The Walking Dead

Grail said:
Speaking of the comic, has anybody read the latest issue yet?

I did.
I wish we would have seen more to Negan before he bashed Glen's skull in. He seems like an odd villain now, which surprises me for how he was introduced. Also, now the Jesus is going to take Rick to meet Ezekiel, I can see this whole arc ending up being a huge war between the two settlements(?), which means that Rick and the gang (whoever survives) may be moving away from DC in the next year or two.

After this arc, I just don't really know where Kirkman can take it. We're seeing the same scenario at the end of each arc, just with less characters (or more), so it's getting kind of boring to me.
Johnstantine said:
After this arc, I just don't really know where Kirkman can take it. We're seeing the same scenario at the end of each arc, just with less characters (or more), so it's getting kind of boring to me.
I'm waiting for
Rick to die and Carl to become the main character.
I would read THAT Walking Dead for an arc or two..

Negan royally pisses me off.
Johnstantine said:
I did.
I wish we would have seen more to Negan before he bashed Glen's skull in. He seems like an odd villain now, which surprises me for how he was introduced. Also, now the Jesus is going to take Rick to meet Ezekiel, I can see this whole arc ending up being a huge war between the two settlements(?), which means that Rick and the gang (whoever survives) may be moving away from DC in the next year or two.

After this arc, I just don't really know where Kirkman can take it. We're seeing the same scenario at the end of each arc, just with less characters (or more), so it's getting kind of boring to me.

This seems to only be the second time that this scenario has come up correct? And I consider this a test of Kirkman's writing skills to see whether or not the scenario even is what we are anticipating.
I used to think I could predict where Miura's story arcs were going as well, but eventually I just learned I could depend on him always keeping Berserk interesting, maybe Kirkman will do the same.
I'm an episode short of being caught up to the new season. So far, it's been better than season 2, much better. The Governor in this season is a lot more menacing. Last season, I just wasn't feeling a bad vibe from him or maybe I expected a bit more having heard from a few people how much of a big bad guy he was. Andrea's getting on my nerves.
I dont know why I kept hurting myself but I tried watching the first episode after the break and I couldnt even manange through the first scene.. Its just f****ng ridiculous, not only because the comic is so epic to begin with but its soooo bad even without the comparison. I serioulsy dont know how I got through the second season, god that was among the most painful tv time of my life.

IncantatioN said:
...Last season, I just wasn't feeling a bad vibe from him or maybe I expected a bit more having heard from a few people how much of a big bad guy he was.

Dude, you´re missing out on a lot of awesome story telling if you wont read the comic at least before watching the show. The conversations between Rick and Carl are among the most well-written drama I ever read.

Andrea's getting on my nerves.

Shes like the most badass in the comic, so if you are annoyed you can imagine my frustration :iva:
Well, like Game Of Thrones or anything that I started watching before reading the source material, I'd like to finish the story via that medium and then go back to the source. That's my preference though.
IncantatioN said:
Well, like Game Of Thrones or anything that I started watching before reading the source material, I'd like to finish the story via that medium and then go back to the source. That's my preference though.

I prefer the GOT show to the books, personally. The books are too bloated, and the show pretty much covers everything.
Johnstantine said:
I prefer the GOT show to the books, personally. The books are too bloated, and the show pretty much covers everything.
I don't think you actually get a good sense of where things are headed by just watching the show. The scenarios presented make sense in each episode, but it does very poorly in conveying the bigger picture.

Not that that big picture is very interesting, of course :troll:

I'm now caught up on Walking Dead comics. Interesting new developments, but it's starting to feel less like the series I knew, and becoming something wholly new. Not a bad thing, just a little strange.
IncantatioN said:
Well, like Game Of Thrones or anything that I started watching before reading the source material, I'd like to finish the story via that medium and then go back to the source. That's my preference though.
Yeah thats traditionally my philosophy too, lately though, I've discovered it doesn't always apply, TWD being one or those exceptions imo. Cause they've chosen some weird kinda middleground where they follow the comic just when they feel like it and soap-opera-ized it like hell and set the main concept aside. What took them two whole seasons to cover is concluded and very well conveyed within the very first chapter (6 issues). I wish they would've either followed the comic faithfully or (preferably) made a completely new story -like the TellTale game, which still kept TWD concept and nailed the atmosphere almost to perfection in some parts.

But if you've watched this far they've practically already spoiled the "foundation" of the story so I guess it wouldn't really matter. That's me though, I generally find spoilers unattractive, you might like it either way, and I hope you will if you do decide to read it.

Walter said:
I'm now caught up on Walking Dead comics. Interesting new developments, but it's starting to feel less like the series I knew, and becoming something wholly new. Not a bad thing, just a little strange.

Totally agree there. I get the impression Kirkman is trying to build a bigger arc here while incorporating some widening of the "worldview" which'll probably make it last longer and lay some ground for arcs to come.
Walter said:
I don't think you actually get a good sense of where things are headed by just watching the show. The scenarios presented make sense in each episode, but it does very poorly in conveying the bigger picture

You know what I like best about the show? No reading. :troll:
Johnstantine said:
I'll top that:

You know what I like best about the show? Not watching it.


I've got to say, my feelings about the show are starting to go stale. I really enjoyed the first half of the season, but following the mid-season break, the actions/motivations of the characters have become very hard to sympathize with. This past Sunday's episode was almost unbearable to watch. I've never really liked Andrea in the show, but it's gotten to the point where I honestly don't care what happens to her (which is the exact opposite of how I feel about her comic counterpart). And Tyreese... jeez. He was never a saint in the comics, but
holding one of his friends over a pit of zombies just because he's pissed off? One minute earlier, he's been telling Martinez about how they "take care of their own."
And on top of all that, the Governor is turning out to be even more of a joke. What's that whistling crap all about?

It's a shame, because I actually like Carol, Carl, Michonne and Daryl a lot. I wanna keep watching to see what happens to all of them. :judo:
Grail said:
I've got to say, my feelings about the show are starting to go stale. I really enjoyed the first half of the season, but following the mid-season break, the actions/motivations of the characters have become very hard to sympathize with.

Glad you've validated my feelings. I'm just about done watching the show. It's really gotten boring for me. One of the reasons for that being what you mentioned above. I keep thinking about how they're going to resolve this season and knowing what I know from the comics I can't see any solution that'll satisfy me. This is just a very subpar bizzaro-reality version (I think a lot of people came to that conclusion after the first episode of Season 1).
I like the show so far but man, Andrea is such a terrible character in this version. What happened to the smart, independent woman from the comics? Hopefully the latest episodes will set her on the right track.
Whatcha think of the season finale? I liked the episode right before that one. Those last few scenes with Merle was well played out, very sad. At the finale I was hoping someone important died, like Rick or the little baby (joking) but I'm ok with the way it ended. Governor this season > Governor last season.
IncantatioN said:
Whatcha think of the season finale? I liked the episode right before that one. Those last few scenes with Merle was well played out, very sad. At the finale I was hoping someone important died, like Rick or the little baby (joking) but I'm ok with the way it ended. Governor this season > Governor last season.

The baby dies in the comic.
Just sayin.
Hated the season finale. Hated it. Very unsatisfying all around. I realized I didn't give a fuck
Andrea was dying
Michonne started crying.
Made me realize how much I love Michonne.
I got sad only because she was sad.

Through the 2 halves of season 3 I went from enjoying the show to really disliking it. I wonder if it was finally reading the comic that did it or the show itself turned all shitty. Eh.
It was the weakest season if you ask me. The last 5 episodes dragged for so long. There was great zombies, more than any other season it seems. For every great thing though, I can think of 3 other better things they could of done.

In the comic, its Andrea that accidentally kills Ricks wife and her baby in one shot because the Governor never told had misled/confused her who they were attacking. This was such a powerful story/scene and I can't believe it didn't make the TV series. She kicks the Governor into a pack of zombies right there after, a very righteous moment too. So, I am interested to see how the TV series deals with him. Although, to be honest I'm not really looking forward to another season of the Walking Dead dedicated to the Governor storyline. I feel like it should of ended, and we need to move on. There is even a more grim torture scene that does the Governor/Michonne rivalry way more justice. They basically flipped flopped characters around for the scenario and it looses a lot of impact because the right people aren't doing the right things like were in the comic. Also, after a long bout of soul searching Andrea and Rick actually hook up deep into the Walking Dead comic story. As you can see, the TV series is entirely doing it own thing as it always has, for better or worst we missing out on a lot of great things. Maybe there is simply some stuff too grim even for the AMC TV show. Strangely, I liked both Andrea characters. I think she was a huge dip-shit in the 3rd season, but I like her a lot in season 2. They differently dropped on the ball in quite a few ways.
Death May Die said:
In the comic, its Andrea that accidentally kills Ricks wife and her baby in one shot because the Governor never told had misled/confused her who they were attacking. (...) She kicks the Governor into a pack of zombies right there after, a very righteous moment too.
I do believe you're thinking of Lilly, sir.
Death May Die said:
It was the weakest season if you ask me. The last 5 episodes dragged for so long. There was great zombies, more than any other season it seems. For every great thing though, I can think of 3 other better things they could of done.

In the comic, its Andrea that accidentally kills Ricks wife and her baby in one shot because the Governor never told had misled/confused her who they were attacking. This was such a powerful story/scene and I can't believe it didn't make the TV series. She kicks the Governor into a pack of zombies right there after, a very righteous moment too.

Uh, no.
The scene is powerful, but it isn't Andrea that does that.
Death May Die said:
It was the weakest season if you ask me. The last 5 episodes dragged for so long. There was great zombies, more than any other season it seems. For every great thing though, I can think of 3 other better things they could of done.
Agreed. I actually thought I'd posted about this already, but I was so disappointed that I must've blocked it out somehow. :ganishka: Anyway, very weak final half of the season, like you said. It's especially disappointing since it started off at a great pace. Once
Lori died
, it all felt perfunctory, and there wasn't a lot of genuine tension.

I'm especially sad that
Andrea turned out to be such an uninteresting character, even in her last scene. I remember telling Gobs at one point that I honestly didn't care if she lived or died in the show, but would be really sad if anything happened to the same character in the comic. Damn shame.
Gobolatula said:
I do believe you're thinking of Lilly, sir.

Your right, I could of sworn that Andrea was a sniper on the assault of the prison, and that's where she would accidentally shoot Lori. I don't own the comics, I read through most of them once a while back. Sorry about that. Just the same though, its a shame people won't get to see that story arc as I found it had a lot of impact especially over the way the TV series played it out.

Also, this is some what embarrassing. Lilly is also the Lilly from the video game isn't she. Wow, I just now put that together. Blows my mind but I think it also ruined my night. I'm losing it. :farnese:
Death May Die said:
Also, this is some what embarrassing. Lilly is also the Lilly from the video game isn't she. Wow, I just now put that together. Blows my mind but I think it also ruined my night. I'm losing it. :farnese:

I really wish that were the case, but (at least according to the creators), it's a different Lilly. :sad: I can't help but feel like maybe they were forced to change it after the fact, though. There are way too many connections that suggest that they were originally intended to be the same person.
Anyone interested in playing the Walking Dead PC game, which won numerous awards last year, can get it this week for under $5, along with most of the games in the developer's catalog here:

And yes, this is legit.