Episode 352


Staff member

Series resumes Dec 22.

Attached text reads: キャスカの記憶の欠片つなぐ旅いよいよ最後欠片が...?! (roughly translating to finding Casca's final memory piece.)

Source: 2ch, which also indicates a color page (or color cover) will be included.
Neat, I guessed the date right. :ubik:

Just gotta wait a little while longer but I’ll have the second half of Pygmalio to read in the mean time.
I don't know what's worse for the wait ; knowing when it's coming or not knowing and have it as a surprise?! :serpico:

Either way, this one is gonna be a mind blaster I'm sure.

Thx for the heads up Walter.

Soon the time for discussions will resume. :guts:
Damn this forum should be on fire at this point. Do we truly realize that Casca's problem is about to reach an answer? Isn't this December going to be the most magical one of the last few years? I've waited years for this. I can feel the faith grow within me once again and the hype is fucking real
Merry Berserkmas everybody!
DarkAdin said:
Damn this forum should be on fire at this point. Do we truly realize that Casca's problem is about to reach an answer? Isn't this December going to be the most magical one of the last few years? I've waited years for this. I can feel the faith grow within me once again and the hype is fucking real

Well that's because most of us have already had that conversation back in June or so. I don't expect 352 to be the last episode in the dream world, either. The final memory fragment is that barbed thing we saw on the last page of 351, so they'll have to get past its defenses and then endure Casca's most painful memory. And THEN whatever happens once they've assembled all of the fragments.

RaffoBaffo said:
The Preview of the Next YA is officially out:

Nice, thanks Raffo.

Someone pointed out a trend for the recent hiatuses. The past 3 have been exactly 26 weeks long. That's the most predictable Berserk has been in years.

Here's the full release list that I maintain on SKnet: http://skullknight.net/images/eps.htm
It's just around the corner...

I doubt we're gonna see Casca healed without some type of final mental resistance that goes on for a few episodes. That said, it's an opportunity for Miura to get really creative with representing the trauma Griffith left on her. I'm expecting heartbreak and nightmare fuel.