Leonard Nimoy dies at 83


Leonard Nimoy, the sonorous, gaunt-faced actor who won a worshipful global following as Mr. Spock, the resolutely logical human-alien first officer of the Starship Enterprise in the television and movie juggernaut “Star Trek,” died on Friday morning at his home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles. He was 83.

His wife, Susan Bay Nimoy, confirmed his death, saying the cause was end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Mr. Nimoy announced that he had the disease last year, attributing it to years of smoking, a habit he had given up three decades earlier. He had been hospitalized earlier in the week.

RIP Spock.
Aazealh said:
Yes, a sad day indeed. May he rest in peace.

Do not grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many... outweigh...

The needs of the few.

...Or the one. I never took the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution? I have been... and always shall be... your friend. Live long and prosper.


I'm not really sad about him passing like this though. He wasn't especially young or taken by some tragic accident or foul play (Phil Hartman, Jesus, still...), so live long and prosper for eternity, Mr. Nimoy!