Solo: A Star Wars Story

Trailer finally dropped

Johnstantine said:
Looks better than I thought it would.

Here's hoping it's good. Can't wait to see it!

You will be shocked, SHOCKED to learn I can't say I agree! Unless you're bad expectations are so unreasonable in themselves, like visible green screen or boom mics in the shit, this still didn't seem very promising; though Glover as Lando looked cool as expected, and it's nice to actually see ships and shit and it being "real" instead of just a blob of good or bad expectations in your mind. But whether it's a turd or not, it's going to have that Disney polish, so the red flags will be more subtle (just check out the Attack of the Clones teaser that makes it look like a genuine Shakespearian tragedy as opposed to the filmmaking Shakspearian tragedy it is). Granted, it doesn't look as obviously bad as Justice League, but it did look totally drab and uninspired literally and figuratively and didn't do anything to make me look forward to it. It also looked like they're still hiding Ehrenreich a bit and if that's the best footage they've got... it ain't going to be good. Not only did he not seem right for the part, he also didn't display any charisma to make it his own (it was like Star Trek fan movie casting). I don't even think I'm going to go see this in theaters, not out of protest or anything, just regular "it's doesn't look worth running out to see" movie apathy. Anyway, while it could still be at least palatable to general audiences, and talk about damning with fainr praise, there's still the potential that it's Disney's own prequel Waterloo.
I half-expected a dubstep remix of this to be playing through the trailer:

I really wonder if they can generate excitement for this one... For a spinoff, Han Solo seems like such a known quantity, versus fresh territory like Rogue One.
Walter said:
I really wonder if they can generate excitement for this one... For a spinoff, Han Solo seems like such a known quantity, versus fresh territory like Rogue One.

Yeah, it's akin to making a Luke Skywalker spinoff... isn't that already Star Wars, basically? Han Solo is a close second in that regard, eating up at least a third of the story and screentime. That's why I think the only reason this happened right away is because Kasdan said yes to writing it while they made TFA. Otherwise, it's not a great idea for a "spinoff" as you say. We'd be better off with the Boba Fett, Obi-Wan or X-Wing/Rogue Squadron movie, which everyone thought Rogue One would be until it was yet another uninspired assemble a crew for a heist story... hmmm, sounds familiar. =)

Really, the thing that made this different, interesting and promising was the involvement of Lord & Miller, and then they dumped them for Ron Howard in a move that can only make the movie more staid and vanilla. Speaking of which, some directors I'd actually like to see make Star Wars movies of some kind: Abrams (made the best two modern Star Wars movies: TFA and Star Trek 2009 =), Steven Spielberg (specifically RotJ as intended, if possible), Christopher Nolan, Joe Johnston (Boba Fett), Ridley Scott, Denis Villeneuve, Martin Scorsese (they should have had him take over Solo) and Ryan Coogler (maybe possible since he's already in the mouse house with a big hit coming).

Not interested: Colin Trevorrow, Josh Trank, Rian Johnson (hopefully he brings some fresh blood in for his trilogy), and Ron Howard.
Man I wish I could say I was looking forward to this movie. When they announced the Solo project way back I was pretty excited for the prospect of exploring some of the stuff that was discussed in the OT but never really shown like acquiring the Falcon (and the rivalry with Lando) or the original meet-up with Chewie.

Sadly since then I haven't heard a single positive thing about the production. All the reshoots, reports that the main actor can't act, and especially that the studio is preparing for it bomb.

Though the Han Solo fan inside me hopes for a miracle I've all but given up on Solo.

Seriously, this should have been the movie! :badbone:

Hopefully still possible if Solo isn't a total disaster (hard to believe it won't at least be successful enough to save face) and Lando will be among the projects one those purported Disney/Lucasfilm secret hires is working on.
I'd be down for that. But if they had went that route, fanboys would be crying over the lack of a Han Solo movie :ganishka:
Walter said:
I'd be down for that. But if they had went that route, fanboys would be crying over the lack of a Han Solo movie :ganishka:

Probably, but like we've been saying "young Han" is not exactly the most fertile idea, especially when you consider how plentiful and iconic the character already is, as well as the actor tied to him. Lando, on the other hand, is still relatively fresh ground, and not as big a suspension of disbelief because the age difference is more pronounced and the casting much better. Whereas I believe Alden Ehrenreich as a few years younger Han Solo like I believe that guy from How I Met Your Mother is going to inexplicably start sounding like Bob Saget in his late middle age.
Griffith said:

Seriously, this should have been the movie! :badbone:

Hopefully still possible if Solo isn't a total disaster (hard to believe it won't at least be successful enough to save face) and Lando will be among the projects one those purported Disney/Lucasfilm secret hires is working on.

I can't help but wonder if it would have been a better play to spin this movie from Lando's perspective from the beginning. As Griff/Walt have already said Han is already well explored territory. If we were getting ready to watch "Lando" (or "Calrissian"?... Lando is a better title) they could have easily justified giving a ton of screen time to Han delving into the preexisting relationship with Lando while still keeping it fresh and focused on Lando's past which is largely unknown.

Guess the Han Solo title probably brings more fans out of the woodwork though. *shrug* said:
Many believe Disney should pump the breaks and not put out a Star Wars movie each year.

I made the timing decision, and as I look back, I think the mistake that I made — I take the blame — was a little too much, too fast. You can expect some slowdown, but that doesn't mean we're not going to make films.

No shit, it shouldn't be hard not to release them every six months. It's too bad the Obi-Wan movie was a casulty of that, since it's actually a sort of natural idea given his status in the series and a 20 year hiatus to work with. Too bad most of that potential has already been tapped in comics and cartoons, but Hell, after they fucked up separating the wheat from the chaff of the EU (they should have at least kept the Thrawn trilogy for credibility, but nope, gotta sell new, worse, stories). Hell, they should have just adapted the Thrawn trilogy for Episodes VII, VIII, and IX but extended the timeline to 30 years later. Would probably be better than the Last Jedi and what's to come, and that's probably where it's headed with the fans ("Thrawn is the REAL sequel trilogy!" =).

Disney should just make THIS:
Actually saw the movie yesterday and it wasn't as bad as I'd feared. Might be because I really didn't care.
Aazealh said:
Actually saw the movie yesterday and it wasn't as bad as I'd feared. Might be because I really didn't care.

Care or not, this faint criticism amounts to pretty high praise considering the source... Hmmmm hmmmmmmmm (this is a reference
to what you might think =).