Paris Attack


With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew

So, this is scary: reportedly dozens dead and potentially more held hostage as explosions and gunfire hit Paris.

For ongoing updates:
Aazealh said:
It's still ongoing. Biggest attack on France since WW2.

Yeah, I'm just refreshing news sites looking for updates and some sort of answers. World War certainly comes to mind, unfortunately.
Given the earlier reports about the number of hostages and accounts of the attackers executing them it sounds like the worst is coming to be...
Thoughts and prayers to all involved and Paris itself. This is atrocious and sickening to me. I'd like to pretend this sort of evil doesn't go on and this chaos is a strong reminder to enjoy and cherish those around you.
Horrible shocking news. I don't have cable so relying on CNN and BBC online and that link Griff posted, images are disturbing and just at a loss of words right now. Glad you're safe Aaz and hope the French members on here are safe too.
My mom told me about this as soon as she came home from work. It felt quite sudden as these sorts of things always do. She thinks ISIS is behind it and then blamed the US. :/

It's quite a bold attack, imho. words to describe this;i don't live in paris but i'm french and what happened last night is really horrific, friday night match day(france-germany) bars full of supporters, a heavy metal concert in "Bataclan" a real slaughter there and for the first time suicide bombers(kamikazes).
For the moment 120 dead,200 injured with 80 critically...i heard US president words on this tragedy and from others too;their support are essentials to fight this plague that is the terrorism.
Thanks to all the members here for their support :guts:
As a U.S. service member I just want to express my condolences to the French members here. Whether or not people may have a good opinion of the U.S. or not, just want to say that we ARE here for you guys. I know personally that whenever one of our allies takes a hit that the guys I work with are itching to get out there again. Stay safe.
ixupi said:
As a U.S. service member I just want to express my condolences to the French members here. Whether or not people may have a good opinion of the U.S. or not, just want to say that we ARE here for you guys. I know personally that whenever one of our allies takes a hit that the guys I work with are itching to get out there again. Stay safe.

Thanks ixupi and thanks to all of you who've posted here.
And rest assured that the overwhelming majority of French people have a positive opinion of the USA, even if they don't always agree with every policy or action its government undertakes.
I am sure that what happened in Pairs is totally Cruel and against human kind those people committed this crime are not human.
My deepest condolences to the victims of this horrific and evil terrorist atrocity. I hope all the French members of and their families are safe. I just read that France declared a state of emergency, sealed off all the borders and imposed a curfew, which underscores the extreme severity of the situation in Paris. Not even during the worst days of the 1954-1962 Algerian War did the French government had to resort to all three of these emergency measures.
My deepest condolences to the victims and their families.

It has been a depressing week.
Terrorist Attacks on Paris, Lebanon and Baghdad. Additionally also an earthquake in Japan and a hurricane in Mexico.
And all of this happened around the same time, simply sad...
My heart goes out to all involved in these terrible attacks, those whose lives were taken and who have suffered injuries as well as those who have lost loved ones and will be dealing with the aftermath and grief. Strength to the people of France in the wake of these tragedies.
Unforgivable. Terrorism will never be the way for anything. My deepest condolences.
I also feel sorry for all those people who need to use terrorism on innocents as a vehicle for their arguments. Because all they're doing is living the life of true serial killers.
When I learned about this, I had to read twice. Above all ideals, we're human.
JMP said:
My heart goes out to all involved in these terrible attacks, those whose lives were taken and who have suffered injuries as well as those who have lost loved ones and will be dealing with the aftermath and grief. Strength to the people of France in the wake of these tragedies.

I second JMP. My thoughts are with the survivors and the loved ones of the victims who will have to spend the rest of their lives dealing with this tragedy.

I don't know if this is the appropriate thread for this, but I'd also like to say I'm very impressed with the French government's response so far. Hollande sounds like a real leader ("We are going to lead a war which will be pitiless" would make me run through a goddamn wall). And the government is already kicking ass and taking names. Granted my perspective is limited and from the outside, but the government's response fills me with confidence that those responsible for this tragedy will get what's coming to them.
I was on my break at work when I briefly saw the initial reports. I was floored when I came home and saw how high the numbers had jumped. It's truly disgusting. This senseless violence is horrifying, but I've been inspired by the outpouring of support I've seen from my friends, family, and my country. No one should have to endure this kind of tragedy. I hope all of our French members are safe (and continue to be).
My God, these terrorists have become so much more bold and violent. I was on vacation with a friend in Florida when this all went down and I was sick when I heard this because my dad is in France right now just out side of Paris.This freaked me out because all that happened and my heart goes out to every one who lost there loved ones and because I have a loved one who very close to the situation right now.