Ratner's X-men 3 first look

HawaiianStallion said:
Well he does hate everyone, or at least want to destroy them so I guess it makes sense.

Yeah, and he always calls the X-men "mutants" or "humans" (usually people don't do that when they're mutants and humans themselves) and brags about being superior to everybody, like he's very distinct and fundamentally different from the rest of them. That's why I think it'd make sense for him to actually be different and not just a weird, excentric, mad, horribly disfigured and heavily modified mutant whose powers are incredibly vast and varied, and mostly due to Celestial technology (as opposed to conventional mutant powers).
I remember reading an "origin story" type thing about Appocolypze. Born in ancient egypt yadda yadda yadda. Anyways, it kinda set his mutant power up as being "the power to develop more powers."
Majin Tenshi said:
I remember reading an "origin story" type thing about Appocolypze. Born in ancient egypt yadda yadda yadda. Anyways, it kinda set his mutant power up as being "the power to develop more powers."

Yeah, it involves Kang going back into time to try to manipulate Apocalypse as the pharaoh and Apocalypse as a disfigured peon receiving powers from some Egyptian god during a near death experience or something like that. Basically if I remember well his power is just "immortality" at the time, and he gets all his other powers (i.e. molecular restructuration, super-strength, extreme toughness, energy beams, force fields, teleportation, drawing energy from another dimension to do various stuff, etc) from alien technology.
Apocalypse's power was never really well defined, it was just power which is why he is so feared. He's not just evil incarnate, but evil with near endless amount of super power's. Not that he's the most powerful being in the X Men universe or anything. I'm pretty sure Onslaught would have slapped him around good seeing as Onslaught was able to control both X Man, Xavier, and Franklin Richards... hell Onslaught physically hurt Juggernaut after punching him from Canada to NJ and actually stood up to the Hulk.
Well they seem hellbent on showing every single mutant possible regardless of how it would affect the plot. At least we'll see a lot of cool mutant powers :schierke:
I wish ice man would look like ice man aswell :(.

Seems they are keeping him like a human for far too long. Needs to go frosty and then icy.
dell released some scenes today. about 7 mins total.


While at first it seems like its going to be a decent plot, there are too many "look at my powers" moments in these clips. Dunno. I'll prob. end up seeing it
Well, I saw a midnight screening. I enjoyed the movie. The last part of the final battle was definitely my favorite part.

It was a shame that they shut the projectors off as soon as the credits finished rolling. I missed out on the additional scene at the end of the credits. Fuckers :puck:
Well, I just caught the midnight screening and I thought the movie sucked. I don't want to go into too much detail because I don't want to spoil the film. (Then again, how can you spoil an already bad movie?) If you consider yourself even a remote fan of the series and characters, don't waste your money and time just to ruin your appreciation of the series. That's it for now, I'm getting some sleep, hopefully I'll wake up and realize I only dreamed about seeing X-men 3, and that the movie is actually awesome.

Somehow, I doubt that will happen.
I hate myself. I must. That's the only thing I can think of that made me go to this movie. That and a friend bought the ticket, so I figured: what the hell? I'm glad you enjoyed it, dwarfkicker, but I gotta side with SMZKAH on this one. They should've called it X3: Death of the Series.
FateINwaiting said:
whats the addtional scene?

Hey, whoever responds, make sure tag it with spoilers; I want to ruin movie for myself. =)

Speaking of which, tell me this isn't actually from X-Men 3...

"Griffith No More!" said:
Speaking of which, tell me this isn't actually from X-Men 3...


Yes...yes it is actually. The best line in the movie, IMHO. :guts:
well I just came back from viewing it.

While it wasn't great, it didn't suck. There were some aspects that could have been dropped (angel, iceman's love triangle).

Mutants have levels?

Porcupine dude had to be the lamest mutant in the bunch.
I watched it. Effects were great, plot was a letdown. The part that made it at least worth watching was the scene after the credits, that was cool. :guts:

- C
CnC said:
Mutants have levels?
Yes. Yes they do. This is a concept from the comics. I think the strong ones are called "Omega" or something. In any case it doesn't work exactly like it does in the movie.
Its like the difference between Magneto and "Porcupine dude" is the difference between a lv 4 and 1 mutant. A level 1 magnetic mutant might strain to bend a golf club or fling it around. A level 1 teleporter could probably only teleport a handheld object.
C said:
The part that made it at least worth watching was the scene after the credits, that was cool.   :guts:

My friend told me tonight about the scene at the end of the movie, and it may just be the thing that makes me give the picture a 2nd chance, because it undoes the one thing that killed the movie for me.