POLL: Vote for Your 2 Favorite Characters

Choose your two favorite characters in Berserk (PICK 2)

  • Guts

    Votes: 268 61.2%
  • Casca

    Votes: 52 11.9%
  • Griffith

    Votes: 81 18.5%
  • Skull Knight

    Votes: 74 16.9%
  • Zodd

    Votes: 30 6.8%
  • Judo

    Votes: 21 4.8%
  • Carcus

    Votes: 4 0.9%
  • Pippin

    Votes: 4 0.9%
  • Rickert

    Votes: 12 2.7%
  • Void

    Votes: 12 2.7%
  • Slan

    Votes: 5 1.1%
  • Conrad

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Ubik

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • Silat

    Votes: 9 2.1%
  • Godot

    Votes: 4 0.9%
  • Wyald

    Votes: 6 1.4%
  • Farnese

    Votes: 38 8.7%
  • Serpico

    Votes: 20 4.6%
  • Azan

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Isidro

    Votes: 6 1.4%
  • Schierke

    Votes: 46 10.5%
  • Sonia

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • Grunbeld

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Rakshas

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • Locus

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • Irvine

    Votes: 11 2.5%
  • Flora

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Ganishka

    Votes: 4 0.9%
  • Puck

    Votes: 21 4.8%

  • Total voters


Staff member
It's been a while since we made one of these character polls, and people's allegiances may have changed over time. We've also picked up a bunch of newer members since the last one. I imagine the #1 spot is pretty predictable (maybe not though?), but that #2 spot could go a number of ways, I think.

It's not an exhaustive list, for obvious reasons (is anyone going to choose Zepec for anything other than a joke?). I merely selected characters I felt could realistically be picked as favorites, but if there's someone you genuinely feel should be added, don't hesitate to nominate them, and I will add them to the list post-haste.

My two picks were :guts: and :badbone: .
I couldn't vote for Schierke twice. Dammit.

Schierke is awesome. She's smart as hell and can fuck things up with magic and it's great. She's probably Guts' closest friend at the moment, too.
I gotta go with Guts and Schierke. Together they form the unstopable tag team that will eventually bring down the reign of evil in the world. As much as I love my boy Silat and of course Skullknight, to me Schierke has such and important role that I can't help but want more and more of her. I could go for some special Schierke only episodes in fact :guts:

Edit- brofist Gobs.
I didn't forget about her. Schierke is just a very close third for me, right now. What can I say, I'm hungry for some :badbone: action.

Oburi said:
Schierke has such and important role that I can't help but want more and more of her. I could go for some special Schierke only episodes in fact :guts:
I think that's probably pretty likely given how she'll be perceived by others in Elfhelm.
As much as I'd like to go with an unexpected and/or confusing pick, I gotta go with the classic pair: Guts and Casca. I'm just so excited for Elfhelm, I can't think about anyone else these days! :casca:

Followed by Farnese and Schierke, a tie.
I went for Guts and Skully.

Skullknight because I'm very curious about him (came close to Void though in my choice)

and Guts because I really like how his character his build.
I voted Ganishka and Farnese, out of appreciation for the research Miura has done for the series. The references to the Hapsburgs/Holy Roman Empire and Mehmet the Conqueror/The Ottoman Empire are truly amazing, and I think they are just one more example of what sets Berserk apart from other manga. Usually when a manga/anime takes on a western historical setting I brace myself for something horrible, but I really think that what Miura has done is on par with Gaiman's Sandman work and totally bucks that trend. It really bums me out to not see the western comic scene embrace him to the exent that Berserk deserves, but hopefully that will change with time.

Also, Farnese is very under rated as a character, I think that as her magic using skills improve she will return to the forefront of the story. Everyone loves Serpico, but she deserves some appreciation. Also, why no choice of Magnifico!? :magni:
Well, I didn't vote with that kind of depth. Went with Guts and Zodd myself. I could have gone with SK and Void as well. Guts is the reason that I'm reading the series, and the other three have compelling mysteries about them.

Though I suppose all of the God Hand members and Griffith's apostle commanders are compelling.
Guts and Casca for me.

Pre-Eclipse Casca is the most realistic female character I've ever read. As for Guts...well...do I really need to explain why he's the best character in Berserk?
Wow, I'm really surprised by the lack of Griffith votes! Don't take this as a rallying cry for him, I'm just a little surprised since over the years, Griffith has regularly proven to be the second-most popular character. That's interesting!
Walter said:
Wow, I'm really surprised by the lack of Griffith votes! Don't take this as a rallying cry for him, I'm just a little surprised since over the years, Griffith has regularly proven to be the second-most popular character. That's interesting!

well we could only choose 2 after all and I wasn't going to dump my precious Guts or Skully for a traitor who sacrificed my favorite character. :serpico:
I'd vote for them all if I could, but having to choose, I'll have to go with the Skull Knight, who I'm obviously a pretty big fan of, and of course Guts, Our Hero™.
Walter said:
Wow, I'm really surprised by the lack of Griffith votes! Don't take this as a rallying cry for him, I'm just a little surprised since over the years, Griffith has regularly proven to be the second-most popular character. That's interesting!
Sorry, I don't vote for JERKS. :guts:
It was hard not to pick Guts, but I went for :zodd: and :badbone: . Guts is the main focus but to tell the truth I look forward to Zodd's final moments and Skully's past more than anything else in the manga. It was hard to pick still. I also really like Rakshas, he'd be a fourth choice after Guts I guess. Also, I feel like we're missing quite a few characters. Jill, Rosine, Luca, Isma, and Mozgus to name a few. I guess they're pretty minor, but HEY Judeau, Pippin, and crew are all dead losers! :troll: . Also no Roderick or :magni:
My first pick obviously goes to Guts. The second one was not as easy I had to choose between Skull Knight, Casca and Zodd. Chose Skull Knight in the end because at the momment he seems more interesting and well more badass. :badbone:

P.S. It's interesting how no one mentioned Puck :puck:, oh well.
I guess I make 3 for Griffith, and I'm not surprised by the low turnout for the Griffster. C'mon, you guys wouldn't sacrifice everyone here for your ultimate ambition? You'll never get anywhere in life with that attitude. :griffnotevil:

I suppose you all look down on Roy Neary for leaving his family to hang out with aliens too? :schierke:
tama chan said:
It's hard to pick two but I went with Guts and Griffith. :P

Now that's a man who recognizes the quality of a good antagonist! :ubik:

Now for Phase 2: knock down the other prominent favorites! Skull Knight definitely gets my vote as favorite potential character. He's so good now as half a revealed character that he's bound to be #1 once we actually find out what that character is. In summary, Skull Knight: best character ever!* :badbone:


P.S. If I'm not on the board or the podcast anymore after this post, it's not a coincidence! :magni:
Griffith said:
Now for Phase 2: knock down the other prominent favorites! Skull Knight definitely gets my vote as favorite potential character. He's so good now as half a revealed character that he's bound to be #1 once we actually find out what that character is. In summary, Skull Knight: best character ever!* :badbone:
I know this is partly in jest, but I don't think it's fair to imply that we're completely in the dark about his character. His character is actually the one thing we know the most about. The way he interacts with characters, namely Guts, Flora and Luca, tells us a lot about his personality--or what's left of it. He's a chivalrous, enigmatic, former conqueror who has dedicated the past 1,000 years of his existence to opposing the God Hand.

Of course, it'll be amazing to finally get to know his backstory, but he's already a pretty cool character. As you said, that'll just make him soar past Guts :badbone:

P.S. If I'm not on the board or the podcast anymore after this post, it's not a coincidence! :magni:
Oh, I've already prepared a suitable name for your account once you've been disposed of: TheBannedHawk :void: