With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
Vagabond, Vol. 1 - Inoue Takehiko, March 1999 (Kodansha) / March 2002 (Viz)
Striving for enlightenment by way of the sword, Miyamoto Musashi is prepared to cut down anyone who stands in his way. Vagabond is an action-packed portrayal of the life and times of the quintessential warrior-philosopher--the most celebrated samurai of all time!

Vagabond, Vol. 2 - Inoue Takehiko, March 1999 (Kodansha) / June 2002 (Viz)
Shinmen Takezo is destined to become the legendary sword-saint, Miyamoto Musashi--perhaps the most renowned samurai of all time. For now, Takezo is a cold-hearted killer, who will take on anyone in mortal combat to make a name for himself. This is the journey of a wild young brute who strives to reach enlightenment by way of the sword--fighting on the edge of death.

Vagabond, Vol. 3 - Inoue Takehiko, July 1999 (Kodansha) / Sept. 2002 (Viz)
Tokugawa Era Japan: a new government has just taken power and the land is in disarray. Amidst the turmoil, a young man sets out on a journey seeking spiritual enlightenment by the way of the sword, prepared to slay anyone who might get in his way! Adapted from the fictionalized biography MUSASHI by Eiji Yoshikawa, Takehiko Inoue depicts the life and times of real-life "sword saint" Miyamoto Musashi.

Vagabond, Vol. 4 - Inoue Takehiko, Oct. 1999 (Kodansha) / Dec. 2002 (Viz)
Legendary sword-saint, Miyamota Musashi, was one of the most renowned samurai of all time. But the path to greatness is filled with difficulty--Musashi is divided between his aspiration to be the greatest swordman in the land and his growing feelings of love for his friend from childhood, Otsu. As Musashi struggles to deal with these issues, he heads to Hozoin Temple, to challenge the practitioners of its famous spear fighting technique.

Vagabond, Vol. 5 - Inoue Takehiko, Jan. 2000 (Kodansha) / March 2003 (Viz)
Legendary sword-saint Miyamoto Musashi was one of the most renowned samurai of all time. But the path to greatness is filled with difficulty, and Musashi is confronted by the greatest challenge he has yet to face when he encounters the spear fighting technique of Inshun, the second-generation master of Hozoin Temple. Will Inshun's ferociously sublime skill be more than even Musashi can handle?

Vagabond, Vol. 6 - Inoue Takehiko, April 2000 (Kodansha) / June 2003 (Viz)
Fear, failure, disgrace...Even the most renowned swordsman of all time had his low moments. For the first time ever, Miyamoto Musashi suffers a humilating loss when he takes on the deadly spear technique of Inshun, the second-generation master of Hozoin Temple. Dealing with defeat can be even more daunting of a task than facing the fiercest of warriors. Will Mushashi be up for his latest challenge?

Vagabond, Vol. 7 - Inoue Takehiko, July 2000 (Kodansha) / Sept. 2003 (Viz)
Daunting tasks lie before Miyamoto Musashi--He must overcome his own personal demons as he prepares for a rematch with Inshun, the most technically proficient and deadliest fighter he has ever faced. This time, Musashi won't run away, even if his life depends on it.

Vagabond, Vol. 8 - Inoue Takehiko, Oct. 2000 (Kodansha) / Dec. 2003 (Viz)
Martial arts is more than just battling to defeat your opponent; it's a mental test to overcome yourself. Inshun of Hozoin Temple comes upon this realization in midst of his epic rematch against Musashi. Last time, Inshun was too much for Musashi to handle, but now the tables are turned as Inshun faces his own personal demons as well as a new and revitalized Musashi.

Vagabond, Vol. 9 - Inoue Takehiko, Feb. 2001 (Kodansha) / March 2004 (Viz)
To the trained eye, a single cut flower can be more revealing about a man's fighting skills than witnessing a duel to the death. When Musashi is given a flower cut by master swordsman Yagyu Sekishusai, he realizes he must seek this man out--for Sekishusai may turn out to be the greatest swordsman Musashi will ever meet.

Vagabond, Vol. 10 - Inoue Takehiko, May 2001 (Kodansha) / April 2004 (Viz)
A master is responsible for his disciples actions. When Jotaro commits a serious offense on the estate of the Yagyu Clan, Musashi must face the penalty for his young protege's actions. Now Musashi is prepared to take out every man in the clan until he comes face to face with the great master of the house, Yagyu Sekishushi. Was this Musashi's plan all along?

Vagabond, Vol. 11 - Inoue Takehiko, Aug. 2001 (Kodansha) / May 2004 (Viz)
Japan's most celebrated samurai, sword-saint Miyamoto Musashi, wasn't always an enlightened warrior-philosopher--for the path to greatness is filled with adversity and difficult life-decisions. Musashi wants to take on Yagyu Sekishusai, a man recognized by many to be the greatest living swordsman around. But Sekishusai is an ailing old man and Musashi is on the verge of killing him in his sleep. Will this act truly take Musashi further along the path to enlightenment by way of the sword?

Vagabond, Vol. 12 - Inoue Takehiko, Nov. 2001 (Kodansha) / June 2004 (Viz)
Miyamoto Musashi is a man destined to be revered as a sword-saint and one of Japan's most celebrated samurai. But Musashi wasn't always an enlightened warrior-philosopher--for the path to greatness is filled with adversity and perilous danger. In this volume Musashi seeks out Shishido Baiken, a master of the deadly sickle and chain. Will Musashi's sword be able to stand true against this most unusual of weapons?

Vagabond, Vol. 13 - Inoue Takehiko, March 2002 (Kodansha) / July 2004 (Viz)
Miyamoto Musashi is destined to be Japan's most celebrated samurai, a man revered as a sword-saint. But for now, Musashi is on the brink of death fighting against an enemy armed with the unconventional but deadly sickle and chain. Out of pure instinct he resorts to using both his long and short swords at the same time. This single act of desperation is the historic start to what will eventually become Musashi's signature sword-fighting technique as well as a quantum leap in the world of martial arts.

Vagabond, Vol. 14 - Inoue Takehiko, June 2002 (Kodansha) / Aug. 2004 (Viz)
Miyamoto Musashi is destined to be Japan's most celebrated samurai, a man revered as a sword-saint. But every great warrior needs a worthy rival and Sasaki Kojiro is destined to be Musashi's legendary opponent in the most well known duel in Japanese history. This volume goes into the background and childhood of the man famed for his deadly "swallow cut" sword stroke.

Vagabond, Vol. 15 - Inoue Takehiko, Oct. 2002 (Kodansha) / Sept. 2004 (Viz)
Miyamoto Musashi is destined to be Japan's most celebrated samurai, a man revered as a sword-saint. But every great warrior needs a worthy rival and Sasaki Kojiro with his deadly "swallow cut" is destined to be Musashi's legendary opponent in the most well known duel in Japanese history. This volume goes into the background and childhood of the man famed for his deadly "swallow cut" sword stroke.

Vagabond, Vol. 16 - Inoue Takehiko, Feb. 2003 (Kodansha) / Oct. 2004 (Viz)
Sasaki Kojiro, renowned for his deadly "swallow-cut," is the man destined to be sword-saint Miyamoto Musashi's greatest rival and opponent in the most well known duel in the annals of Japanese history. This volume further explores the background of the abandoned deaf orphan Kojiro as he comes of age and develops into a bloodthirsty swordsman with sublime skills.

Vagabond, Vol. 17 - Inoue Takehiko, June 2003 (Kodansha) / Nov. 2004 (Viz)
Kojiro is invincible under the sun! Sasaki Kojiro, renowned for his deadly "swallow-cut," is the man destined to be sword-saint Miyamoto Musashi's greatest rival and opponent in the most well known duel in the annals of Japanese history. While Musashi is an untamed beast driven by pure instinct, Kojiro is an icy, cold-blooded killer. This volume further explores the background of the abandoned deaf orphan Kojiro as he comes of age and develops into a bloodthirsty swordsman with sublime skills.

Vagabond, Vol. 18 - Inoue Takehiko, Nov. 2003 (Kodansha) / Dec. 2004 (Viz)
Kojiro is invincible under the sun! Sasaki Kojiro, renowned for his deadly "swallow-cut," is the man destined to be sword-saint Miyamoto Musashi's greatest rival and opponent in the most well known duel in the annals of Japanese history. While Musashi is an untamed beast driven by pure instinct, Kojiro is an icy cold-blooded killer. Blood and carnage abound when these two young men have a chance encounter at the Battle of Sekigahara.

Vagabond, Vol. 19 - Inoue Takehiko, March 2004 (Kodansha) / Jan. 2005 (Viz)
Sasaki Kojiro, renowned for his deadly "swallow-cut," is the man destined to be sword-saint Miyamoto Musashi's greatest rival and opponent in the most well-known duel in the annals of Japanese history. But for now, Kojiro has been abandoned by his brutal master Ito Ittosai, and must contend with the vicious refugee hunters and ruthless scavengers that abound in the aftermath of the Battle of Sekigahara.

Vagabond, Vol. 20 - Inoue Takehiko, July 2004 (Kodansha) / Feb. 2005 (Viz)
Sasaki Kojiro, renowned for his deadly "swallow-cut," is the man destined to be sword-saint Miyamoto Musashi's greatest rival and opponent in the most well-known duel in the annals of Japanese history. In the aftermath of the Battle of Sekigahara, Kojiro comes face to face with emotions previously unknown to him--fear and desperation. Far from being daunted, Kojiro embraces these feelings and allows them to shape him into what may be the ultimate swordsman.

Vagabond, Vol. 21 - Inoue Takehiko, Sept. 2005 (Kodansha) / June 2006 (Viz)
After one year, Musashi returns to Kyoto for a rematch with the Yoshioka brothers. Musashi is a changed man, but does he have what it takes to overcome the ferocity of the younger brother, Denshichiro, and the sublime skills of the older brother, Seijuro?

Vagabond, Vol. 22 - Inoue Takehiko, Feb. 2006 (Kodansha) / Aug. 2006 (Viz)
A tempest of a man has arrived in Kyoto and the entire city is in a fervor, anticipating the storm to come. Musashi has returned for a rematch against Yoshioka Denshichiro, and he's prepared to take down all of the Yoshioka Dojo to defeat him!

Vagabond, Vol. 23 - Inoue Takehiko, June 2006 (Kodansha) / Oct. 2006 (Viz)
When the elder disciples of the Yoshioka Dojo realize that their leader, Yoshioka Denshichiro, is no match for Musashi, they come up with a dishonorable plan--to hire Sasaki Kojiro, a deaf-mute swordsman with a reputation as fierce as Musashi's, to fight their battle for them. Thus begins the saga of the greatest duel in Japanese history.

Vagabond, Vol. 24 - Inoue Takehiko, Oct. 2006 (Kodansha) / Feb. 2007 (Viz)
On the eve of his duel with the leader of the great Yoshioka School, Musashi takes a step back to reflect upon his past in order to acquire a higher level of understanding and awareness. However, a chance encounter with deaf-mute swordsman Sasaki Kojiro provides an impromptu preview of what will become the greatest duel in the annals of Japanese history.

Vagabond, Vol. 25 - Inoue Takehiko, March 2007 (Kodansha) / May 2007 (Viz)
At last, the long-awaited rematch between Musashi and the leader of the mighty Yoshioka School is at hand. Literally head and shoulders above Musashi, Yoshioka Denshichiro granted Musashi a reprieve of one year for a rematch. Now the time is up, and the climax to Musashi's epic clash with the Yoshioka is about to come to a bloody finale--or will it? Within one year's time, Musashi has grown wiser and stronger, but can he really bring this spiral of blood and killing to an end?

Vagabond, Vol. 26 - Inoue Takehiko, July 2007 (Kodansha) / Oct. 2007 (Viz)
Musashi defeats the two masters of the mighty Yoshioka, the most renowned school of swordsmanship in Kyoto. But now with the entire clan out for revenge, will Musashi be forced to hack and chop his way through seventy bloodthirsty men, or will he leap right into their fold?

Vagabond, Vol. 27 - Inoue Takehiko, Nov. 2007 (Kodansha) / March 2008 (Viz)
The carnage continues! Musashi single-handedly takes on the entire Yoshioka Clan, 70 bloodthirsty men out for revenge. On the brink of death, will he be pushed over the edge or will this sublime battle experience take him one step closer to his ultimate goal?

Vagabond, Vol. 28 - Inoue Takehiko, May 2008 (Kodansha) / Oct. 2008 (Viz)
What does a man do after he accomplishes the impossible? This is exactly what Musashi must reflect upon after he survives single-handedly taking on seventy bloodthirsty men out for revenge. But before he can take his next step, Musashi will have to recover from his battle wounds—and it remains to be seen whether he'll even be able to walk again...

Vagabond, Vol. 29 - Inoue Takehiko, Oct. 2008 (Kodansha) / May 2009 (Viz)
Musashi is at the greatest crossroads of his life. After surviving his single-handed battle against the seventy men of the Yoshioka Clan, Musashi is left with an injury that may lead to the end of his sword-fighting days. Could this mean he will escape from the spiral of death and killing that has been at the very center of his being for so long, or will the way of the sword be too tempting for him to walk away from?

Vagabond, Vol. 30 - Inoue Takehiko, May 2009 (Kodansha) / Nov. 2009 (Viz)
With his right leg severely injured, Mushashi is forced to take a step back from the treacherous spiral of life and death battle. Uncertain about his future, he's sure about one thing--he wants to be where he once was, when he could all but see everything interconnected in its entirety. But what will he have to do to get there again?

Vagabond, Vol. 31 - Inoue Takehiko, Sept. 2009 (Kodansha) / Jan. 2010 (Viz)
"Invincible is just a word, a mirage." With this revelation, Musashi sets out again to continue along the way. But will the path he chooses take him further towards the light or deeper into the darkness that is all too familiar to him, the spiral of killing and death?

Vagabond, Vol. 32 - Inoue Takehiko, Jan. 2010 (Kodansha) / Aug. 2010 (Viz)
Ferocious and bursting with bloodlust, lto lttosai, the embodiment of what Musashi used to uphold as the ideal warrior stands before him taunting and goading him into a fight. What Musashi does not know is the connection that lttosai has with Sasaki kojiro, the man destined to become the greatest opponent Musashi will ever face.

Vagabond, Vol. 33 - Inoue Takehiko, May. 2010 (Kodansha) / Oct. 2010 (Viz)
While the rest of the world seeks out the man that single-handedly defeated seventy men, Musashi finds refuge in a domestic environment that is quite foreign to him. And when he happens to cover up his ears, Musashi finds that blocking out this external stimulus brings him closer to an understanding about something within himself, as well as closer to the man who is destined to be the greatest opponent he will ever face.

Vagabond, Vol. 35 - Inoue Takehiko, 2011 (Kodansha) / 2011 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 35 - Inoue Takehiko, 2013 (Kodansha) / 2013 (Viz)
Vagabond, Vol. 36 - Inoue Takehiko, 2013 (Kodansha) / 2013 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 2 - Inoue Takehiko, March 1999 (Kodansha) / June 2002 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 3 - Inoue Takehiko, July 1999 (Kodansha) / Sept. 2002 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 4 - Inoue Takehiko, Oct. 1999 (Kodansha) / Dec. 2002 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 5 - Inoue Takehiko, Jan. 2000 (Kodansha) / March 2003 (Viz)
![]() ![]() | ISBN (JP): 4-06-328672-4 ISBN (US): 1-56931-893-X Length: 208 pages 041: The Assassin 042: Howl 043: Inshun's Spear 044: Life 045: Unease 046: The Demon Within 047: Fear 048: Fear II 049: Fear III |

Vagabond, Vol. 6 - Inoue Takehiko, April 2000 (Kodansha) / June 2003 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 7 - Inoue Takehiko, July 2000 (Kodansha) / Sept. 2003 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 8 - Inoue Takehiko, Oct. 2000 (Kodansha) / Dec. 2003 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 9 - Inoue Takehiko, Feb. 2001 (Kodansha) / March 2004 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 10 - Inoue Takehiko, May 2001 (Kodansha) / April 2004 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 11 - Inoue Takehiko, Aug. 2001 (Kodansha) / May 2004 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 12 - Inoue Takehiko, Nov. 2001 (Kodansha) / June 2004 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 13 - Inoue Takehiko, March 2002 (Kodansha) / July 2004 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 14 - Inoue Takehiko, June 2002 (Kodansha) / Aug. 2004 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 15 - Inoue Takehiko, Oct. 2002 (Kodansha) / Sept. 2004 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 16 - Inoue Takehiko, Feb. 2003 (Kodansha) / Oct. 2004 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 17 - Inoue Takehiko, June 2003 (Kodansha) / Nov. 2004 (Viz)
![]() ![]() | ISBN (JP): 4-06-328891-9 ISBN (US): 1-59116-455-9 Length: 192 pages 151: Numb 152: Brothers 153: Blood Battle 154: Shore of Blood 155: The Departure 156: A Complete Life 157: Ganryu |

Vagabond, Vol. 18 - Inoue Takehiko, Nov. 2003 (Kodansha) / Dec. 2004 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 19 - Inoue Takehiko, March 2004 (Kodansha) / Jan. 2005 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 20 - Inoue Takehiko, July 2004 (Kodansha) / Feb. 2005 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 21 - Inoue Takehiko, Sept. 2005 (Kodansha) / June 2006 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 22 - Inoue Takehiko, Feb. 2006 (Kodansha) / Aug. 2006 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 23 - Inoue Takehiko, June 2006 (Kodansha) / Oct. 2006 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 24 - Inoue Takehiko, Oct. 2006 (Kodansha) / Feb. 2007 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 25 - Inoue Takehiko, March 2007 (Kodansha) / May 2007 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 26 - Inoue Takehiko, July 2007 (Kodansha) / Oct. 2007 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 27 - Inoue Takehiko, Nov. 2007 (Kodansha) / March 2008 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 28 - Inoue Takehiko, May 2008 (Kodansha) / Oct. 2008 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 29 - Inoue Takehiko, Oct. 2008 (Kodansha) / May 2009 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 30 - Inoue Takehiko, May 2009 (Kodansha) / Nov. 2009 (Viz)

Vagabond, Vol. 31 - Inoue Takehiko, Sept. 2009 (Kodansha) / Jan. 2010 (Viz)
![]() ![]() | Length: 208 pages ISBN (JP): 4-0637-2827-9 ISBN (US): 1-4215-3631-5 270: Drifter 271: Enter the Circle 272: Going Home with Broken Dreams 273: Mother and Child 274: Mother 275: Liar 276: Chance Encounter 277: Friends 278: Treasure |

Vagabond, Vol. 32 - Inoue Takehiko, Jan. 2010 (Kodansha) / Aug. 2010 (Viz)
![]() ![]() | Length: 208 pages ISBN (JP): 4-0637-2866-8 ISBN (US): 1-4215-3813-X 279: Admiration 280: Sword Demon Ittosai 281: Falling Star 282: This Shape 283: Thirteen 284: Spiral 285: Learning to Smile 286: Tiger vs. Tiger 287: Nonsense About No Sword |

Vagabond, Vol. 33 - Inoue Takehiko, May. 2010 (Kodansha) / Oct. 2010 (Viz)
![]() ![]() | Length: 208 pages ISBN (JP): 4-0637-2903-6 ISBN (US): 1-4215-3814-8 288: Kokura 289: Inner Music 290: Life Among Men 291: Seven Years 292: Faces 293: Mist 294: Give It Up 295: Paper Balloon 296: Kojiro's Town |

Vagabond, Vol. 35 - Inoue Takehiko, 2011 (Kodansha) / 2011 (Viz)
![]() ![]() | 297: Too Flashy 298: Instructor 299: Mogura 300: The Future of Our Freedom 301: At The End of The Journey 302: Children of the Earth 303: Rainy Soil |

Vagabond, Vol. 35 - Inoue Takehiko, 2013 (Kodansha) / 2013 (Viz)
![]() ![]() | 304: Overflowing Water 305: 306: 307: 308: 309: |
Vagabond, Vol. 36 - Inoue Takehiko, 2013 (Kodansha) / 2013 (Viz)
![]() ![]() | 310: 311: |
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© 2002-2009 Viz Media, LLC.
Musashi battles a different type of foe when a devastating famine threatens to ravage a remote village. Musashi attempts to help an orphaned boy enrich the soil of a barren land. But can anyone single-handedly take on the forces of nature in the manner that Musashi defeated the seventy swordsmen of the Yoshioka dojo?© 2002-2009 Viz Media, LLC.