
* PARADISE [5:05]

Uh, yeah, I'd say 15 minutes of what should have rightfully been the point of the movie could make it better. Jesus Christ, what were they thinking? On the other hand, considering some of dialogue and scenes that were left in, how bad is the stuff they cut? Hopefully the objective was to dumb it down to the max.

Walter said:
Longer doesn't mean better. It could make the movie more bloated.

That wasn't the movie's problem though, it was only two hours and probably should have been longer (like about 15 minutes =) if they were really trying to do something. 140 to 150 minutes is a perfectly fair length for a good movie. Then again, if you don't have a good movie anyway...
Griffith said:
That wasn't the movie's problem though, it was only two hours and probably should have been longer (like about 15 minutes =) if they were really trying to do something. 140 to 150 minutes is a perfectly fair length for a good movie. Then again, if you don't have a good movie anyway...
For any movie, or any genre, simply saying there is more footage isn't a guarantee of quality. It could all be shit, and cut for a reason. The fact that these deleted scenes aren't being integrated into a new cut for the movie is pretty much a signal for that anyway.
Walter said:
For any movie, or any genre, simply saying there is more footage isn't a guarantee of quality. It could all be shit, and cut for a reason

Of course, but the headings for the footage they cut sound better than what's in the movie (basically exactly what's missing) and add up to a significant amount of screen time. Maybe it's a bunch of even more underwhelming nothing, or what they came up with is even worse than the vagueness we got, but it's certainly curious.

Walter said:
The fact that these deleted scenes aren't being integrated into a new cut for the movie is pretty much a signal for that anyway.

It's pretty disappointing all around actually, signaling that the stuff is indeed that much worse, they think the movie is perfect as is, or they plan to double their money with a director's cut later. None of these scenarios is very appealing, obviously.
The thing about extended editions/Directors Cuts is that they are a slippery slope as they fall under 2 types.

Type 1 Is the "So-So Extension" a so (It could be better) or so (It could be worse) with the footage being reinserted.

Type 2 Is the "Directors Cut" where a great film is made even greater.
Walter said:
Which one has him talking throughout: "Then I killed the robot."

I believe if memory serves me well Walter that you are talking about "The Theatrical Print". As the theatrical print ends with Deckard and Rachel driving off in a car.
Walter said:
Which one has him talking throughout: "Then I killed the robot."

I don't remember the line, but the voice over occurred in the theatrical release. I didn't care for the narration, but I did like how it switched from industrial to a more natural setting.
NightCrawler said:
:isidro: What?

You're the first person i've heard to say that.

I always found the "Deckard as replicant" ending to be pretty lame, notably the unicorn dream sequence. Never felt very natural or logical to me. "He was one of them all along!" Really? :schierke: The movie doesn't need that kind of cheap twist. Rachel being one and Deckard falling for her is enough.
NightCrawler said:
:isidro: What?

You're the first person i've heard to say that.

Yeah, I know. I enjoyed the ambiguity of it, honestly. But that's when I was younger. Looking back now, I think Aaz has a point that the natural progression doesn't fit well with it. Out of all the cuts, the final one is my favorite.
Aazealh said:
I always found the "Deckard as replicant" ending to be pretty lame, notably the unicorn dream sequence. Never felt very natural or logical to me. "He was one of them all along!" Really? :schierke: The movie doesn't need that kind of cheap twist. Rachel being one and Deckard falling for her is enough.
Johnstantine said:
Yeah, I know. I enjoyed the ambiguity of it, honestly. But that's when I was younger. Looking back now, I think Aaz has a point that the natural progression doesn't fit well with it. Out of all the cuts, the final one is my favorite.

On that note, here's the 30th Anniversary Blu-ray cover:


So much for subtlety. :ganishka:

I've actually only ever seen the Director's Cut, which I quite enjoy (the ambiguity still works for me =), but I dream ofelectronic sheepone day owning one of these ridiculous Blu-rays with the five different versions of the film on it. As I've said, I'm quite the fan of that concept, I just wish I'd bought this edition when it had the cool Director's Cut cover instead of this shit. Though the Collector's Edition looks nice, it's almost as pricy as the out of print 25th Anniversary one and lacks its elegant simplicity. Also, if you haven't noticed, they're clearly running it into the ground with all the re-releases (I already count at least five versions of the five print format :azan:)
I've actually only ever seen the Director's Cut, which I quite enjoy (the ambiguity still works for me =), but I dream ofelectronic sheepone day owning one of these ridiculous Blu-rays with the five different versions of the film on it. As I've said, I'm quite the fan of that concept, I just wish I'd bought this edition when it had the cool Director's Cut cover instead of this shit. Though the Collector's Edition looks nice, it's almost as pricy as the out of print 25th Anniversary one and lacks its elegant simplicity. Also, if you haven't noticed, they're clearly running it into the ground with all the re-releases (I already count at least five versions of the five print format :azan:)

Ugh. I thought this whole 30th anniversary release was just a joke. Scott must be thinking, "Well, all of my current movies are shit. This one will definitely still make me some money!"

I swear Blade Runner gets as many releases and versions as Dragon Ball Z does.
I'm glad they cut those 15 or something minutes, it does little to the overall impact of the movie, in fact,
the Engineer
fight is so sloppy.

Overall, for a race who are highly intelligent and relate to smooth/ good sounds (aka the way they maneuver their ships), the Engineer's voice doesn't fit. But it could go either way and I can be completely wrong on it. Just thinking out aloud. Hmmmm.
IncantatioN said:
Overall, for a race who are highly intelligent and relate to smooth/ good sounds (aka the way they maneuver their ships), the Engineer's voice doesn't fit. But it could go either way and I can be completely wrong on it. Just thinking out aloud. Hmmmm.
I dunno, I thought his gutteral sound was pretty fitting for a race of beings who created race-destroying bioweapons.
IncantatioN said:
I'm glad they cut those 15 or something minutes, it does little to the overall impact of the movie, in fact,
the Engineer
fight is so sloppy.

I disagree. From the sound of it, those 15 minutes make the movie better as a whole.

Minus the whole idiot Vickers bring crushed to death. It's sad that it's the only scene that I really remember from the movie.
Vickers' death scene is pretty apt as far as I'm concerned. I've watched the 15 whatever minutes together but not as part of the movie's extended cut and until then, I'll stand my ground haha.
Some people did not enjoy this movie, I for one did. They wanted to go somewhere else with this one and I can appreciate that. Except for the ending which I guess was kind of the birth of the Alien but I thought it was a bit cheesy.

The movie reminded me a lot of the Annunaki, which I don't really know wether or not to believe in extra terrestrial lifeforms but I do feel like that had a huge influence on this movie. "They were here before us and created us."

Either way loved the movie, and love the Alien series.
I finally got to see this one myself. It was fun to watch and all but I would have liked it a lot more if it had tried to be kind of intelligent. As it was it never rose, script/plot wise, above your average slasher film. The awkwardly inserted and poorly explored 'faith' theme just didn't cut it. The most fun I got out of it was looking up fan theories that tried to force the movie's plot and its characters' actions to make sense.

And then I looked up - do we need spoiler tags anymore?
the interview about the Space Jesus plot they left out at the last minute.
So now I'm just like.. WHAT. How deeply western-culture-centric of you, Mr. Scott.

Then I watched a Youtube compilation of people falling over and came to the conclusion I always come to when I contemplate relationships between men and gods. Which is that humanity is far, FAR too inept for any higher power to sit there with a straight face and say they're going to judge it. I can't buy the idea that you're an alien superintelligence that can do all these alien superintelligent things and then turn around and, basically, come home to find the dogs ate your favorite couch, and it makes all your bioweapons backfire and now you're on a mission to destroy all dogs.
frankencowx said:
There's a lot of interesting tidbits here concerning Spaihts original script before Lindelof jumped on board (spoilers):

Something I find odd is that the article claims it was the studio executives that pushed for Ridley to create distance from the Alien legacy. If that was the case,
why would they allow that hamfisted deacon in at the very end?

After reading this article I can honestly say I was expecting this kind of material to be in the movie. Perhaps having those expectations ruined the movie before I saw it, but the end result was just a shiny broken mess.