicker said:
Anarctica was such a poor location for this movie.  I can understand keeping the rest of the world issolated from the events that happened there.  But AVP should have taken place on either a Space Station or a remote planet and it should have involved the freakin marines.
Quoted for truth!
Herald of Yama said:
Frankly, if any more horror movies set in Antarctica get produced in the next five years, the one at the top of the list should be At the Mountains of Madness


dwarfkicker said:
AVP should have taken place on either a Space Station or a remote planet and it should have involved the freakin marines.

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