Superman: the movie teaser

I liked the movie a lot. It made me laugh and the action scenes actually had me glued to the big screen. My experience was ruinined, somewhat, by a screaming kid... but nothing a kick in the head wouldn't cure.
Good stuff, Mr. Singer -- though Superkid would not be a good thing to include in a possible sequel :void:

(edited by Walter for Spoilers. Copy and Paste the small text to read).
Well. Just saw it. Overall I liked it.

Got that same rush that I got as a kid watching Reeve fly around. The plot wasn't superb, but good enough. Perhaps I would have thought better of it if it weren't SPOILED FOR ME :miura:

but still, if you enjoyed the old movies you should enjoy this one. Some great effects. I could probably watch superman fly around all day.
Man, glad I didn't hear anything about it or look in this thread (good job, guys =) before seeing it. I especially like Dwarf quoting the spoiler... you know, in case anybody didn't read it the post just previous to his. =)

But yeah, geez, I can't believe they killed off Superman in the same movie he "returns." Ballsy. :troll:

Anyway, I enjoyed it; I thought the guy was going to be a Superstiff, but he did alright, looked the part, and even sounded like Reeves at times: creepy. Same for Spacey looking like Hackman in certain scenes. I was about 10 people in line from seeing it on the IMAX screen at citywalk, but then it sold out and I got the show where it was like a slightly enlarged flat screen TV experience. Oh well.
"Griffith No More!" said:
I was about 10 people in line from seeing it on the IMAX screen at citywalk, but then it sold out and I got the show where it was like a slightly enlarged flat screen TV experience. Oh well.
I'll be seeing it on IMAX this week sometime. And yeah, thanks a lot to the spoiler duo... I don't really care about spoilers personally, but I know most people do. In the future, I'll keep a tighter leash on that sort of thing. And as a general rule, don't discuss movie spoilers until maybe... oh I dunno, more than a week has passed since the movie premieres? :schierke:
This would be one of the main reasons I try not to read threads on movies that I am looking forward to, until I see them. I saw the spoiler, luckily after seeing the movie, cause if not, I would of been pretty pissed :serpico:
While the spoiler in this thread was an unforgiveable act ( :troll:), I was thinking that the majority of the movie was already spoiled for me going in already. I mean, the teaser and trailers pretty much gave away all the major pieces of the movie's plot. You could figure it out. I mean, the only real twist or plot device that wasn't in the trailer was spoiled here. Most trailers do this now, I can't quite figure out why.

So when people go in and say "this plot was predictable". Well no shit, you'd already seen all the puzzle peices before the movie came out. I probably would have upgraded this movie from a B to an A if I had seen (or read) anything about it until showtime.

But even so, I still really enjoyed it. That must mean something considering I knew the plot and I had a terrible crowd to view it with (rednecks and a troupe of asian preschoolers, I shit you not). One of the rednecks actually called out "I fuckin' knew it! Did Ah not cahll that shee-it, Ray?" (in your thickest souther accent) when the spoiler was revealed.
How can so many people have not known of the "spoiler" that was posted in this thread? I's pretty much well known what happens :p.

Just like batman begins, "Oh man, joker going to be the next villian? You spoiled it!" :isidro:
Stiler said:
How can so many people have not known of the "spoiler" that was posted in this thread? I's pretty much well known what happens :p.

well, I guess if so many people didn't know it _isn't_ really well known, is it?

Stiler said:
Just like batman begins, "Oh man, joker going to be the next villian? You spoiled it!" :isidro:

that wasn't really an aspect of the plot of that movie, but technically, yes, even thats a spoiler. so have some courtesy for those who haven't seen it and hold off on talking about the plot twists/developments until a few weeks after the movie's been out.
I usually try and stay away from movie threads until ive seen the film soley because of potential spoilers.

Because i can understand the need to talk about certain spoilers in a film, but by the same token, if i havent seen it, i dont want to know. So i just stay away until ive seen the movie myself. :guts:
Stiler said:
How can so many people have not known of the "spoiler" that was posted in this thread? I's pretty much well known what happens :p.

Yeah, obviously your own personal knowledge of the film's plot details applies to everyone. Great point.
i saw it last night and thought that it was, for superman, a little uneventful; in fact, even a little boring... the casting was great, the cg looked good, the acting was okay but the plot was dull and dragged on... it joins the ranks of hulk...
Hard to argue with that really, despite the usual World destroying premise, it wasn't all that exciting. I think mainly because it was clear by the end of the movie that there was nothing that could happen where Superman wouldn't just show up and easilly save the day. I think the problems presented in the originals actually challenged Superman, while there was nothing here he couldn't beat with pure power.

BTW, am I the only one dissapointed that they didn't tie his absence into the events of 9/11? =)


"Where were you Superman?" :judo:
Psymont 2.0 said:
i saw it last night and thought that it was, for superman, a little uneventful; in fact, even a little boring... the casting was great, the cg looked good, the acting was okay but the plot was dull and dragged on... it joins the ranks of hulk...

dunno about hulk. There were parts of that movie were I actually could have fallen asleep. I think its only because I loved the original superman movies as a kid that I was excited watching this one. In that regard it didn't disappoint
CnC said:
I think its only because I loved the original superman movies as a kid that I was excited watching this one.  In that regard it didn't disappoint

Agreed, that was the aspect of the movie that excited me most as well. BTW, I think they did a bad job promoting it, from the first fruity Superman promo image and even the trailers (although the first teaser was awesome in it's own right), they didn't really use the best imagery of Superman from the movie. Odd.
First of all, thanks to Walter for minimizing the spoilers in this thread.

Just got back from the movie. Amazing, I loved it. That first action sequence was so dramatic and well paced... Plus you've got to love all the humorous touches and geek-trivia references throughout the movie. One of the few comic book movies where I completely forgot I was watching a movie about a comic book character.