Star Wars: Episode IX

Too late :ganishka: I mean... yeah... in my opinion the prequels were a slightly better *polished* turd and the Disney films were the regular turds. All I'm saying is that the story/scripts were laid out years prior and were fleshed out. It was just executed really poorly (and some poor decisions by Lucas himself). Maybe I'm crazy, I don't know, but I think there are a few good qualities about those prequels.

It might just be because I'm one of the younger fans who grew up as the PT came out (though I've always preferred the OT, even as a kid), but I agree with you. Lucas stuck to his guns and didn't let people on the Internet tell him what to do. He had an idea of where the story was supposed to go and made it. The OT is better because editors stopped him from entirely indulging himself, and the PT would have worked with people commenting back on that core vision, but the six films at least tell one story.

I dislike the MCU movies on the whole personally, but they're clearly very beloved and successful. It seems to me that the wiser strategy here would have been to follow that mold. Pay respect to long-term fans' commitment by having certain storylines or references taken from weird EU material but have it integrate into a fresh vision of how all the moving parts in Star Wars work. The EU, to me, is proof that the continuing adventures of one family of space monarchs is NOT the core of what draws people to the series. Having Luke be the one to deliver some dampers on how just and noble the Jedi actually are is a little weird for that character, especially when you have one director who writes him as Space Jesus in Exile and another who wants to make a point about how a war veteran would actually feel about continuing such a struggle decades later. But fans have been very receptive to gray Jedi saying the exact same things Luke talks about in VIII time and again in random video games and comics and novels. The MCU has ripped off entire multi-film arcs from the comic books, but Star Wars for some reason chose to avoid the predictable Thrawn trilogy path to... remake ANH and then hand the series based in broad archetypal fantasy off to someone who does a bit more psychologically driven harder sci-fi. But this is all probably silly to say 'cause The Mandalorian is being helmed by MCU folks and seems to signpost a firm turn away from the third rail of extending the Skywalker clan's stories.
We're all irrational about how good or bad these new Star Wars movies are. They're actually fine, well made in fact, a lot of thought and effort going in, but they're nothing special. Star Wars was special. Even the prequels were special because we had to wait a long time for them, we weren't sure we'd ever get more Star Wars, they were unique and finite, and they were even especially bad, maybe the worst/most dissapointing big budget movies in history (and they were still a hit)! Conversely, these new movies are being mass produced annually, sometimes released months apart, the projects, development and productions never stop. They will never stop, likely to keep being made after we're all dead (fortunately we'll have long since stopped caring =). They're made by competent, talented and faithful fans of the originals, but fans, even professionals, aren't necessarily the best to carry on a legacy they're all too aware of, especially when there wasn't anything necessarily left to carry on (or it was put in the trash). Anyway, they may be well done, and they pantomime the originals, but they're still not special because you can't just imitate that (TFA comes close =). They're not even special compared to any other well funded, well done blockbuster franchise these days. Except these mass produced blockbusters purport to be Star Wars, which only makes it all the more glaring that they're not much different or better than anything else, which cheapens the originals they're imitating. That's what makes them seem all the more unworthy.

The prequels having something, perhaps more consistent or uniform narrative vision, that the new movies lack don't make them better, or even good, just as the new movies being better than the prequels don't make them good either (it's too generous a litmus test to limit ourselves too). The prequels are terribly done movies on many levels, including the plot and most story elements, that really only work when one's not actually watching them, but remembering/reimagining them as some sort of idealized mythothology. The reality is Hayden Christianson doing bad high school theater in front of an episode of Reboot. You wouldn't be admiring George Lucas' great vision during the "romance" between Anakin and Padme. Same for the politics or anything else, really; even the fall of the Jedi was given short shrift and the rise of Vader was a disappointing afterthought that's the modern equivalent of a post-credits stinger. Lucas deserves credit for his innovative methods though, he basically reinvented the modern blockbuster all over again; today they all follow his heavily CGI'd template, but at best it was like a tech demo for a new way to make movies, though left to others to actually make something worthwhile.

So, the Disney movies are still better than the prequels, even the individual stories, though they may lack cohesion. But even if they're infinitely more fluent films, they also have nothing to say, except: "Hey, remember Star Wars? Star Wars is good and important and the best and you love this!!.?" The good news is, unlike the prequels or this new movies, we don't have to live with it and wait 20 years for another chance. They're going to keep making this stuff for better or worse, and giving talented creators shots, hopefully getting more free of the baggage of the originals/prequels, so eventually one of them will hopefully beat the odds and make something special again in its own right (The Mandalorian may not be that, but at least it will eventually allow/force them out of some familiar patterns). The mass production machine has more potential when you stop caring about the quality of each individual piece and consider that eventually anything is possible. Maybe they'll even let George Lucas come back and make his weird Whills trilogy in the Microbiotic World for Disney+. =)
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This trilogy isn't going to have any cohesion. Any meaningful arc is going to have to be cobbled together in this last film. That's a daunting task considering how much apologizing and backpedaling is required to fix what TLJ did. I've always hated on the prequels but TLJ was just unwatchable for me. This trilogy is gonna make the Matrix look like Lord of the Rings.

I only watched TLJ one time way back so I can't recall everything that was infuriating me but the biggest one was the whole fucking alien racehorse thing. They cause a bunch of chaos to rescue these stupid horses and I suppose this is meant to preach on the ills of horse racing???? I mean pick your battles people, who gives a shit, there's a galactic, planet exploding war taking place! After they successfully liberate these majestic alien beasts they just ride off in their spaceship and you see these left behind orphans looking up at the stars like "uh, hey, what about us?" FUCK YOU WE CAME FOR THE HORSES LOL!!!!! Nothing in the prequels ever made me so angry as that casino plot. Are you really trying to preach about casinos, animal rights, and income inequality right now???? Get the fuck outta here! It was so heavy-handed, LITERALLY did not affect the story, and left me gasping for air. Like I said this is the one that sticks out but there were a bunch of other scenes that left me frustrated (The bombers scene was insane too).

As my good friend Mr. Plinkett likes to say, the prequels were flawed because they made the whole universe about Darth Vader. His importance is super overblown and it leads to an incredible misfire where now Darth Vader is just Haden Christensen in a robot suit. Listen, Vader was way fucking better before you put that image in my head. This same thing is now happening with Palpatine. They had a dude locked and loaded ready to be Darth Plagueis and they killed him unceremoniously. Now we gotta bring Palpatine back to fix this mess. Now the whole fucking universe is about PALPATINE!!!! What's happening?

These movies are well shot, the practical effects are nice, the thing looks like a movie. YAY. But otherwise, it's shit. Kids are way more into Marvel and Fortnite than they ever will be into Star Wars because these movies SUCK. They aren't special, they aren't uplifting, they aren't inspiring. No, they are confusing and depressing and I hate that I even fucking care.
Too late :ganishka: I mean... yeah... in my opinion the prequels were a slightly better *polished* turd and the Disney films were the regular turds. All I'm saying is that the story/scripts were laid out years prior and were fleshed out. It was just executed really poorly (and some poor decisions by Lucas himself). Maybe I'm crazy, I don't know, but I think there are a few good qualities about those prequels.

The story and characters are dismal in the prequels. It's embarrassingly amateurish and clearly the result of a terrible creative process. That being said, I will agree with you that they had more coherence movie to movie than these new ones do. Which is pretty baffling to be honest, because that was a LOW bar to pass. And frankly, while people give Disney shit for it, I think it shows Disney's error in this case was that they didn't hold the screenwriter/director's leash tightly enough.
Hey guys, don't make fun of fanboys and their increasingly over-the-top, hysterical and unhinged reaction videos, you're being intolerant of... something (the mentally and emotionally disturbed; that's probably too accurate =)?

I will agree with you that they had more coherence movie to movie than these new ones do. Which is pretty baffling to be honest, because that was a LOW bar to pass. And frankly, while people give Disney shit for it, I think it shows Disney's error in this case was that they didn't hold the screenwriter/director's leash tightly enough.

It goes back to the question of what's the point of some stupid story group or committee to shepherd the overall plot along if they're not even going to catch and address basic continuity like Rian Johnson using Han's dice from a scene JJ cut out as a major plot point? Everyone had to read about the significance of that in a fucking blog post! Same thing for there not being room for a reunion or time for Han's funeral, etc. It's like, YOU'RE making the story, you can spend the time however you choose (glad they spent it on the incredible emotional payoffs of Rose's sister I didn't even know and then Canto Bites' horsedogs; these things demand airtime =).

Don't worry about it though:

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His performance was underwhelming at the end. He should have exploded upon hearing the emperor's cackle and started foaming at the mouth and having convulsions when the title appeared.

Hey guys, don't make fun of fanboys and their increasingly over-the-top, hysterical and unhinged reaction videos, you're being intolerant of... something (the mentally and emotionally disturbed; that's probably too accurate =)?

The worst part is I don't think it's even genuine. He's doing it for the likes.

It goes back to the question of what's the point of some stupid story group or committee to shepherd the overall plot along if they're not even going to catch and address basic continuity like Rian Johnson using Han's dice from a scene JJ cut out as a major plot point? Everyone had to read about the significance of that in a fucking blog post! Same thing for there not being room for a reunion or time for Han's funeral, etc. It's like, YOU'RE making the story, you can spend the time however you choose (glad they spent it on the incredible emotional payoffs of Rose's sister I didn't even know and then Canto Bites' horsedogs; these things demand airtime =).

Did they even have a committee here? Because it sure seemed like Rian Johnson was given no direction and just went with whatever he wanted.
Did they even have a committee here? Because it sure seemed like Rian Johnson was given no direction and just went with whatever he wanted.
I think it's even worse than that.

Mark Hammill was throwing a fit everyday leading up to the release. If the producers weren't willing to respect his opinion then I doubt anyone could have convinced Rian to change course. Rian actively derailed every plot point TFW setup, it's borderline sabotage. I think there's a faction that wants to destroy the legacy of Episodes 1-6 so viewers will embrace the new, improved, and enlightened Star Wars.
The worst part is I don't think it's even genuine. He's doing it for the likes.

Oh, it's the only reason to bother to film and publish this ginned up nonsense.

Did they even have a committee here? Because it sure seemed like Rian Johnson was given no direction and just went with whatever he wanted.

I'm not sure what they do, honestly. Their big "decision" on the EU was to throw it out wholesale, likely so it could all be repackaged and resold to us again (the new Thrawn books, etc); not exactly a choice that required meticulous examination and evaluation, "Wipe them out... All of them!" Or DO throw out the baby with the bathwater. =)

I think it's even worse than that.

Mark Hammill was throwing a fit everyday leading up to the release. If the producers weren't willing to respect his opinion then I doubt anyone could have convinced Rian to change course.

To be fair, Mark Hamill has been lightly bitching about the direction of his character and nobody listening to him since Return of the Jedi, so that's not really a big change. He is correct though that his role and characterization in all this new stuff was mishandled, even his cameo at the end of TFA to his appearance in TLJ is completely incongruent, let alone compared to Luke's core character in the OT. To their credit I think they let Rian Johnson do HIS thing, it's just a lot of it isn't my thing and about half the fanbase agrees. Unfortunately, the alternative with JJ also feels very focus grouped, fan servicey and like a cover band playing someone else's greatest hits. Outdated ones at that; compare any of the set pieces from these movies to the airport fight in Civil War, all of Infinity War, or, it's closest descendent, GotG and see if there's something comparatively fresh or impressive, let alone awesome (maybe the Holdo Manuever). These are basically staid neo retro oldies or classic rock knock offs with modern production, which just makes them unadventurous, derivative and boring.

Rian actively derailed every plot point TFW setup, it's borderline sabotage. I think there's a faction that wants to destroy the legacy of Episodes 1-6 so viewers will embrace the new, improved, and enlightened Star Wars.

White Jedicide! :ganishka:
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D23 special look

That last scene has to be a misdirection. I'm not buying it.
That last scene has to be a misdirection. I'm not buying it.

It would be cool if it was real because it would mean they're actually going for something, taking a risk, etc, but yeah it's going to be some lame force dream/vision or, to compromise, a clone; Reey. I'd be slightly happier if Rey was the product of Imperial cloning to make vessels for the Emperor or whatever, though. Still, what a surrender taking the Emperor out of mothballs to try retrofitting a connective arc on this turkey. It's like not just a rebuke of Rian Johnson's attempt at change but the whole idea of new Star Wars, "Fuck it, we're not just not killing the past, we're literally bringing it back from the dead! Enjoy Return of the Sith!"
I'm still not sure what story is trying to be told in this trilogy. I feel like between the first and second films, its like a kid getting a block tower knocked down and now he's trying to rebuild it. I may actually pass on this altogether like I did for suicide squad and solo.

If anyone wants to ruin this (like me) just look up the reddit leaks. Sure didn't help gain interest to watch this movie.
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Watched the trailer, and pretty much felt nothing. I'll go see it, of course, but I really don't think this trilogy is going to wrap things up successfully. To that extent I think even the prequels did a better job of conveying a satisfying overarching storyline, which is troubling.

On that note, I rewatched The Last Jedi trailer, and god damn is that a good trailer. Too bad the movie was such a disappointment.
My impression after seeing the trailer was that yes, kids and grownups, this is an upcoming Star Wars movie.
My impression after seeing the trailer was that yes, kids and grownups, this is an upcoming Star Wars movie.

I'm not even sure of that much. :carcus:

Ok, let's do this: new Star Wars trailer something something, disappointed etc. Not gonna be good. Hey you think they'll ressurect the spirit of Vader as the final boss in the third act? That's really the only question that matters one way or another.

The fact they put Palpy in the trailers/poster makes me think they need an even bigger, dumber, fanservicey trick up their sleeve (this is JJ Abrams, who literally made two entire movies as fanservice remakes of other movies already). Part of this is actually hope too, for as over the top obvious and lame as Star Wars: Vader Ressurection is (something familiar about all this =), I don't think they can do anything better than the most base shit, and if they try it'll somehow be even worse ala The Last Jedi.

And they've been scrawling this in the margins all along: an Anakin/Vader Sith ghost, a cult of Vader collecting artifacts teasing this possibility, Kylo's cosplay, etc. They WANT to do this, they just haven't had the balls to go through with it and expose themselves for what they really are. Then again, these guys couldn't even put Luke, Leia, and Han together in a room again before it was too late, so maybe I'm expecting too much of them to think they'd have the chutzpah to even attempt this.

Anyway, Palpy aside, I think it's going to be boring, and they'll probably waste him too with an over-hyped cameo before unceremoniously writing him off again with an infinitely less satisfying end. I can't wait! =)
Wow, just got back... :magni:

It was like Revenge of the Prequels-level bonkers. Pure internet sourced fanservice from beginning to end; every half-baked idea at once, no time in the oven. It managed to fail at honoring the classics, at least in any substantive way, while sacrificing their new heroes in the process. The opening crawl should have ended with: AND FUCK YOU RIAN JOHNSON! Ironically, this movie makes him and The Last Jedi look great though.

It didn't give me the two cases of bad fanservice that I wanted unfortunately, but it did have one nice surprise and I guess they handled Leia about as well as could be expected. Better really, to be fair. That's probably the bright spot of the movie. Everything else... Yeesh.

Updated Star Wars Power Rankings:

Star Wars
Jedi (Return)
The Force Awakens
The Mandalorian
Jedi (Last)
Rogue One aka Vader Hallway Scene
The Clone Wars cartoon (probably)
Solo? (Didn't see it)
Send in the Clones
Revenge of the Sith
Phantom Menace
The Ewok TV Movies
The Holiday Special
Getting run over by a sandcrawler
The Rise of Starfucker

I really think they might have done what we didn't think possible and made a worse movie than the prequels! I don't even think I'm kidding. It's not as poorly made top to bottom, but not since The Phantom Menace, and really not ever to this degree, has a Star Wars movie felt like such a rushed, random collection of clips. It's like the FMVs from a video game edited together without the levels or something. Just constant movement robbing it of the weight of dramatic action.
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Not going to see it, I’m not going to pay Disney to serve me a hot pile of shit a third time. Read the leaked story a while back and since it’s confirmed to be real the only thing Star Wars I have to look forward to now is the Mr. Plinkett video. This trilogy was squandered by slap-fighting hacks.
Smells a lot like a bad case of Game of Thrones season 8. I'll wait for my sister to buy it for her collection so I can Watch it. Like Sareth, I dont really wont to support Disney with my money for that movie.