Haha, well, dangit! I will count myself among the folks who were REALLY hoping for more Guts and Casca before switching back to Falconia, but if we were gonna go back, this was a really cool scenario for it. It was almost as if Miura was saying, "Sorry everyone, but here are some badass fight scenes to tide you over in the meantime!"
I can't even be disappointed. The giants are all so distinct and interesting-looking, and watching them getting destroyed by apostles is a real treat. We even get some time with Mule, Raban and Sonia! I missed that crew.
Not to get too ahead of myself, but it's looking to me like we'll get another several episodes with Griffith and co, which will lead to a possible short "skip" after the disastrous reunion between Guts and Casca. That leads me to wonder, are the events we're watching take place in this episode concurrent with the events in Elfhelm, or is Miura possibly going to pull a little narrative trick with that? I wonder!