Better Call Saul

Walter said:
Seems like that never happened?

I guess it never did. In fact, I wonder how much you'd really miss if you skipped season two altogether and watched the current season directly. There were some really good moments in season two but, in terms of development, I'm not sure the characters are really that far from where they were at the end of season one (or at the beginning of the show, for that matter).

I just went back and re-read posts related to the second season and it seems to me that Griffith and others were already feeling about the show the way I'm feeling about it now; I guess it just took longer for me to reach my breaking point. :sad:
m said:
I just went back and re-read posts related to the second season and it seems to me that Griffith and others were already feeling about the show the way I'm feeling about it now; I guess it just took longer for me to reach my breaking point. :sad:

Breaking bad, AKA the attempt at breaking Saul's backstory. Three years and they still haven't figured it out except to immediately realize they don't like Saul so they created a more sympathetic but ultimately sleepy version of him. I wouldn't even know how to describe the story to someone to convince them to watch (one man's malaise, incremental progress and setbacks?). I can't believe this is by the same guys that did some of the most entertaining TV ever; it's like they completely abandoned that instinct for showmanship to do something more grouded, but we're well past the point if diminished returns there. Blow some shit up already, literally or figuretively. The best moment of the show is still Chuck's reveal in episode 9 of season 1 and then they didn't pay it off (I assume they are now, finally?).
Gobolatula said:
I feel like the whole show is phoning it in. I'm very close to losing my patience with Better Call Saul.

Sounds like somebody really should call Saul at this point. :troll:
Walter said:
Sounds like somebody really should call Saul at this point. :troll:

Seriously, that joke keeps becoming more and more relevant it's like SCREAMING at me now. BETTER FUCKING CALL SAUL! CALL FUCKING SAUL ALREADY YOU SONS O' BITCHES!!
The last episode was actually great. It was 100% of what I enjoy about this show: legal drama and Jimmy's trickery.
Gobolatula said:
The last episode was actually great. It was 100% of what I enjoy about this show: legal drama and Jimmy's trickery.

It was good indeed. And I thought it also tied to the revelation that Griffith mentioned in a previous comment (unless I got confused about the revelation :iva:). Let's hope the second half of the season is more like this episode rather than the first four. Though I have to say that I did like "Sabrosito" (even though the Spanish in this show, and Breaking Bad for that matter, is cringe worthy).
NightCrawler said:
Definitely the best episode in a long while.

I'm not sure I agree. I enjoyed the episode, but I didn't think it was much better than the previous ones. I guess in the end it probably doesn't matter that I didn't think it was much better, because what I did think was that, to me, it was a must-watch episode for three reasons:
1) I really like him, though I can't say I'm looking forward to learning what's going to happen to him, because it probably won't be good (as already hinted by this episode). 2) Gus' field trip (as they would frequently say in Fargo season 2, OK, then). 3) It's all good, man. Perhaps this is the moment where they finally start getting somewhere with the show? I guess we'll see.
m said:
I'm not sure I agree. I enjoyed the episode, but I didn't think it was much better than the previous ones. I guess in the end it probably doesn't matter that I didn't think it was much better, because what I did think was that, to me, it was a must-watch episode for three reasons:
1) I really like him, though I can't say I'm looking forward to learning what's going to happen to him, because it probably won't be good (as already hinted by this episode). 2) Gus' field trip (as they would frequently say in Fargo season 2, OK, then). 3) It's all good, man. Perhaps this is the moment where they finally start getting somewhere with the show? I guess we'll see.

I was talking about episode 5. Episode 6 (the one you mentioned) aired a day after my post.
I loved the ending of this episode as well as Kim's
thousand yard stare at dinner
that woman at the meeting telling Mike how much her husband's unknown fate destroyed her, the same situation Mike's loved ones find themselves in after Walter kills him
NightCrawler said:
I was talking about episode 5. Episode 6 (the one you mentioned) aired a day after my post.

:isidro: :farnese:

I just watched episode 8 and looks like maybe things are finally moving forward after all. Is it weird that I'm more interested in Nacho, Kim and Mike than I am in Jimmy at the moment?
I just watched the season finale and I found it underwhelming; it didn't feel like a season finale at all. I will continue watching but I can't say I'm really looking forward to the next season.