

Aeons gone, vast, mad and deathless
This is my most anticipated movie of next year, so it deserves it's thread because i want to since it's Ridley Scott back to sci-fi (and the Alien universe, even though it's not related to those movies, so no prequel fears i hope) and the casting is fantastic: Guy Pearce, Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron, and my new favourite rising star, Michael Fassbender.

Here's some new shitty photos from the comic-con footage:

EDIT: and Giger is involved. I was hoping those sets wouldn't be imitations, but seems the man was working on it.

It seems the movie has finished shooting.
I love how in all those screens you see real sets, practical stuff and no hint of cgi. I just hope Ridley has one more masterpiece left in him.
YES! YES! And, thanks for the link with additional photos. I know they've officially released only 1 photo (below).


I thought the Comic-Con panel with Charlize was pretty hilarious. My expectations are bound to be high because A) I love Alien over Aliens B) It's Ridley's first Sci-Fi outing in over 20 years and his last too, if reports are true. Either way, the cast is darn good and the story-line, hinted or not seems plausible. Ridley's hinted at taking cue from Erich Von Daniken's Chariots Of The Gods, which hints at why the movie is called Prometheus (referencing
the ship).

I'd like to see this done mostly without CGI, especially sets and props. The Alien re-master on the Blu Ray box set is so perfect - that's what this movie should look like. Another thing that bothers me about prequels is the technology used. Star Wars showed technology way advanced in episodes 1 through 3 than in the sequels 4 through 6 which didn't make sense. I hope Prometheus doesn't fall under the same trap.
IncantatioN said:
Another thing that bothers me about prequels is the technology used. Star Wars showed technology way advanced in episodes 1 through 3 than in the sequels 4 through 6 which didn't make sense. I hope Prometheus doesn't fall under the same trap.

Even though it's not "officially" a prequel (and i sure hope it's not), you can see in those photos that the set design is very identical to Alien. Almost looks like footage straight out of that movie. I don't wanna get my expectations too high, but one thing's for sure, visually, Scott won't disappoint in the slightest.
Yea this is looking good. I want it to be amazing and so far it does look like it has potential to be the absolute masterpiece that Scott should make it to be, but I still must remain skeptical. I rarely enjoy Ridley Scotts films these days. If those images are any indication though the project seems to be on the right track.
How about he just makes the movie whatever it should be and doesn't worry about this PG-3D nonsense.
I don't really care for the rating. But the 3D worries me.
I just hope the studio doesn't royally fuck his movie like with Kingdom of Heaven.
Yea I think that's Scott's biggest problem these days, he has become such a studio director. After watching the making of Kingdom of Heaven I realized just how much he wants to keep the studio happy. I understand where he's coming from but if the film is going to suffer for it then fuck em. The directors cut of KOH is infinitely better than the studio cut, and I'm guessing it will be a similar situation here. 3D? PG13? I'm this movies biggest fan but comments like "I have a responsibility to my studio, but I always make sure we have both options. You’re crazy not to", for a movie with this much of a fanbase is too... Bayish? It's like cmon man your Ridley freakin Scott! You started the whole Alien saga! It's your baby!
Yeah, let's not forget that, in addition to the 3D bullshit and now this rating dance, this project is still the offshoot of some horrible Alien prequel 3D double feature exploitation fit for a grindhouse. This new turn only offers the hope of rebirth into something worthwhile, whereas it could just be another twist in the path of an epic clusterfuck (don't forget the messy production history of this guy's last stinker). So, beautiful as the imagery is thus far, I'll believe it's a revival when I see it. I'd be a lot more excited if this were truly being helmed by the director coming off Alien and Blade Runner back to back instead of the big name company man he became.
Update! Possible Spoilers!

On developing Prometheus with Ridley Scott, Damon Lindelof said: “Having done ‘Lost’ for six years, I felt this tremendous responsibility because I’m one of the visionaries behind the show, so there’s no safety net below you. When I got the call [from Ridley] I had this tremendous amount of relief and comfort that Ridley Scott is going to be the safety net. What ensued was a series of conversations where I was kind of interviewing Ridley to get a sense of the movie he wanted to make. Once I got a sense of that, then it was really about channeling that idea so that I was realizing his vision, as opposed to imposing my vision on it. That was my perspective. His perspective was more kind and generous in terms of ideas that I brought to the movie. But really everything I was coming up with was just a different spin on what he was saying to me.”

On Michael Fassbender’s role as an android: “He plays a robot. One of the things that evokes the idea of ‘Blade Runner‘ is, ‘What does the movie look like from the robot’s point of view?’ If you were to ask him, ‘What do you think about all of this? What’s going on? What do you think about these humans who are around you?,’ wouldn’t it be cool if we found a way for that robot to answer those questions. When you cast a guy like Fassbender, who’s going to bring a lot more to it than [makes clichéd robot movements] — that was me doing the robot, I don’t know if you could tell — it’s not Anthony Daniels. All due respect. He’s phenomenal. But C-P3O…”

On Charlize Theron’s role as an employee of a mysterious corporation: “Her character’s name is Meredith Vickers and she’s sort of a corporate entity. That’s another one of the familiar things from the ‘Alien’ movies — that there are corporate interests in play. I feel like Charlize brought a new spin on that old variation. It’s a remix …. I don’t think she’s slimy [like Paul Reiser's character in 'Aliens']. She’s not the fast-talking, snake-oil face of the company. By the way, ‘What company is she a face of?,’ I think is a big part of the fun. As we were developing the script, she had some really cool ideas that made it not the suit you’re used to.”

On the importance of an ensemble cast, carried over from the original Alien: “I think one of the really cool things about the first ‘Alien,’ if you watch it cold, Ripley is kind in the background like one of the crew members, and you’re like, ‘Skerrit’s [who played Captain Dallas] the hero of the movie,’ and he’s one of the first to go. And then you’re like, ‘It’s [the engineer played by] Harry Dean Stanton.’ And, no, he’s gone… and suddenly Sigourney Weaver, in the last 40 minutes of the movie, is the only one left alive. I think the idea of building a really cool ensemble and again presenting the audience with like, ‘Who’s going to be left standing at the end of this movie? Maybe all of them. Probably not,’ [that's] part of the fun of what we set out to do.”
I didn't read the spoilers, but I love how Lindelof refers to himself as a "visionary." On the bright side, it appears as if Ridley is more in control of the script than Damon (in typical Scott fashion), which could be a good thing.
The spoilers (which I don't know if they are good enough to be called that haha) talk about Fassbender's and Theron's roles in a very general way.

Guys, you think any news should be put in spoiler tags? I mean, if people click the topic they know it's some update on the movie anyway heh.
IncantatioN said:
Guys, you think any news should be put in spoiler tags? I mean, if people click the topic they know it's some update on the movie anyway heh.

Yes. Some of us may want to get updates on the movie without having the plot spoiled. Once the movie has been out for a while, I don't think spoilers are necessary.
Also, Patrick Wilson is in the cast as well. I enjoy him as an actor. He's been in Hard Candy, Little Children and of course played Night Owl in Watchmen.

This movie has such a great cast. It'd be a shame if it went to waste.
Promotion pics, too clean and some really bad photoshop.

Leaked buttcam trailer. Color me excited. Loved the fact that they used a remixed version of the original Alien trailer music.

Description -
NightCrawler said:
Promotion pics, too clean and some really bad photoshop.

Leaked buttcam trailer. Color me excited. Loved the fact that they used a remixed version of the original Alien trailer music.

Description -

trailer has been takin down :( :(
NightCrawler said:
Loved the fact that they used a remixed version of the original Alien trailer music.
Goosebumpworthy! I watched it again and again. I hope all the more that the movie doesn't disappoint because my hopes for it are higher than before.


BUMP - full page article picture -

Ugh, who wrote that article's hyphen-loving-intro-paragraph-self-parody? It's basically the worst case scenario for how people approach this, including Ridley Scott: a legacy act.

THE TERM 'EVENT MOVIE' gets thrown around a lot these days--

So, we're going to do it again.

usually in regard to movies that are pretty uneventful.

Don't apply that knowledge here though, this time it's different! (just like every time)

But when Ridley Scott's 3-D action epic Prometheus opens on June 8, 2012, it will be a capital-E-you-know-what.

Yeah, in every uneventful way described above, and confirmed by the proceeding sentence as constructed: BIG NAME! 3-D! TITLE! OPENING DATE! TAGLINE! Looks like a totally typical plug for this supposedly atypical event.

The 74-year-old

HOLY SHIT! :isidro:

Does any fact about this better say "uh oh?" Maybe the 3-D.

-thrice-Oscar-nominated director has made just two sci-fi filmsin his long career--1979's Alien (arguably one of the two most visionary films ever made in the genre) and 1982's Blade Runner (arguably the other)

Wow, I've heard that one before; are they talking about Prometheus, or Lulu? Also, it's hard to do, but they've actually managed to overrate Alien and Blade Runner, two of my favorite movies ever, for the purpose of over-hyping this supposedly non-"event movie" event movie. That's truly a disservice to everything involved, Scott, his old movies, and this new one. BTW, the 74-year-old-thrice-Oscar-losing director made those movies thirty years ago. That's more time than passed between George Lucas' stints directing Star Wars movies. Of course, Scott's much better and has been keeping in practice, but he's no more Ridley Scott the director of 1982 than Michael Jordan is the basketball player of 1982, it's just not as apparent from their respective milieus. Anyway, I don't mean to bash the movie itself, just the hype, because as someone hoping it will actually be respectable, this kind of all-too-familiar-hyphenated-hyperbole doesn't sit well.