Have watched the full anime... Have questions :)


"Shit! He saw me!"
Hi ppl

First of all, this is the first time I got into this site and it's nice to see that's a lot of Berserk fans.

I've seen the anime series. I hated how it ended. You see... Gatts losing his arma, Griffith turned in God-hand... Never known what happened to Richert or even Caska.

Many guys told me that Berserk's story continues with the Manga Series. I take a look at volume 1(if I'm not wrong) and it was about Gatts with that backsmiter, Gondo. What I would like to know are the manga volumes I "need" to see to continue to follow the story. If you could tell me that it would be great.

One more thing.... Has the Berserk Manga finished production or is still in works? Thanks for your time, and please reply if you can help :)
Re: Have watched the full anime... Have questions

Welcome, the volumes you need to see are 1-3 and 13-21.  The manga series is still in production and a new chapter is released every two weeks (usually, Miura does need a break every once in a while).  You can see scans of the newest chapters here with translations (so I've heard ;D) as they are released.

If you have anymore questions be sure to check out the FAQ, there’s a lot you can learn from it.

Re: Have watched the full anime... Have questions

i'd say read'em all -- the manga is better than the anime

it's a near-absolute rule ;D
Re: Have watched the full anime... Have questions

The manga is certainly the best way to learn the whole story usually when a manga is made in to an anime it loses alot of the story and is changed alot.
Re: Have watched the full anime... Have questions

Gatts-san you should read my FAQ, and especially the summaries Section, Section III. It has summaries of each volume starting after the anime (volume 13). But I do suggest you

1) buy the manga
2) read through it (or look through)
3) ask questions on the board, we're glad to help.

Thats how 90% of the people on this board learned Berserk (me included)
Re: Have watched the full anime... Have questions

could i have the scanned volume 21 with translations please?

at least a detailed summary...please? ;)
Re: Have watched the full anime... Have questions

To be perfectly, not only do I need the volume 21... I DESIRE IT and am ready to sacrifice my friends to god hand in order to get it. Free brand anyone, just like Gatsu? :D :D
well, needless to say I am grateful with any act of kindness which regards one of the most important things in the world, berserk..
and I DID have sex before this statement (not minutes before, but generally before) ;D
Re: Have watched the full anime... Have questions

To be perfectly, not only do I need the volume 21... I DESIRE IT and am ready to sacrifice my friends to god hand in order to get it.

How about sacrificing money, then?  ;)
Re: Have watched the full anime... Have questions

how much and to whom?
I'm perfectly fine with that.
State the price, and I would be more than glad to reward you with the desired amount.
Re: Have watched the full anime... Have questions

cuz I was joking...
ever heard of it?
don't be weird man :D