Your plans for the future

Well I've been working on building my discipline a lot lately and just trying to become a hard worker who's motivated to actually accomplish the things I want. Those being: Becoming a mother.. though that's likely quite a ways away, and developing my writing craft to the point where I can actually feel confident submitting stuff (though I have submitted on a small scale). I really hope plan to become a professional author some day.

Also, I graduated from UCI this last October so my more immediate plans are to improve my job situation which has piss poor pay, no benefits, and low hours. My current standard isn't much better, but I just need a full time position for the health insurance as I'm anticipating some major medical stuff over the next 2 or so years. It would be great to finally move out too, because living with my parents post college is really quite the drag. :farnese:

I intend to apply for JET this next fall as I'm currently on vacation in Japan, and I've fallen in love and absolutely want to live here for at least a couple years, if not until I'm ready to have children
Resurrecting this thread for a moment.

In the process of moving and stressed. We are buying and selling simultaneously and let me tell you for those who haven't done it, the process can suck.

Moving to a new home which is two and half times the size of our current (beyond my expectations in life) and the buyer of our home needs to find additional papers for his bank. We were suppose to close thursday on our new home. Eesh. Full on Christian Bale American Psycho kind of feeling at the moment.

With two children under 3, 3 beasts, and 90% of my belongings in the garage or boxes, I really will be happy when this all gets done.

My plans once this gets done are three simple time consuming projects.

1. Theater riser for my couch, with outlets and accent lighting.

2. Built in wall entertainment shelf for pc, cable, games, etc.

3. Fiber optic supsended ceiling for starlight effect, with my projector in the middle and trim/crown moulding on the top to conceal any gap.
I'll second Puella about wanting to see Miura one day. Though I've heard he's very private so getting to shake his hand for delivering us the best manga ever might prove difficult without getting dragged away by police lol.

. Theater riser for my couch, with outlets and accent lighting.

2. Built in wall entertainment shelf for pc, cable, games, etc.

3. Fiber optic supsended ceiling for starlight effect, with my projector in the middle and trim/crown moulding on the top to conceal any gap.

Sounds good. I'm planning to have one room especially dedicated to berserk with posters, mangashelves and what not, one room entirely for gaming and another one for warhammer 40k miniatures and novels/books.

I also want to learn japanese. I've started with Hiragana and so far so good, but we shall see how it goes. I tend to drop such projects in a month or two whenever a major obstacle appears so I'll have to force myself this time.

Dropping weight from 120 kg to 90 wouldn't be bad either.
Feeblecursedone said:
I'm planning to have one room especially dedicated to berserk with posters, mangashelves and what not, one room entirely for gaming and another one for warhammer 40k miniatures and novels/books.

I also want to learn japanese. I've started with Hiragana and so far so good, but we shall see how it goes. I tend to drop such projects in a month or two whenever a major obstacle appears so I'll have to force myself this time.

Dropping weight from 120 kg to 90 wouldn't be bad either.

That sounds like a great series of goals. I've always thought about getting some sort of display case for statues and rare comics.

Big project I want I decided to put on hold till I'm bald and wrinkled. Wanted three arcade machines for this rec room, but the total for them in great condition put my very high end klipsch 7.2 reference premier to shame. (which is next on my list, wife permitting :???: :guts:) Eventually want to take the spare room and make it into a vintage looking arcade from my youth with glowing carpet, neon signs, the whole works.
I plan on returning to school and majoring in Mathematics. Until then, I'm just slaving day by day in retail.
Another revival! :griffnotevil:

Well, I live in the LA area now! San Fernando Valley to be exact. I moved out here to live with my girlfriend and that part of it has been awesome. What hasn't been awesome is getting laid off a few months after moving here. :judo:

I was working for a small company in Valencia doing A/V, networking, security camera installs, and whatnot and we lost the other guy who was the backbone of the company and whoops my boss couldn't afford to keep me with the low volume of work coming in. In the meantime I've been driving Uber/Lyft, doing freelance tech stuff, studying for the A+ certification, and looking for entry level tech places that'll take me. I'm a bit tired of crawling through attics and under floors pulling cable, especially with Summer coming up, give me the office work!

So, to put it simply, I'm hoping to get a tech job soon, get my A+ computer cert, and maybe learn some new skills. My GF's dad is opening a T-shirt printing business in Orange County and has a client that needs tons of video editing done, so I might start learning that with the free time I have.

Ayy I did it!
Considering enlisting in the Air Force since I've been out of school for a year and haven't received a single response to applications I've done for jobs relevant to my major.
Sareth said:
Considering enlisting in the Air Force since I've been out of school for a year and haven't received a single response to applications I've done for jobs relevant to my major.

Wow a year, that's brutal! :sad: Have you considered expanding your search radius to include anywhere in the US you'd be willing to move to? Even a 1 year resume building and network building exercise would probably be fruitful.

All fields are different, but I had to move states to get even the rough equivalent of my ideal job straight out of college. Even though the pay sucked, it was a great experience and set me on my way the rest of my career.
Walter said:
Wow a year, that's brutal! :sad: Have you considered expanding your search radius to include anywhere in the US you'd be willing to move to? Even a 1 year resume building and network building exercise would probably be fruitful.

I’ve applied to other states and still nothing. I can’t hardly find anything that isn’t expecting 3+ years of experience. The one company that showed interest in me before graduation turned around and ghosted me for months.
Geez, two years later and I finally got some great progress. I went back to school last Fall to study electronics. Yesterday I secured an intern position at the nearby Air Force base with the opportunity to be converted to a permanent employee. Finally something good came out of this year.
I think that now it's a good time to revive this thread, we all are living a (bad)historic period with that pandemic. It's a time for care to the present, and think on the future.

I have read all posts, and it's fun to see how that looks like a time capsule, so i will tell my plans too:

Short term:

I'm 24 yo now, my first son is about to birth(probably in november), and i'm very anxious for that, so i'm renovating all my apartment, and switch my guest room to a mix of baby bedroom/office, since i'm working remotely now because of the quarantine, and planning to still be on home office after that all.
I'm saving some money, and improving my skill of financial investiment, so in a few year i expect to see that money multiplied.

Long term:

I expect to be a senior iOS Engineer(now i'm a mobile developer specialized in iOS), and get enough money to get off of Brazil*, to get descent life, before it ruins itself, maybe i will go to New Zealand(Australia is my second option), i like Wellington too much, and i wish that i can bring all my family together with me, maybe some friends will come, since that's a plan for them too. If i move or no from Brazil, i expect that i can enjoy all my savings and investments and be on a nice house, with one of my dreams car, and with a really geek room with many comics, mangas, action figures, books, posters, and a PC good enough to play brand new games, and teach my children all that good stuffs.

*(people that don't live here, usually think that i'm crazy to want to leave that 'paradise country' but the reality of my country shame me, and I ended up giving up of my hope that it will any day be better)

Thats a very optimistic plan, in reality i think that i will probably stay in Brazil, sunk in debt, but happy with my son and wife, and conformed paying 40% of all my salary on taxes and fees just for politicians steal that money and realize my plans themselves. :shrug:
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In the long term I’m attempting to increase my willpower and perseverance with simple acts throughout the day, along with a work out and meditation regiment. I’m intermittent fasting (only eating once a day) and drinking more water. I want to have mastery over myself and my wants and desires. Also attempting to read more. Trying to do one positive act a day.

In the short-term, I’m trying to expand my fragrance and makeup collections. I don’t play many video games anymore, so those are my new hobbies.
I'm currently trying to find where I belong and stuff. I'm moving across the country next monday for the first time in my life, without my family. I live in a very bad place and a very bad environment at the moment so I am excited for change. I want to get back into college and follow my dreams of being a writer and/or illustrator, that's one of my "big goals". Another is to use my opportunity moving across the country to make new, healthy, non-abusive relationships with people. I want to overcome my anxiety and become more social.

In terms of smaller goals, I want to finish the wheel of time because it's really long and my first true fantasy novel series, it's just something I want to do. I also want to get a couple tattoos I've had in mind for a long time, I want to get tattoos inspired by all kinds of stuff I like (mainly anime and manga though).
I need to move. I work third shift (which is the way I like it) but unfortunately for me sleeping during the day has become a nightmare because of noisy neighbors, Some stupid kids moved across the street (and a ways down the street too) but they blast the worst club techno bullshit music all day and that horrible thumping bass is like some water torture to me. I can only imagine it'll be worse when the weather improves and everybody opens the windows. On top of that the people that live above me, while pleasant, are quite large and flat footed so every step feels like the giants from Jack and the Beanstalk fee fi fo fum. The building is old anyway and so now literally the silverware shakes with each step. I had to put cotton in between the light fixtures to keep them from rattling. They used to work normal 9-5 jobs so it was never a problem before but that's not the case now. I just don't get how people can be so inconsiderate living above someone else. I'm like a cat when I walk, super quiet. Some people just stomp around. Ugh. I feel like Grendel from Beowulf, pulling my hair out and cursing the world while everyone else is having fun blasting music.
I feel your pain, and hope the transition is quick and smooth. Moving is one of my least favorite things to do. My neighbors above me are equally as heavy footed which is beyond me, but tbh don't think that people who are like that can change unless they are mindful of their movements and work towards changing them. Best of luck with the process. Your next place and neighbors could be amazing!
I need to give my professional career a big push and there are three tough choices I'd have to make. One that I go to Law school (part-time) which'll take years and put me in eternal debt which could be hard if I'm to marry-have a kid-etc. The other is I completely switch my field of work and start from scratch which would be tricky given the worker's status that I'm currently in. Third being I leave the US and get into corporate back home. With the way America's Immigration system works at the moment, it'll take me another 10-15 years before I get a Green Card, which means I'd have to stick with 1 employer throughout this time and limits my chances professionally speaking.
16 years in the US, and I was able to finally make that jump to start work at a corporate. It was definitely harder to find because of the limitations of being in the US on a work permit, but I'm pleased I didn't have to leave the country to make things happen.

Tomorrow's my last day with the law firm, and I begin my new job at Ernst & Young on the 30th. Took me over a year to land something decent, and while this job is not close to half of what I'm capable of, I'm treating it as a foot in the door - something that'll enhance my resume and will boost future employment options.
Tomorrow's my last day with the law firm, and I begin my new job at Ernst & Young on the 30th. Took me over a year to land something decent, and while this job is not close to half of what I'm capable of, I'm treating it as a foot in the door - something that'll enhance my resume and will boost future employment options.
Wow - congrats dude! I hope things continue to go well!
Wow - congrats dude! I hope things continue to go well!
Thanks Grail! Fingers crossed it all works out. Anxious to work with a team of new people, and it'll be weird not having to see them in person since this job is (currently) completely remote.

Possible perk for me - I won't have to commute 2 hours every day. Possible perk for my cat - he going to take full advantage of walking all over me to get more meals.
Five years down the line, a lot has changed! The economy seems to be turning up, and my biggest problem has been deciding on where I want to work, rather than "where can I find work at all?" My current goal for the future is to save up some more money for a condo in the burbs, and earn enough so that Gobs can retire and concentrate on a full-time career as a comic artist and trophy fiancé. :badbone:

I'd also like to record more comedy videos for, ones that involve roles with more breathing holes.
I can't believe that my last post here was seven (?!) years ago! I'm happy to report that as of this year, @Gobolatula and I were able to invest in a condo. For the first time ever, we're paying a mortgage. :magni: Very grateful for the larger space and lovely neighborhood, while still being able to stay close to family. We also got two little kittens who are the sweetest, cutest little munchkins -- even when they're driving me nuts!

As for comedy sketches, there were a few I had in mind as of my previous writing, but they would take a lot of effort and time to complete, so I've been putting them off for a long while. Right now, I feel like I should make time to do more fanart!

Thanks Grail! Fingers crossed it all works out. Anxious to work with a team of new people, and it'll be weird not having to see them in person since this job is (currently) completely remote.

Possible perk for me - I won't have to commute 2 hours every day. Possible perk for my cat - he going to take full advantage of walking all over me to get more meals.
It's always tough working with new people, and it can be hard to make new friends when you're working remotely - if I can make a recommendation, try and see if the folks you work with have any happy hour "get to know you" events. That way you can still meet people at your company and make connections. :guts: And nice! Shaving the commute off of your schedule is a big plus!
16 years in the US, and I was able to finally make that jump to start work at a corporate. It was definitely harder to find because of the limitations of being in the US on a work permit, but I'm pleased I didn't have to leave the country to make things happen.

Tomorrow's my last day with the law firm, and I begin my new job at Ernst & Young on the 30th. Took me over a year to land something decent, and while this job is not close to half of what I'm capable of, I'm treating it as a foot in the door - something that'll enhance my resume and will boost future employment options.

Way to go bro. Looking forward to you becoming a partner there.
I dont know anymore. My health collapsed and Im no longer seeing or feeling myself and the world the same as before. Ive experienced powerful panic attack and Im trying to understand what is wrong in my body