If this is because Miura needs to plan out the story, draw more pages, refine his art, or whatever else, then I respect it. I'm disappointed that we won't be getting six new episodes like we did last year, but I'll take what we got. It was a great ride while it lasted, and I'll be rubbing my hands in anticipation for when it continues. And hopefully, for when Casca returns. The fact that I'm so eager for more is proof positive that Berserk has not lost its touch.
If this is a decision made by Hakusensha to be used as a marketing stunt for that shit stain they call an anime, then the anime can go fuck itself even harder than it has before. I could ignore it safely enough otherwise, but if it's having any effect on the manga, then I'm always going to feel its sting, regardless of whether or not I actually watch it.