Cowboy Bebop Live-Action


Staff member
Casting has been named. Source: Variety


The “Cowboy Bebop” live-action series at Netflix has found the lion’s share of its main cast, Variety has learned.

John Cho, Mustafa Shakir, Daniella Pineda, and Alex Hassell have all been cast in lead roles in the series, which is based on the anime series of the same name.
I have low expectations, especially since we all know how these live action anime adaptations turn out. But seeing how Alita turned out, I remain sceptical. Until I see a trailer I can't shoot this down.
True, I'm always watching adaptations (any adaptations actually but especially anime/manga) with low expectations really. They usually fail to capture the soul of the original material because the oversimplify the plot (Ghost in the shell anybody). Also have you heard, Akira is getting a live action remake :mozgus:
Ugh. Who is this for?!

People that get excited about moderate casting diversity from what I've seen. The idea of the thing on twitter is more important than the thing.

True, I'm always watching adaptations (any adaptations actually but especially anime/manga) with low expectations really. They usually fail to capture the soul of the original material

I don't even think that's a consideration anymore given how much and how fast all available IP must be churned out. Just make a reasonable facsimile, good or bad, of whatever it is you're purportedly doing and move on to the next thing, just as your consumers will. That's why we're definitely getting an Akira adaptation now, not because they think they can finally do it right, but because it just doesn't matter anymore.
People that get excited about moderate casting diversity from what I've seen. The idea of the thing on twitter is more important than the thing.

I don't even think that's a consideration anymore given how much and how fast all available IP must be churned out. Just make a reasonable facsimile, good or bad, of whatever it is you're purportedly doing and move on to the next thing, just as your consumers will. That's why we're definitely getting an Akira adaptation now, not because they think they can finally do it right, but because it just doesn't matter anymore.
Yes I completely see your point here. Fingers crossed and maybe this will be a good adaptation.
Eh. It's both completely unnecessary and at the same time probably one of the easiest anime series to remake as live action without completely butchering it and still have it somewhat marketable to western audiences (which is the yardstick they are always aiming for with these).

After seeing Alita, I feel like being able to be cautiously optimistic. Then again, I can always ignore it altogether so whatever.
Glad I don't have a Netflix account, 'cause I would cancel it right here and now otherwise.

Ugh. Who is this for?!
You know how Cowboy Bebop is often described as an anime for people who don't like like anime? Well, it would appear some hack took that to heart.
True, I'm always watching adaptations (any adaptations actually but especially anime/manga) with low expectations really. They usually fail to capture the soul of the original material because the oversimplify the plot (Ghost in the shell anybody). Also have you heard, Akira is getting a live action remake :mozgus:

I've heard, I'm anxious and curious about how and where that goes. Because If done well Akira COULD work if it was handled by the right people, But in this day and age that's almost hard to find, So I'm on the fence about that until concept art, a trailer and the cast is announced.
I didn't have a very visceral reaction to the casting. Like Griff said, making this is a no-brainer business move by Netflix. They're checking boxes for their audience. Will it be worthwhile? That's beside the point. Will it look flashy in the menu for a few months and generate talk in certain nerd circles? Yes, and mission accomplished. :badbone:
I want this to be good. I really do.

I don't think it can be. The series is so much more than just the storytelling. It's the voice acting (I'm referring to the Japanese cast, although I've heard good things about the English dub), animation and music along with the great writing. Unless they have Seatbelts doing the soundtrack and the same writing staff, it will be Cowboy Bebop in name only.

But also, why does this need to exist again?

It doesn't. :void:
I don't know I feel like these things are just throwaways and will almost certainly not be good in a traditional since. but as long as its not super serious and gritty ill enjoy it.