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With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
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Thanks for posting the link, Ger! I am definitely going to be picking these up.

Also, 215 arrived...

[hide]I was sure that when Musashi struck we'd see the continuation of Chapter 180.. but it seems Musashi forgot to draw his sword.[/hide]

Still, the newest chapters are great. No Vagabond until October though, maybe around the same time Volume 24 and 『 WATER | SUMI 』 come out.
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I wish Miura would do "previews" like this so I could see his scribbled out lines. Musashi sure looks suprised by something that Mr. Meanface is saying.

Maybe if I insult the editors at Viz I can get someone from there to post and tell me why no stores in my area have volume 22, yet they have 23.
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Awesome. I updated my post without even tampering with it! :troll:

Vagabond 216 was nice. Musashi finally figured out that Denshiro will not be able to harm him, but it does not make it any less interesting. I can't remember Yoshikawa's Musashi that well, but [hide]doesn't Musashi eventually kill the child shown at the end of chapter 216? Something about the Yoshioka clans next heir.... *memory is a giant fuzz* [/hide] Edited by Walter: URIEL IS KING OF SPOILERS. And the anwer to your question is yes.

My local Borders doesn't have Volume 23, yet. I'll be looking out for it though... lord knows this is my favourite volume cover yet:

  • pd6114.jpg

Simply beautiful. Good job, once again, Viz!
Current Episodes Thread

Uriel said:
Awesome. I updated my post without even tampering with it! :troll:

Vagabond 216 was nice. Musashi finally figured out that Denshiro will not be able to harm him, but it does not make it any less interesting. I can't remember Yoshikawa's Musashi that well, but [hide]doesn't Musashi eventually kill the child shown at the end of chapter 216? Something about the Yoshioka clans next heir.... *memory is a giant fuzz*[/hide]

My local Borders doesn't have Volume 23, yet. I'll be looking out for it though... lord knows this is my favourite volume cover yet:

Simply beautiful. Good job, once again, Viz!
[hide]If its the part where the try to jump him at the monestary, then yes, he does kill the child (next in line for the clan type thing). [/hide] Edited by walter: HIDE YOUR SPOILERS GODDAMNIT
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Vagabond chapter 217 has arrived!:

[hide] Remember me mentioning if we'd see the events of Chapter 180 a few entries ago? Well, it happened! Only the ending is slightly different. Denshiro managed to grab a hold of Musashi with his handless arm this time, instead of falling to the floor like in Volume 21. I guess that will happen later on though... I'm quite sad, but I knew it was going to happen sooner of later. The question is, what will happen next? *dun-dun-dun*[/hide]
A bloody good chapter! Two double-page spreads here, chaps. The last one will probably end up on my desktop within the next 24 hours or so. Once again, Inoue delivered excellent artwork and well-placed emotional content. Next weeks chapter should prove interesting.

I can't believe I lasted as long as I did without Vagabond every week. Dark times....

P.S. I am sorry about the spoilers, guys! Humble apologies.
Current Episodes Thread

Uriel said:
Vagabond chapter 217 has arrived!:

regarding its contents, s'bout friggin time. Jeez, took forever to get to this point. However I can't say I was bored.
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[hide] It didn't end necessarily differently. The jump cuts in Vol 21 leave room for Den grabbing Musashi, ultimately to be shrugged off (I guess...), which still leaves room for Musashi to relive his grand, two page spread that intrinsically says: "You lose."

Good to see Yoshioka Kempo finally. That was a very cool moment, and gave some emotional weight to Denshichiro's previously pathetic final words.[/hide]
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Aye, that's basically what I said :Þ

  • Walter said:
    [hide]Good to see Yoshioka Kempo finally. That was a very cool moment, and gave some emotional weight to Denshichiro's previously pathetic final words.[/hide]​

Yeah, he was a cool looking guy. I didn't even notice him at first!!

P.S. My Borders called me to tell me that my copy was in earlier. I just got it and I couldn't be happier right now. They also had six copies of Volume 22. Griff no More, you should get your store to put them in for a transfer to yours.
Current Episodes Thread

Uriel said:
Griff no More, you should get your store to put them in for a transfer to yours.

I'm in no rush, if it doesn't show up at borders, I'll just get it from Amazon the next time I do an order.

Anyway, screw the damn spoilers, if you don't read Vagabond, stay the hell out of this thread. :chomp:

Well, Den seems pretty thrilled that he's got Musashi in this position, and Musashi's sword is pressed sideways. So, maybe Den can at least get in some kind of symbolic or even token gesture that will add a different dimension to Musashi's tranquil post-duel expression.

P.S. I'm surprised we've gotten this far so soon, honestly. I still have to believe that we're in for a volume of Den home movie flashbacks, at least. And then we can see the fight from different angles, and then a retrospective of Den's from the perspectives of the other characters, and Ueda can show up and say a few words, and... :carcus:
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But ok. I was just answering a question that was about the book =(
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Yeah, it's kind of stupid for every post in here to have spoiler boxes. Anyway, tranny's out there, and it's just as we expected. Den should use his "Final Attack" Materia with "Revive" to...

Oh, sorry, had sort of a flashback there myself. =)


Sketches updated, almost looks like they're in reverse order, though I can never read these things anyway. I'll take a wild guess and say that Den kills Musashi!
Current Episodes Thread

Yeah, order looks reversed to me too, after staring at that mess for full minute. Looks like Musashi shoves Den forward with his shoulder, causing Den to show that NOOOOO face on the first page.

As for that jumble on the right of the "first" page, my prediction is that it's Mr. Mxyzptlk from the fifth dimension.
Current Episodes Thread

Well, that was a depressing episode. Nothing surprising happened... but, still, depressing as all hell. Beautifully done, though. To have a lot of important characters together in one place made it all the greater. ( I'm content, if you couldn't tell ) I am really looking forward to seeing if Kojiro and Musashi will clash in the future. Also, I'm curious to see what events from this period Inoue will take from the book. I doubt he will follow it that strictly, but if he takes some of them... things are just getting warmed up.

Edit: The Rurouni Kenshin OVA soundtrack might be the best music to listen to whilst reading Vagabond.
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definitely a satisfying ending to this Tarentino-esque part of the narrative (see the future, then work your way back through the events that led up to it).

Good stuff. Wonder what will happen next :)
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I didn't think it was depressing at all. It was uplifting to see Den make some reDENption for himself, ( :carcus:) after being so full of himself earlier. A great ending to the duel.

And I think with Ueda back in the Yoshioka, he'll definitely organize an ambush at the spreading pines. And it's going to be awesome :guts:

Of course, the timeline is different from the novel. Musashi told Konoe he was leaving town after the duel. So, we'll see how that pans out.
Current Episodes Thread

Walter said:
I didn't think it was depressing at all. It was uplifting to see Den make some reDENption for himself, after being so full of himself earlier. A great ending to the duel.

I'm over it now, but I was still depressed to see him go, even if I knew it was going to happen. But you're right about it being uplifting.. it was a really nice way to wrap things up. Also, the panel at the end with Ueda was also a good way to ending to the chapter.
Current Episodes Thread

I didn't think it was depressing either; made my night, anyway.

Walter said:
It was uplifting to see Den make some reDENption for himself, ( :carcus:) after being so full of himself earlier. A great ending to the duel.

Well, turned out it was actually the final conDENtion, afterall. Vain and stubborn to a fault, to the end. At least he had the sense to set up a Ryohei Life Insurance policy. =)

Well, in 219 things started moving along faster than expected. Almost jarringly.

I wonder if Inoue is going to skip the boy altogether, as it looks as though he's bypassed the official challenge (unless they're all going out to say "Hi!" =).

We'll have to wait, in any case, Inoue is taking a break for a couple of weeks until the 22nd. Now is your chance to strike back, Miura! :miura:
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Seriously, Inoue's skipping the Slacker Musashi period altogether. This next dispute with the Yoshioka just may coincidentally end up at the spreading pine. THAT would be pretty speedy indeed.
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Walter said:
How about that 224 and the "Takuan ex Machina"? :carcus:

I think the real Dues Ex Machina was that BS for Ueda's sake, before Takuan showed up. =)
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Sorry to double post, but...

THE NEW CHAPTER is out!! -- and it's definitely not sluggish to kick things off :guts: I'm so happy Vagabond is back.