Really strange, entertaining episode. Jacoby's thing was absolutely nuts, I'm sure everyone thought his shovel painting had some sinister, Black Lodgey meaning behind it.
The humor in the Sheriff Department is kinda baffling to me. I first thought Lynch was trying to make Andy and Lucy appear sad and mentally ill but his insistence on putting in some brief Andy comic relief in this episode has me thinking it's just supposed to be funny. Lucy not understanding cell phones and passing out is kind of a follow up to her scene in Fire Walk With Me: The Missing Pieces, where she doesn't understand that it's possible to put down a phone mid-conversation and walk away, but it reminded me of bad scenes from Season 2, like straight up Little Nicky stuff. I'm not complaining, it adds to how alien this whole thing feels.
I don't understand why Norma called that guy who works at the diner Toad. Toad was the fat customer in the original series. I demand an explanation.