Walter said:It's a bad translation. This came up recently, and two of our Japanese speaking users went back and forth on it before both concluded that Dark Horse is yet again full of shit.
Holy fuck. That's embarrassingly bad translation. I mean the episodes take on almost a completely different
You can see why newbies get mislead so easy, I'm glad you got me up to speed but damn I just wasted everyone's time with that wall of text haha.
I made a late edit, would like your thoughts on the modified theory if it really makes a difference at all. Probably not.
Back to the ridiculous Sonia speculation, I guess.
*extremely late edit*
Due to me crawling out from beneath the rock I've been living under and getting a solid translation of that part of the series, I give up on the infighting between the god hand concept (for now ). But I am still truly fascinated by the idea of interaction between Griffith and his demonic counterparts, what ever that entails. Griffith suddenly deciding these certain bad guys don't need to die and they can continue eating humans at their leisure would be quite unsettling for the Falconians, would it not?
What I really want to see is the look in Sonia's eyes when she sees her beautiful icon transform into Femto and do something truly unspeakable. Is Sonia really about that life? And if she's not, what is she going to do about it? I can't wait to find out!