With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
Eluvei said:No doubt. I always thought the Giant sounded... disappointed? And yeah it's kinda hilarious for the guy to interrupt a concert to tell him he sucks as a detective.![]()
His tone borders on betrayed, but he could have been more straightforward sooner, still...

"What does it all mean?!

And I have no idea why this popped up in the image search but here you go:

Effects test for season 4 of Twin Peaks: The Explanation starring Annie & Audrey
Eluvei said:Really enjoyed reading this take, even if some things here and there don't really fit completely:
Damn fine read, and like you said you don't have to agree with all the details or conclusions but at least it lays out a logical framework of the facts to work with, and you can't reject it for being too zany because the logic of the lodges is. Anyway, that's the best postmortem I've read, not that the competition is great ("it's about the show and ending and stuff!"); these are about the only other two I liked, but they focused more on what Lynch was saying rather than what was technically happening, echoing your conversation with Nightcrawler that I didn't feel quite comfortable wading into (the second article in particular touches on a lot of the same themes you debated with Nighty and obviously comes away with a more positive interpretation):
Oh, and I looked up the first episode of Dumbland.

Walter said:I forgot to mention: "See you at the curtain call" was one of the coolest goodbye lines ever. Though somewhat downgraded by them being reunited next to an actual curtain.
Speaking of bad articles, there's paid writers out there poetically lamenting that "there'll never be that curtain call" without mentioning the fact Coop and Diane literally reunite next to a giant red stage curtain! Anyway, there's theories about the chronology of the episode being all mixed up (what else is new?) and that Coop and Diane are somehow reuniting in episode 17 AFTER the events of 18, explaining why they're so happy (they were both trapped and haven't spoken in decades?), why they kiss so passionately and she's not at all put off by the face of her rapist (uh, the real Coop's kiss is right? Ok, that one is weird), and why Coop's face superimposes over the screen dreamsplaining, but it all doesn't quite follow, particularly their path back there or lack thereof.