Something I find interesting is the user score through RT. Critically, we’re at 93%. USER score however is sitting at 58% and dropping. This, along with the comments I’m reading, has my expectations quite low now.
But really, the fact no one on here is freaking out tells a story. Sometimes we over react with joy and sometimes we know right away we don’t like something. This just has one big “eh, it’s ok” written all over it. Much like the games I’ve played in the last few months (not you, odyssey!) Luke warm is not gonna sit well with my stomach.
Johnstantine said:I think over time, TLJ will be looked upon kindly.
Hell, when Empire came out it didn’t have a quarter of the praise it has today.
Proj2501 said:Hated it. So, so many lingering questions remain.
Griffith said:There's no powerful narrative force propelling it along, it's just sort of existing and reassserting its existence.
but I'm not a fan of where they're going unless Abrams reverses course, "Not so fast."
Johnstantine said:I've been trying to put my thumb on it, but that about sums up how I feel. Although I'm not entirely disillusioned, I just wish we had more.
Spoiler alert:he won't.
Hopefully we get an animated series that centers around Luke post-RotJ, pre-TFA. Clone Wars and Rebels actually feel like Star Wars. I'd love to see a Luke-centric series, but for whatever the hell reason the franchise continually shits all over using him outside of the movies or books. As opposed to the movies, I have a lot of faith in an ongoing series.
That's for sure. For me so far, this new set of films just can't even touch the original trilogy for connection with and believability of characters, the sense of spontaneity and naturalness in the humor, interactions, and plot, and just plain good story telling. For all the money they're throwing at this it just hasn't got the heart and soul those first films possessed. I felt like The Force Awakens set it up with some good potential, but The Last Jedi just didn't do it for me. I really wanted to love it, but a lot of it felt fakey, forced, and therefore flat. There was a lot of junk thrown in there, but little of satisfying substance. I hope Abrams can salvage something decent out of the 3rd installment. I think the acting talent and capacity is there if they would just write a story that would use it effectively. Cut out the junk food overload and get to the meat and taters!Griffith said:Yeah, it's like they're admitting you can't really come home again, just create inspiring allusions to that effect.
Now that's funny!Skeleton said:
Sareth said:I read some spoilers on Reddit that I thought at first were jokes...
JMP said:I felt like The Force Awakens set it up with some good potential, but The Last Jedi just didn't do it for me. I really wanted to love it, but a lot of it felt fakey, forced, and therefore flat. There was a lot of junk thrown in there, but little of satisfying substance. I hope Abrams can salvage something decent out of the 3rd installment. I think the acting talent and capacity is there if they would just write a story that would use it effectively.
ThePiedPiper said:Should I go in with any expectation with Luke?
Walter said:You guys are really killin the mood for the date night I have planned![]()
Grail said:Star Wars cannot be the story of the Skywalkers alone. Star Wars is a story about nobodies saving the galaxy
It's hard to explain. It just felt good coming out of this movie.
Griffith said:Nope, and that was the main attraction for me too. Like I said, the fanfic everyone had in their head, including the screenwriters, of him showing up to save the day in the third act of TFA would have been a much more fitting return (but I actually think what they did was better, TLJ just doesn't pay it off properly).
Griffith said:I think they talked about this making TFA and why they kept pushing his reveal back from the first act to the third to ultimately right out of the movie basically. They would have been better off just ripping off the Band-Aid and sticking him in there so they could move forward with him as a regular character again quicker.
MrFlibble said:There were several characters who were ruined in this film.namely Luke and Yoda
MrFlibble said:TLJ, for a film that was being marketed as dark and foreboding, had way too much humourGone are the days where the audience were disturbed by a sith lord so ruthless he killed his own subordinates for their incompetence. Now they get to bust a gut as giant angry holo Snoke literally wipes the floor with General Hux
MrFlibble said:By in large the films characters made a lot of really poor decisions, Poe's bravado costs the resistance all of their bomber class ships (which incidentally are far more cumbersome and large than the bomber class fighters they piloted 30 years ago) , all so he can destroy one dreadnought, presumably of many. The first order impotently shoots at resistance freighters without ever considering cutting of their escape route by surrounding them, or destroying the rebel base of Krait using their remaining star destroyers, rather than using a ground force assault, Finns love interest, in an act of self sacrifice, prevents Finn from destroying a battering ram cannon, vital to the First Order's plans. Finn and co, on a mission to recruit a code breaker, instead choose to recruit a shady guy whom they never met, who ends up betraying them in the end anyway.
Salem said:After sleeping on this I’m quite a bit more negative. J.J. brought up interesting ideas and Rian has no love for them. I think this is the problem at its core. Where both trilogies originally were Lucas, both good and bad, we have no real direction worth talking about. It’s happening for the sake of happening. Two visions colliding in the middle of the story.