Your plans for the future

I'm off to San Fransisco to attend GDC next week. Four days of talking about the video game industry, networking and exchanging business cards, and trying to exert self-control at the bar after-parties. :iva: Maybe the trick to getting hired is to buy a Lead Artist enough drinks...

Can't wait to stop by BioWare's booth to say hello to those cats.
Whoow got a nice ass apartment for the next 3 years! Moving in after this summer, gonna be heaven after living in this shitty dorm room. God, it's been so long since I've had my own bathroom, I could cry. Going to make college a lot easier.
Okin said:
Whoow got a nice ass apartment for the next 3 years! Moving in after this summer, gonna be heaven after living in this shitty dorm room. God, it's been so long since I've had my own bathroom, I could cry. Going to make college a lot easier.
Say goodbye to your actual college life and hello to AMAZING, LUXURIOUS COMFORT. I remember those days :carcus:
Finished my College Police Foundations, moved into a new apartment couple months back. Volunteer work coming up again (used to hate it since its a pre-requisite or most likely looked well upon an applicant for a Police Force) but now it ain't so bad I'm giving back to society and well earning those brownie points for the interview. 2 more years of this and I'm set. Slowly looking for a job that might be relevant to police work. Have been Security Officer and still am from time to time. But I seem to have hit a blockage in ideas for jobs that might relate to Police work in general. Any ideas?

Besides career wise, love life is great, no intention on letting her go/going away, we're both looking for new jobs though but I'm sure she will get into what she wants as a youth offenders aid or whatever they might be called. Life is great.
Join the Table Tennis club (.....soon*cough*)
Save up enough money for a short 2 week visit back home (somehow I think this's going to be a challenge considering how I dropped about 200,000 Yen on AOW last night *twiddles fingers*)
Practice practice practice till my fingers ache and I can put out a demo release (.....prolly giving myself 2 years time for it, that's what I said in late 09 though :sad:)

A couple more ... it'll come to me.
I'm going to study East Asia Studies, hopefully in Berlin, in 3 months. My focus will be on China and some chinese regions. It will be awesome! Although chinese will be hard, I think it will be much fun to learn!
Found this old thread while I was browsing around tonight. :carcus: It's been about four or five years, so I'm curious to hear back from the folks who originally posted here. How does it make you feel to look back at your goals? Have you reached them yet, or have they changed? Anybody seen any blue butterflies lately?

Since I never posted about it at the time, I got to thinking about my goals from then and now. Around the time that this thread was made, I was a junior in college getting degrees in art and English. The economy was in the can, so that made things pretty scary for a kid with two feet sunk in the least lucrative majors known to western society. I would have said my goals would be to land a paying graphic design job, and maybe to post in the oekaki more. One out of two ain't bad! :ganishka:

Five years down the line, a lot has changed! The economy seems to be turning up, and my biggest problem has been deciding on where I want to work, rather than "where can I find work at all?" My current goal for the future is to save up some more money for a condo in the burbs, and earn enough so that Gobs can retire and concentrate on a full-time career as a comic artist and trophy fiancé. :badbone:

I'd also like to record more comedy videos for, ones that involve roles with more breathing holes.

How about you guys?
Neat, it's like a time capsule. Let's see how I did....

Walter said:
Well, my wife and I will be moving within the next two years, so I suppose one of my long-term goals is to find a new place to live. More specifically, we need to decide WHERE in the U.S. (or elsewhere) we should settle down and ultimately raise kids. I also have to make a difficult decision in the near future -- whether to abandon my short-lived career as a journalist. The writing is on the wall for the future of this industry, and I don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

Instead of moving to the west coast, I moved to the extreme east coast (Maryland), and we did end up having a son (Kagan), so that worked out. I also did get out of print journalism, and am now doing sort of a hybrid copywriting/trend reporting that pays quite a bit better than any job I've had heretofore.

If only I could be legitimately paid to chronicle Berserk and administrate the forum ... :sad:
Still hasn't happened yet! But we did launch the podcast since then. And that thing makes... negative money. Shit.

Short-term goals include updating the Berserk Encyclopedia :void:

I have a lot of new material for this, just haven't found the time or willpower to do anything with it. Doing the enc justice would take a lot more work.
IncantatioN said:
Join the Table Tennis club (.....soon*cough*)
Didn't happened but I did play a lot more beginning Feb 2013 to present. Was part of a tournament in Oct-Nov with players from Bloomberg, Google, Neilsen thanks to DirectDK.

Save up enough money for a short 2 week visit back home (somehow I think this's going to be a challenge considering how I dropped about 200,000 Yen on AOW last night *twiddles fingers*)
I did make a quick trip in Feb-March 2011. Unfortunately I haven't been able to go and visit my family since then. Both Mum and Dad have come visited me instead for a short bursts of 5 weeks each, my Mum was here last month.

Practice practice practice till my fingers ache and I can put out a demo release (.....prolly giving myself 2 years time for it, that's what I said in late 09 though :sad:)
Goddamnit. This never happened but I'm in the middle of asking a friend if he could spare some time to teach me cos we both like certain style of 'Djent' bands and I want to learn how to play that, not the noodley kind.

Instead, I co-own a record label with a close friend and so far we've managed to put out 3 releases (7", CD and a 12"). It'll be years till we break-even.

A couple more ... it'll come to me.
I need to give my professional career a big push and there are three tough choices I'd have to make. One that I go to Law school (part-time) which'll take years and put me in eternal debt which could be hard if I'm to marry-have a kid-etc. The other is I completely switch my field of work and start from scratch which would be tricky given the worker's status that I'm currently in. Third being I leave the US and get into corporate back home. With the way America's Immigration system works at the moment, it'll take me another 10-15 years before I get a Green Card, which means I'd have to stick with 1 employer throughout this time and limits my chances professionally speaking.
This thread is a bit dated, but sounds fun enough. Being a father this past year has been the greatest joy. Getting a tat of my favorite series and contemplating selling our house has been pretty darn fun. I work for bnsf, so my job will remain the same till I can retire in 30 more years at 60. Going to see pearl jam Thursday and dave Chappelle at the end of the month. Life is good. Future plans will be getting a bigger house and a few more kids. :)
This thread should be revived regularly since life changes! :carcus:
All the posts here sound great to me. It's like we talk about our life, gathering around a bonfire like the Falcon members.
Reading my old post here, I feel like Flora! It's been almost 5 years, and I did see a blue butterfly since then. :serpico:

I wanted to have a pool in my garden back then but now I want to have some wild animals like toads, hedgehogs, lizards... along with a small waterway. The good thing is that I've built my career relatively well. For now, my goal is to be healthy.

The one thing that hasn't changed for the past 13 years is my passion for Berserk. And I still keep that hope of seeing Miura some day. Maybe I'll go to Japan and lurk around Hakusensha's building everyday until he shows up! :rakshas:
puella said:
I wanted to have a pool in my garden back then but now I want to have some wild animals like toads, hedgehogs, lizards... along with a small waterway. The good thing is that I've built my career relatively well. For now, my goal is to be healthy.

The one thing that hasn't changed for the past 13 years is my passion for Berserk. And I still keep that hope of seeing Miura some day. Maybe I'll go to Japan and lurk around Hakusensha's building everyday until he shows up! :rakshas:

Those are both great goals, stalking Miura sounds as fun as it is illegal! I'd love to meet him some day as well though, I hope he comes to the US for a convention of some sort, but he's not the type to do that sort of thing. :judo:

As for my goals, I'm a bit embarrassed reading what I wrote before but my goals still include silly things like "finish so-and-so media." What's jumped up in that regard is books. I find it hard to focus on reading lately and I want to get that passion for it back that I had as a kid and teen.

When it comes to bigger and more important goals I reached one recently by finding a job again, which I posted about in another thread. It's a simple cashier job at a nearby grocery store, but money is money! I also have the opportunity to maybe get a networking/tech job in and around San Francisco in the next few months if I get my ass in gear and study like crazy. It's not the best sort of job and I'd have to commute or pay the ridiculous prices for rent in that area, but it's something that could lead towards bigger things some day.

Other misc goals include learning some basic Japanese, traveling some more, getting my house fixed up, and getting my post count per day back up to at least 1 while stealing Grail and CnC's spot on the "most time online" list in the stats page. :badbone:
Dar Klink said:
and getting my post count per day back up to at least 1 while stealing Grail and CnC's spot on the "most time online" list in the stats page. :badbone:

I can't believe CnC still holds a spot.

I don't have too many plans but one thing I want to do is travel more. I just got back from Aruba where I had the time of my life. I haven't vacationed much in the last 7 years or so. I think I'm going to vacation at least once a year from now on, even if it seems like a touristy thing going to tropical islands, it actually wasn't that bad. I met a lot of locals and hung out with them mostly in very poor areas. But man, they know how to drink and party til the sun rises.

So yea, go out have more fun basically. :guts:
I will continue to vie for most time spent hidden online. I forgot why I selected hidden when I made my account, and I haven't bothered yet looking for the setting to change it back. :iva:
My plan is to finish my studies at college, then start working in hotel indusrty. Me and my friends are also thinking of setting up our own inn/restaurant in the future, but that's unsure. Other plans include traveling Russia and learning the language better.
yota821 said:
Short term:

Get my first and second degree black belts within the next 2-3 years. That should give me plenty of experience (as well as personal confidence and skill) to possibly open my own studio. I'm still kinda taking the situation as it goes, so it's still pretty vague.

Get more experience at my currrent workplace; the engine component I'm working on (EGR coolers for diesel engines) have a long future in the industry, especially as the EPA brings even more strict emission requirements. The more knowledge I gain now, the more it will benefit me down the road.

Finding a place to share with some friends so we can split the rent, but even this plan might fall through since one of them is sorta on the fence. This is more of an optional one, I guess

Getting a new car; my mustang already has more than 100K miles on it, and I can just see the maintenance bills coming in. :judo:

Long term:

Get a decent home, most likely in the suburbs somewhere. Not planning on getting married, so I'll (hopefully) have plenty of space for all my junk.

Another thing is to just get out the automotive industry. Now, looking at one of my short term goals above that may seem counterintuitive, but actually my field is mostly related to heat transer between dynamic fluids and material properties, and I can imagine many places not related to automotive stuff that may be impressed enough by my resume.

Get a Masters degree. This is probably optional, depending on how my job situation goes.

Okaaayyy, let's see here:
I just got promoted to 3rd degree black belt in tang soo do and 2nd degree black belt in hapkido. I'm starting to see if I can start a park district program, so I guess I'm still on track there.
I'm still employed at the same place, and even got a promotion (not much of a pay increase, but I've got a job so I'm not complaining). Kinda good, except I'm still in the automotive industry. :judo:
Got myself a new car a few years ago, and I just paid it off last month. That's a relief!! :serpico:
I actually bought myself a condo, and my girlfriend (!!) moved in with me, so I killed a few birds there. Although she and I have talked about marriage, it likely isn't going to happen until she gets her Masters.
Speaking of which, I received my Masters (MSME, to be exact) last year too. So all in all I think I did alright.
Griffith said:
Well, I guess I'll be moving to Westwood and attending UCLA in the fall.

Well, I graduated from UCLA, and then never left and have a job with benefits and retirement and everything, like a real boy. Plus, I got married. So next on the agenda is prolonging death (continuous), kids, the aforementioned retirement, and then dying anyway. I think that pretty much covers it.
Griffith said:
next on the agenda is prolonging death (continuous), kids, the aforementioned retirement, and then dying anyway. I think that pretty much covers it.

He's all grown up :judo: I'm so proud :guts: