I like the designs for DJ and his crew. It's different, and yet very fitting.
dwarfkicker said:I like the designs for DJ and his crew. It's different, and yet very fitting.
I agree wholeheartedly, in fact, I think he fits the swashbuckler archetype/image quite well. I won't be awaiting this movie with baited breaths, but as everyone has said, it looks 'fun'.Aazealh said:I even didn't mind Bloom too much, as long as he's not playing Legolas it's fine with me.
[hide]The tribe that thought Captain Jack was a god now thinks the dog that was left behind is a god, so he is sitting in the same chair Jack was, and they are dancing. [/hide]dwarfkicker said:Awesome movie. I saw the ending coming (not because it was spoiled or anything), even though the rest of the group I went with were totally surprised.
What happened after the credits, as I didn't stay to watch?
Yeah, I agree. So much of the first 30min is spent orienting the audience on characters they're already familiar with... but, I do understand that's a necessary tradition for sequels.CnC said:Man that was a long movie.... The amount of information it needed to convey COULDN'T have demanded a 3 hour length.