The Walking Dead

I think it's time this fantastic series was given a thread!

The Walking Dead is centered around small-town police officer in Kentucky named Rick Grimes, his family, and a number of other survivors who have banded together in order to survive after the world is overrun with zombies. As the series progresses, Rick and the others become more developed, and their personalities shift under the stress of a zombie apocalypse. Fighting growing despair—and occasionally each other—the group searches for a secure location which they can finally call home.
                                                                               *taken from Wikipedia*

As it stands, issue #31 was just released this week. They're 5 TPB's out there. Days Gone Bye, Miles Behind Us, Safety Behind Bars, The Heart's Desire and the Best Defense.

If you're looking for a new series to sink your teeth into, look no further. I can say so much about this series, so I'll just say this.
If you like Zombies, good character development, and a solid storyline...CHECK THIS SERIES OUT!

Anyone on SK reading this?
Actually the funny thing is my roomies just scanned up to like 31 and sent it over to me to read. I love this thing! Too bad the art craps out after like issue 6. Well craps out is a harsh word for it. But I liked it alot more in the first 6 then later on.

Story is amazing!
Everyone should give this a chance, at least up to the second volume to see if it's your thing. It's a fantastic series, and it's the only American comic that I follow.
Shane said:
Great series. Just read the latest book a few days ago.
Your post freaked me out, because I thought you meant that #71 was out already (#70 has been out for almost a month at this point). But it's not. 71 got delayed, and won't be out until April 21. It seems even American comics suffer from breaks in publication, and ironically, consistent releases is one of the reasons I started reading Walking Dead :sad:

So yesterday I went down to the local comics shop seeking 71 like a strung out junkie. The guys there said it wasn't out, but I didn't believe them. Kirkman wouldn't be late! Apparently he's late a lot, I just haven't caught up with the releases until recently (been reading the TPBs). What's awesome though is that everyone that worked at the shop loves the series too. I told them it was the only American comic I followed, and one guy said: "I can understand that." I could feel his bitterness against the industry in the air as if it were suddenly more humid with hate :ganishka:

Seriously though, this is a real Miura tactic, to end on a break with this much of a cliffhanger. It's one of the biggest turning points in the series.
Eep, sorry. Didn't intend to cause any unwanted freaking out :iva:

Allow me to correct myself by saying I read the latest volume:
Went to buy the first volume of this today (along with Berserk volume 33), but sadly they were out. All they really had to offer me was the first episode or the compendium which is volumes 1-8. I look at this as a good thing, the first volume is sold out so hopefully it's doing well. I passed only because I'd like to get a good taste (excuse the pun) before I dedicate myself to this series. But, and as the comic book guy said, I'm sure I'll love it and end up buying all the volumes.

Looking forward to it!

edit: funny story: since I was suffering from what has been described to me as an "Easter bender", I accidentally mistook volume 11 as volume 1 momentarily and almost bought it. Thankfully comic book guy was nice and corrected me. In my defense though, underneath the display for the volume was a giant label reading "ONE".
Deci said:
Went to buy the first volume of this today (along with Berserk volume 33), but sadly they were out. All they really had to offer me was the first episode or the compendium which is volumes 1-8. I look at this as a good thing, the first volume is sold out so hopefully it's doing well. I passed only because I'd like to get a good taste (excuse the pun) before I dedicate myself to this series. But, and as the comic book guy said, I'm sure I'll love it and end up buying all the volumes.

Looking forward to it!
I understand your hesitancy to jump headfirst into a new series, but trust me. You'll like this.
Proj2501 said:
Issue 72's out. Oh Rick...
What, really? It's not due out for another two weeks according to Image Comics schedule, but I certainly won't complain! Will visit my comic shop today.
Proj2501 said:
Unless the place in NY where I bought it broke street date, but I doubt it.
I guess it's not a huge surprise. Kirkman was almost 2 months late on #71, and he's said he would spit out 12 issues this year regardless of the delay. So I guess that means he's ramping up his schedule. Fine by me!

Issue 75 is right around the corner. I wonder if there will be another big story event planned, as there was for around issue 50:
The aftermath of the escape from the jail carnage.

Btw, spoiler time:
Does anyone think the guy who helped found this town and ultimately left them whispering his name in terror will end up being The Governor? I also think Rick may be a little overconfident about being able to take control of this situation if needed. They've been betrayed once before, they're not likely going to be happy about another upstart, if Rick tries something.
I had similar thoughts on who this mystery man could be. I get the feeling though it's someone else.
Honestly, the Governor had access to heavy artillery.
I doubt he'd let The Burbs get the better of him.
Proj2501 said:
I had similar thoughts on who this mystery man could be. I get the feeling though it's someone else.
Honestly, the Governor had access to heavy artillery.
I doubt he'd let The Burbs get the better of him.
I'm saying that it's possible The Governor was at that little burb before settling the other town where Rick and others encountered him.

Anyway, the only basis I have for this line of reasoning is that Kirkman has been sort of mysterious about the guy's identity, and that technique of suspense is usually employed when the character is already known to us (else, why not just show a shot of the guy). That and Douglas was clearly disturbed by whatever this guy did to their town ("what he made us do...") and when it comes to sick and disturbed, there's one individual in the series that really comes to mind.

PS: My local shop didnt get 73 in this week. You got lucky, Proj! Or I got unlucky...
Walter said:
I'm saying that it's possible The Governor was at that little burb before settling the other town where Rick and others encountered him.

I just can't see the
getting kicked out of a town, starting a new one and not going back to where he got the boot to get some revenge. He was totally that type of guy too. We'll see. Unless for some reason these people were bad enough to keep the
in his place. (I doubt it though.)

Walter said:
PS: My local shop didnt get 73 in this week. You got lucky, Proj! Or I got unlucky...

You mean 72 I assume.
74 came out last Wed. and 75 comes out TOMORROW. Man, now that's a schedule I can get behind :beast:

After 74, it looks like
the beginning of the end for this story arc. I have a feeling we're going to lose some recurring characters to this new group too. Some might want to stay behind, while Rick and others become ostracized.
Proj2501 said:
I'm excited.
I'm actually not. I don't think this is the kind of series that will translate well to television, personally. We'll see.

Issue 75 is out. Just picked it up myself. Shit has officially hit the fan. Still, I was a little underwhelmed by the size of the issue. It feels a little stunted, because they include a color section at the end that's unrelated. It's funny, but a little annoying.

PS: Oh yeah, at the very end of 75 there are high-quality character portraits of the main cast of the TV adaptation in costume. Some of the casting decisions are terrible (Carl) and some are inspired (Andrea).
Walter said:
I'm actually not. I don't think this is the kind of series that will translate well to television, personally. We'll see.

But admit, you are curious. How can you not be? What worries me is that since it's on AMC (and not HBO or Showtime), just how much are they willing to stay true to the story? I mean, the story does start out fairly tame. If they get as far as the Governor, I wonder how faithful they'll be.

Series like True Blood, Dexter, Oz all got pretty dark. The latter really dealing with rape quite often. I just hope that since it's on AMC we won't lose any bite.

Also, it's not like they need regular old extras in the background. They will always need zombies in makeup. That's costly. I wouldn't be surprised to see this show end after a 3rd season. Hopefully it kicks some ass and stays on, but let's be honest, it probably won't.
I wouldn't be worried about the AMC angle. With Mad Men and Breaking Bad, they've proven they're not shy to mature subject matter. And with all the Emmys they've won recently, it's clear they're in the market to take away some of HBO's viewing space.