Breaking Bad


Staff member

I've been rewatching Breaking Bad before season 4 starts. One of my favorite shows, primarily because of the main character.
Walter said:
I've been rewatching Breaking Bad before season 4 starts. One of my favorite shows, primarily because of the main character.

I'm watching Breaking Bad too, though it's my first time. I don't know why it took me so long to give it a shot. It's one of my favorite shows as well. :serpico:
I just downloaded the last episode of last season of "Breaking bad", since I didn't get to see it when it came out. It was announce that they'll have a sneak peak of "The WAlking dead" next season when "Breaking Bad" returns Sunday.
Th3Branded0ne said:
I just downloaded the last episode of last season of "Breaking bad", since I didn't get to see it when it came out. It was announce that they'll have a sneak peak of "The WAlking dead" next season when "Breaking Bad" returns Sunday.
Saw the season premiere.

Gus came out and sliced the dude's throat
, I started shaking. I thought I was having a panic attack for a second. The whole scene was done really well.
Walt just yammering on while Gus walked in, silent the entire time...
Very tense and eerie. The thing about Breaking Bad for me is that it puts me in such a fucked up mood.

Gobolatula said:
Saw the season premiere.

Gus came out and sliced the dude's throat
, I started shaking. I thought I was having a panic attack for a second. The whole scene was done really well.
Walt just yammering on while Gus walked in, silent the entire time...
Very tense and eerie. The thing about Breaking Bad for me is that it puts me in such a fucked up mood.


Yeah, it was pretty intense. But that dude had it coming since he was seen on Gayle's apartment. And as Jesse said, they are on the same page now.
Those Lab note will com in handy, later on I think.
Good episode.
Gotta agree about Breaking Bad guys, jesus that was some intense shit. Then that ending... I'm glad to have to wait a week between episodes now instead of marathoning! :judo:
Dar Klink said:
Gotta agree about Breaking Bad guys, jesus that was some intense shit. Then that ending... I'm glad to have to wait a week between episodes now instead of marathoning! :judo:
You see the preview?
Dar Klink said:
Oh thanks for the heads-up, just watched it on
Hahaha holy shit, don't tell me that LoGH image has become a meme. That's something I captured myself back in like, 2002, and me and Griff used it as a joke for years.

As for Breaking Bad, yeah what can I say? Gus isn't fucking around.
*Spoiler discussion*
The one thing I didn't quite get was what Jessie was implying in the diner scene between he and Walt. That they're both on the same page in terms of ... what, being murderers? Is that all he meant? Because Walt, ya know... that's sort of an old hat for him, and a new one for Jessie. The way he was acting like it was no big deal in that scene makes me think he's going to have a break down this season... Kid is the least reliable employee -- ever. I have such little sympathy for his character. It seemed like he was getting his shit together in Season 3 and then, yeah, nahhh BITCH.
Walter said:
Hahaha holy shit, don't tell me that LoGH image has become a meme. That's something I captured myself back in like, 2002, and me and Griff used it as a joke for years.
Sad to say it hasn't really, you showed it to me like a year ago or so. Sadly(haha) those fansubs have been replaced with better dvd rips and are hopefully soon going to be replaced by BD rips(somebody paid the ~2000 USD to buy and rip them!)
Walter said:
As for Breaking Bad, yeah what can I say? Gus isn't fucking around.
*Spoiler discussion*
The one thing I didn't quite get was what Jessie was implying in the diner scene between he and Walt. That they're both on the same page in terms of ... what, being murderers? Is that all he meant? Because Walt, ya know... that's sort of an old hat for him, and a new one for Jessie. The way he was acting like it was no big deal in that scene makes me think he's going to have a break down this season... Kid is the least reliable employee -- ever. I have such little sympathy for his character. It seemed like he was getting his shit together in Season 3 and then, yeah, nahhh BITCH.
I think what Jessie was implying was that they are all on the page of "Don't fuck with Gus, he'll kill you or make you wish you were dead" or maybe more like "We're dead men walking right now"
As for how you feel about him...
I kinda agree although I found it hard to sympathize with Walt at first, he kinda throws the blame to others and tries to bypass consequences with a "Yeah yeah I know it was bad of me to do it... but can we just move on already?!" The ease with which he lied got to me too. Somehow in the end though I ended up being able to sympathize with him though, even minus the whole cancer thing.
Dar Klink said:
I think what Jessie was implying was that they are all on the page of "Don't fuck with Gus, he'll kill you or make you wish you were dead" or maybe more like "We're dead men walking right now"
Ah, yeah. Sure, I got that part. It was the fiercest method of intimidation, and it was extremely effective. Worked on the audience too, instilling a sense of dread for the rest of their career together.

As for how you feel about (Jesse)...
I kinda agree although I found it hard to sympathize with Walt at first, he kinda throws the blame to others and tries to bypass consequences with a "Yeah yeah I know it was bad of me to do it... but can we just move on already?!" The ease with which he lied got to me too. Somehow in the end though I ended up being able to sympathize with him though, even minus the whole cancer thing.
Maybe it says something about me, but I have no problems sympathizing with Walt at all.
Just before this season started, I read a few articles online saying that the character has long since gone beyond sympathy, and I was surprised to hear it. He's such a human character, I don't see how anyone couldn't sympathize with him on some level. He hasn't lost sight of why he's doing all of this. He still wants to be with his family, but right now knows that his wife isn't budging. And with his job now gone due to his absent-mindedness since dipping into the criminal world, what's he left to do but plunge in headfirst himself and try to swim alongside the other monsters. Sure, it's taken him down a dark path, but I can relate to his reasoning on all his decisions, both good and bad. He can be both frightening and intensely vulnerable in the same scene, because of how close to the edge he's playing this criminal game.

All this said, I do look forward to seeing how much further down the rabbit hole he goes, and if he can maintain that bit of sympathy I have for him by the season's end.

Also, Kenny Rogers.
Seeing Hank
the way he was was incredibly depressing.
To me, he's one of the few guys I root for. He may have been a bit douchey, but really he's been on the side of doing the "right thing" all along. Though in season 3 he clearly
lost his shit. When he was walking up to beat the shit out of Jesse, I was thinking "NO DON'T DO IT HANK!!" But really, how could he have not been that mad?
Gobolatula said:
Seeing Hank...
Oh, I love Hank. Easily my second-favorite character on the show. I love every scene he's in. He always provides the biggest laughs, whether they're at his expense or not. What a cool guy :guts:
But yeah, this season looks like it's going to be a downer for him. That being said, the minerals subplot of his just shows how obsessive he is. As soon as that trail comes back, he's going to become absorbed again, and I imagine that'll be the key to his recovery.
Walter said:
That being said, the
minerals subplot of his just shows how obsessive he is. As soon as that trail comes back, he's going to become absorbed again, and I imagine that'll be the key to his recovery.
A few people on Something Awful suggested he might be
trying "crystal healing"...
Which, I dunno, seems silly.
Gobolatula said:
A few people on Something Awful suggested he might be
trying "crystal healing"...
Which, I dunno, seems silly.
Hank? Haha, no fucking way, dude. Pretty sure it's just a mundane hobby. Something to obsess over, just like he did with the Heisenberg case. Only now, he can't really do much, stuck in bed. So he's "bidding on a new mineral." :ganishka:
Saw last night's episode of Breaking Bad: It was passive most of the episode
I know Walt is on high alert after what happened in the last episode. All that gun training was futile,but it goes to show he needs another method to kill. Which I prefer the way he did it when he had the RV and use chemicals instead of a gun. I don't know if by season's end Hanks's wife will still be there. The car wash scene was alittle downer,I thought Walt's wife was going to react differently. Jesse's partying just goes to show how alone he really is.
Last night's ZOMBIE TALK, I was floored by the attention to detail there :ganishka:

Th3Branded0ne said:
Saw last night's episode of Breaking Bad: It was passive most of the episode
I dunno about passive, I thought it was full of tension until after Walt got _that phone call_.

All that gun training was futile,but it goes to show he needs another method to kill.
I don't think he'll ditch the gun just because he can't get to Gus yet. I liked the tension of Walt with a gun, and I think it worked on screen. I'd be disappointed if they ditched it.

Scariest part of the episode -- Gus knows Walt wants to kill him.

Jesse's partying just goes to show how alone he really is.
Nah, it's not simply that he's alone. If that were the problem, he would have just stayed with his girlfriend. But that's too real for him. He just wants the party to keep going so he can continue to drown out his feelings of remorse over having to kill Gail.
Things got really
ugly at the party house in the new episode. It seriously went from kinda fun but a little scary to full-on dirty and creepy. Junkies, man...

After this episode, I really like Skyler a lot more (not that I hated her to begin with).
She's got some potential in this crime biz. Marie on the other hand is just UGGGHHHGHHHH. Do not like her. Sure, Hank was treating her like trash, but still. She's so annoyingly childish. I dislike crazy women like this.
It really sucks, because I thought
Marie was "over" the whole stealing thing, and I was getting used to her just being a really nice and supportive lady. Hank really should have treated her a little better, though. It seemed like she was the only person he was disrespecting.
Walter said:
Best episode of the season.

Glad to hear that. Damn Eastern Standard Time. I still have 2 hours before I see it. :mozgus:

UPDATE: It was great!. :beast: that on is for Mike. This time the radiation talk wasn't that funny though.
All that choreographed lying by Skyler was a bit too much for me. Walt's expression of "Oh shit" when he saw his fellow chemist on tv and all that talk with Hank, sure made the mood just great to see. So, is Walt going to save Jesse's ass again, or finally after pulling the trigger now, he can have some more assertiveness in him. Liked the preview as well.
doesn't look like he's in a good spot right now. Plus, the preview after the credits and commercials... Ooh fuck.

Mike is such a great character.
I really wonder what he's really gonna do with Jesse. This episode was the first time we've seen Gus since he sliced Victor's throat. He's all calm and like his usual self, which always creeps me the fuck out. He's gotta be feeling the pressure, though. He's slowly being closed in on by the cartel. What will Walt do to save Jesse? Will he go on a 1-man strike? No more meth until Jesse's brought back? We don't know what Gus told Mike to do. WHAT IF Mike lets him go? Just gives him a "don't ever come back?" I still think that Mike is looking out for Walt in his own strange way.
Regarding Jesse, there was an interview with Jonathan Banks, the guy who plays Mike, that shed a little light on what to expect in the coming episodes:

Q: So what’s in store for Mike this season?
A: I can say this: Jesse [played by Aaron Paul] and I are gonna end up spending a lot of time with each other. That I can tell you, but not much more.

Full interview is here:
Walter said:
Regarding Jesse, there was an interview with Jonathan Banks, the guy who plays Mike, that shed a little light on what to expect in the coming episodes:

Q: So what’s in store for Mike this season?
A: I can say this: Jesse [played by Aaron Paul] and I are gonna end up spending a lot of time with each other. That I can tell you, but not much more.

Full interview is here:

Even that little is alot of info.
Th3Branded0ne said:
Even that little is alot of info.
I just hope whatever scenario Mike is cooking up for Jesse breaks him out of his funk. Kid needs to wake up. He's been on my nerves all season.