Movies to ???

The Wolverine comes out this weekend...

Anyone else really trepid about yet another Wolverine movie, especially after the last one? Not sure how I feel about this installment, but at least the CG looks better...kind of. I'll probably wait to rent it. Maybe.

Also, Silver Samurai is a robot? mechanized armor? What?
Not sure if I'll check it out in theaters or wait for it to come out on DVD. The first teaser/ trailer didn't seal the deal for me.

Knights of Badassdom - possible fun drunk movie, YES!

Spike Lee's Oldboy remake. ??? indeed. I'm already leaning towards no, but Brolin might just save the day.
Akebobo said:

Spike Lee's Oldboy remake. ??? indeed. I'm already leaning towards no, but Brolin might just save the day.
I'll ask what I always ask of remakes: What was wrong with the original?

Just watched the trailer. Looks pretty bad...
That looks pretty terrible. Brolin may be a good actor but Spike Lee sucks, in the end it's his vision -
Joe Chip said:
So Ben Affleck is the new Batman. What do you guys think about this choice ?

How could Ben Affleck bring to life an eccentric billionaire who retreats to waging vigilante justice in an expensive bat costume to cope with the anguish of his parents being murdered in front of him? What in his repertoire indicates a capacity to do that? Of all the movies I've seen him in, he has never impressed me with his acting performance.
Groovy Metal Fist said:

How could Ben Affleck bring to life an eccentric billionaire who retreats to waging vigilante justice in an expensive bat costume to cope with the anguish of his parents being murdered in front of him? What in his repertoire indicates a capacity to do that? Of all the movies I've seen him in, he has never impressed me with his acting performance.
C'mon it can't be that bad. I don't think that he is the perfect choice for this role, but IMO he could play a convincing Bruce Wayne.
Akebobo said:
Unpopular opinion time... It could work?
I wasn't moved in either direction on the Affleck choice. I think just about anybody that's halfway competent could pull off the role at this point. That being said, I have zero faith in the movie he's planned to be in.
Joe Chip said:
C'mon it can't be that bad. I don't think that he is the perfect choice for this role, but IMO he could play a convincing Bruce Wayne.

I don't actually hate him on camera, but I've never been impressed by his acting work. Is there a specific role in has past that you think shows he has the capacity to bring this character to life?

Either way, no one should get too worked up about this (despite that video I linked to :P). Hollywood has been endlessly fixated on comic book super hero movies this entire millennium, so people will probably get to hear the retold stories of Batman another 800 billion times by another 400 billion actors and directors.
Too early to tell, who'd have thought Keaton to be Batman anyway with his string of roles in Comedy and one or two critically acclaimed performances before landing the role. Fans love the first Batman and accept Keaton as Batman. I thought he was a bad Batman, the movie is cool. Back to Affleck, he's got the same thing going for him. His career's on a sort of up with Argo, The Town, To The Wonder. I'm neutral about his casting ... I think the issue for me is that I don't know what they'll do with the movie and what sort of character Ben Affleck's Batman is going to be. Maybe the script needs a guy like Affleck to be that version of Batman, who knows. With Snyder and Goyer, it's a mix bag. Gonna personally expect the worst so I can be surprised/ like the outcome.
Groovy Metal Fist said:
I don't actually hate him on camera, but I've never been impressed by his acting work. Is there a specific role in has past that you think shows he has the capacity to bring this character to life?
Not really, but keep in mind that this movie wont be centered around Batman/Bruce Wayne. He doesn't really have to play a difficult role. I doubt that they will dig deep (or at all) into Batman's past and his reasoning. Through out most of the movie he will be wearing his costume (if people really don't like him, there are some costumes that hide Batmans face =) ).
This pretty much hits it on the head. The totally hyperbolic outrage that is, not the casting:

Anyway, I don't think it's a great choice, not because of Affleck himself but the perception of him and how it's going to be, "Hey, it's Ben Affleck dressed as Batman." instead of, "Hey, it's Batman!" I know why Affleck went for it, but trying to be this kind of star is what got him in trouble in the first place (still, what a get coming off winning Best Picture, and if he pulls this off...). Like Walter said, it doesn't really matter who acts all stiff and angsty (Affleck is certainly qualified) as Batman. As for the Internet fan reaction... the Internet is full of morons with no sense of reality ("BRUCE CAMPBELL AS OLD BATMAN = PERFECT CASTING!"), and everyone bitches about Batman anyway. Bale was the Internet's choice (along with Crispin Glover as the Joker, remember that brilliant Internet casting?) and everyone still bitched about his voice, and some people don't even like Keaton, so at least now they can act pleasantly surprised when Affleck doesn't play Batman with his pants down around his ankles and a bucket on his foot. The bar is so low now, and he'll probably be so visually enhanced by Snydervision, that it's bound to be better than people think, and thanks to this media beating he's taking, when Batfleck is acting all unappreciated and world weary, the audience is going to buy it. =) So... best Batman EVER! :ganishka:
Joe Chip said:
Trailer for the new Spiderman movie is out. What do you guys think ?
The Amazing Spider-Man 2

I like the director, I like the actors (minus Harry Osborne kid), and I liked the first one....

Not enough villains

Most likely setting up a Sinister Six combo, so it's entirely possible to do right.

Not enough slo-mo

It works better for 3-D in fast moving scenes I think.


But why... why can't they just do the Green Goblin right. I would've loved to have seen THIS. All else will probably fail in my eyes because of it sadly.

And I don't think they're going for Ultimate Green Goblin or I think we would've gotten this:

Which, I mean, maybe we will? O_o
Deci said:
It works better for 3-D in fast moving scenes I think.

I was being sarcastic. Slow motion scenes in general or like the ones we saw in the trailer don't do anything for me. I'm guessing there will be more through the movie.