
Hey, maybe this project has a shot now :carcus:

In all seriousness, I don't think it was Lindelof alone that wrecked this movie for me.
Walter said:
Hey, maybe this project has a shot now :carcus:

In all seriousness, I don't think it was Lindelof alone that wrecked this movie for me.

Agreed. Like I've said many times before, Scott just goes with the flow now. Doesn't seem like he makes much of a fuss about the writing in his movies anymore.

Proof? Look at his movies since post-Gladiator.
They made another change for the movie sequel name and it's now called Alien: Covenant.

According to Prometheus' Facebook page, the synopsis is: Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created in ALIEN with ALIEN: COVENANT, the second chapter in a prequel trilogy that began with PROMETHEUS -- and connects directly to Scott’s 1979 seminal work of science fiction. Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, the crew of the colony ship Covenant discovers what they think is an uncharted paradise, but is actually a dark, dangerous world -- whose sole inhabitant is the "synthetic" David (Michael Fassbender), survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition.

Tentative release date - October 6th, 2017.

I don't mind Scott getting a do over with the other best thing from the last attempt. Maybe if they keep this going and get a little bit better each time by the 4th try it'll be a decent prequel to Alien!

Alien 11: Prometheus the Fourth, The Third Covenant: I Think We Got It this Time
Synopsis: Directed by Ridley Scott, starring Michael Fassbender as David, and featuring fascinating background information, not written by Damon Lindelof, about the alien creature from Alien (1979) and only the alien creature from Alien (1979) and the actual LV-426. We know, this shouldn't have been that hard.
Walter said:
Hahaha! True.

Maaan, I'm crossing my fingers this movie works on some level. Haven't watched Prometheus in a while but what sticks with me after these years is that as a stand alone sci-fi movie, it's not bad. Tying it to Alien with Covenant as a bridge between the two ... I dunno how they're going to make it work ... it's one of those times you don't want it to suck but chances are it's gonna suck anyway. The synopsis doesn't talk about Shaw and sounds confusing which isn't a bad thing if Lindelof isn't part of the story telling. Speaking of story, I snooped on IMDB and the writers are worrying enough (past/ current work - Gotham, Green Lantern, Trancendence, Kings and the upcoming Wolverine, Blade Runner)

Ridley though is on a high coming off The Martian which was prolly top 5 in the Sci-fi movie bracket this year, good comeback considering his last few projects.
Not terribly hopeful about this project, tbh. Prometheus' story was so sloppy. Could a sequel clear up the lingering questions? Sure, but I don't really feel like watching a whole other movie to find about about what happened in the first. That was the first movie's job.

I could be (and hopefully am) wrong and A:C will be some glorious accomplishment, lifting Prometheus from the mire of disappointment in which it currently lies.
The problem is that Prometheus already ruined so much of the canon, and nothing will fix that. Besides, do we really need to now have all the mysteries of Alien explained away in some contrived, "I'd planned it this way all along I swear" manner? I was fine with things the way they were. I used *gasp* my imagination to fill in the blanks.
Aazealh said:
I was fine with things the way they were. I used *gasp* my imagination to fill in the blanks.

And as soon as they figure out a way to charge you for that use of their exclusive intellectual property, these ventures will all go away. =)

And yeah, the correct answer is we're almost always better off without these prequels. It's backwards storytelling by nature and there's almost no graceful way around that.
Great, now Ridley wants to do a Lucas:

Remember when Prometheus had nothing to do with Alien?
NightCrawler said:
Great, now Ridley wants to do a Lucas:

Remember when Prometheus had nothing to do with Alien?
Walter said:
I, Nostradumbass, predict: That Trilogy Will Be Canceled Before It Sees the Light of Day.
ApostleBob said:
Rdley Scott's getting pretty ambitious for a 78 year old. You gotta figure each movie takes 2 years to make at least...

Yeah, the whole thing is rather fishy; he doesn't want anything more to do with the franchise for 30 years, now it's all he's interested in doing for the next decade? It reminds me of Cameron saying he's now "in the Avatar business," except Prometheus wasn't such inexplicably great business. So, like Walter, I'm dubious this is all going to come to fruition. It just sounds like a bunch of big talk, "We're going to make a bunch of good movies" You couldn't even make one. Lucas is a great comparison with all his phony Star Wars prequel and sequiel trilogies he was bullshitting about for decades, "There's really 6 parts, no, 9, no, 12!" Yeah, right, and here they didn't even have anything to say about Alien in the one prequel they've done, now they need three more to bridge the gap? I mean, I guess at the rate they're going they could do as many movies that are barely related to Alien as they like, "... but we're going to need 6 more to bridge the gap." Plus, there's not even a mysterious to uncover. It's going to be the same shit we've heard for 30 years but in so many more stupid words, "They're WMDs, bro!" Yuck.
I'm trying to be a more optimistic/positive Skeleton so until proven otherwise (after the movie comes out) I'm not going to label this film crap. The fact that Scott is taking an "if some is good, more is better" approach to the one undeniably great thing about the first film made me chuckle though.

But then again there was a trailer for Prometheus that showed that exact idea so there is precedent for it, I suppose.

Despite the first film's flaws, I really enjoyed it. I'd be surprised if this one wasn't enjoyable too.
I'm trying to get back to my old, negative, naysaying self. So, on that note, if the filmmakers want to improve their prospects they should just have Michael Fassbender play every character in the movie; it probably won't fix the broken plot, though. :iva:

P.S. If Star Wars sucks again, I'm just going to to go ahead and hate everything forever. Also, speaking of overexposed, it's official lack of Rotten Tomatoes feedback is sponsored by Duracell! No joke.
Griffith said:
I'm trying to get back to my old, negative, naysaying self. So, on that note, if the filmmakers want to improve their prospects they should just have Michael Fassbender play every character in the movie; it probably won't fix the broken plot, though. :iva:

Now now. They have to save something for the third film. :)

A part of me hopes they eventually can Scott and start throwing money at James Cameron until he agrees to write and direct a sequel. Why yes, I did watch Aliens again recently and was reminded of how completely badass that film is. How did you know?

Griffith said:
Also, speaking of overexposed, it's official lack of Rotten Tomatoes feedback is sponsored by Duracell! No joke.

Skeleton said:
A part of me hopes they eventually can Scott and start throwing money at James Cameron until he agrees to write and direct a sequel. Why yes, I did watch Aliens again recently and was reminded of how completely badass that film is. How did you know?
Cameron though is going to be stuck on Pandora for another decade maybe, perhaps after that if he doesn't want to take on Terminator. I agree, Aliens is amazing and pretty accessible to the every day fan just like Terminator 2 was to Terminator.

When asked about the sequel to Prometheus recently, Scott disclosed something he hasn't mentioned before ...
It'll be Alien Day in a few minutes and probably by the time I'm done typing this post :p ... to the fans of the franchise, Happy Alien Day


Alamo Drafthouse were showing the movies but tickets were sold out by the time I found out about it. I'll put on theatrical cuts for Alien and Aliens after work tomorrow, try to score 2 posters I've been eyeing by Mondo during the day and hopefully nothing else. Reebok's releasing limited edition Alien Stompers that Ripley wore on Aliens, expensive though :sad:.