Movies to look forward to

Docu from the director of American History X:

Lake of Fire

I'm generally not interested in documentaries, this seems to be one of the very few exceptions.

And then there's Francis Ford Coppola's new movie:

Youth Without Youth

It's also getting incredibly positive reviews. Coppola himself said he felt more or less "reinvigorated." While making this film, he felt like he did when he first got out of film school.
That will always pique my interest.
Scorpio said:
It's called hope. :carcus:

Griffith No More! said:
Yeah, I sure hope it doesn't suck then. =)

Yeah, no shit, that's probably why I used the exact word in the very last post of the thread before yours. But as the old saying goes, shit in one hand, hope in the other; which one fills up first? Hope, faith, whatever, it just sounds more like biased delusion to me. =)

Anyway, my point was that great movies aren't common or easy for that matter; no matter the talent involved, it's a rare and delicate thing with intangibles that go even beyond the creators' control. That's why I don't get people jumping all over any movie of promise and basically acting like it's the best movie ever before they've seen it. I don't even think I'm being more cynical than reasonable here, on the contrary, I'm very idealistic about the idea of a great film, I think it's a pretty special thing, and you can't count on it.
Scorpio said:
It's called hope. :carcus:
But "hope is a dangerous thing." Remember Brooks Hatlan? :guts:

Seriously though, pre-release banter is the prime reason my movie-viewing experience has been tarnished in the last 5 years.
I dont go off basely claims when I anticpate a movie, Ive got several people, reviewers, websites, etc. that often get early views of movies or pre production stuff and when they're very positive about a film that's coming out, I get hyped for it. Doesnt always turn out but if I never took the risk of anticpating something, then things would be rather boring. Its not just the final outcome of something, its everything leading up to it.
I agree with everyone. =)

Certainly, a great movie is never a promise, even by the director involved.

But there's still this incredibly electric excitement and anticipation when I hear word of their next film. Same with music, really.

I don't base my enthusiasm off the advanced word of critics, but I'm not going to say that I ignore it, either. I read them, and they only feed my excitement. They are not the source.

Then there are other articles to read about a film that are not reviews. Those help, too.
I saw American Gangster last night. Pretty good. Definitely the best crime/drama movie I've seen in many years. It's got a pretty classic formula, but it's been done before, albeit worse than this. Because of that, it didn't really blow me away.
Walter said:
I saw American Gangster last night. Pretty good. Definitely the best crime/drama movie I've seen in many years. It's got a pretty classic formula, but it's been done before, albeit worse than this. Because of that, it didn't really blow me away.

I saw it Friday night and loved it. Best film I've seen all year. My money's on Best Picture and Best Director nominations.
I also checked out American Gangster and thought it was pretty good. Like Wally said classic crime movie formula but it was executed well. I really enjoyed the music, and the end of the movie was very good.

Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:

New Rambo trailer!

Yes! This is my most anticipated movie and early nomination for best picture!
I can't wait for those. THe Coen bros. and PT Anderson are some of the best filmmakers of today. AVP2
now this is a guilty pleasure. it's got its own I know but this looks cool. plus todd sweeny ..i mean sweeny todd, rated R tim burton movie, havn't had one since sleepy hollow.
I might actually watch this Rambo...

Altering the subject a wee bit -- I gotta admit, I cannot wait to see my country's greatest literary artifact turned over and royally fucked in the arse by Hollywood. Anthony Hopkins and 3D-Used-to-be-Hot Angelina Jolie aside, it's going be a huge "meh" fest.
Uriel said:
Altering the subject a wee bit -- I gotta admit, I cannot wait to see my country's greatest literary artifact turned over and royally fucked in the arse by Hollywood. Anthony Hopkins and 3D-Used-to-be-Hot Angelina Jolie aside, it's going be a huge "meh" fest.

That movie was sounding like a giant heap of meh so I'm not very suprised. Also I never really thought Angelina was that hot to begin with.
From what Im hearing Beowulf is a decent action flick and probably one of the best movies to ever be shown in 3D. Im going into it looking for an over the top entertaining movie.
Well since this is still the thread were movies were looking forward to are going. Heres a few that will be interesting.
New Clash of the Titans (ROFL) - Travis Beacham, 2010.
Also that year, Jacksons on board for the The Hobbit and its Sequel in 2011

Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the Crystal Skull May 2008
closest thing to a trailer i could find

Looks fun. Actually I think its already been released just not in north america.

Bond 22 Sequel to Casino Royale Sorry no Trailer out yet.. or atleast I couldnt find it.
and Of coarse
Rambo in January of 2008 Which just about everyones seen the trailer for.

And I don't know if this one is confirmed yet but OMG they might make a remake of "The day the Earth Stood Still"
heres a trailer for the original

I don't know If I should be angry that they can't make up new things and have to do remakes which are most often shitty or if I should be Happy that the Old Classics are going back in the spotlight.
Corrections, additions, comments and insight are welcome.
New Clash of the Titans (ROFL) - Travis Beacham, 2010.
Also that year, Jacksons on board for the The Hobbit and its Sequel in 2011

Can't wait for these. CofTitans was one of my favorit childhood movies.

And I don't know if this one is confirmed yet but OMG they might make a remake of "The day the Earth Stood Still"

its confirmed, and its ganna be shit. The original is one of my favorit "films". Keanu Reeves? OMG this is gay.
Yea I couldn't believe what I was reading. We studied the day... in my film class and I really loved the darn movie after that. But now I guess since Steven Spielberg made War of the Worlds a hit again they figure they should remake this one too. Totally sucks though. I really truly deep down hate Keanu now. I thought there might be some hope for him, but no deffly not.

Also a more recent realease to look forward to, P.T. Anderson's There Will Be Blood. Did anyone catch No Country for Old Men btw.
Oburi said:
Did anyone catch No Country for Old Men btw.

I've seen it twice and loved every minute of it. I ended up enjoying it more the 2nd time around, as there were several things I missed the 1st time I saw it.
Rhombaad said:
I've seen it twice and loved every minute of it. I ended up enjoying it more the 2nd time around, as there were several things I missed the 1st time I saw it.

That's what I need to do. I was SO very tired that day from work and the gym, not a good idea to see the movie at 10pm. Kept passing out halfway thro. Not because it was bad tho. I need to see again. :miura: