Episode 302


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Proj2501 said:
How will Griffith kill Ganishka?

Will he kill him proper? We still aren't sure about that. :griffnotevil:

Proj2501 said:
What will the two say to each other

Griffith: *smiles* "Thank you, oh great emperor. You have fulfilled your role well. The world is changing now, and you cannot be a part of it. But your wish is granted, and this new world will forever bear your stain."

Proj2501 said:
It's been awhile since we saw him. But in Berserk-time...what, like a week or 2?

Nah, more than that. Think of the time it took Griffith's troops to travel from Vritannis to Wyndham, and then there's the time Guts' group spent in Vritannis since the beach.


Staff member
darkbane said:
Sure, I'd rather have that battle wrapped up soon so we can go back to Guts. Really. Not to the high seas, but to Guts and co. arriving at Elfhelm, something I've been looking to for years now. I never cared much for the whole Griffith vs Ganishka story, nor am I under any obligation to like it :serpico:. I'm not particularly "glum" about it though - if it happens, it happens, and since it's Berserk it will still be interesting on some level. But as far as I am concerned, the outcome of that battle was pretty much decided before it even started
It's my second post here, so maybe this time I will take the time to say hi everyone! and to say stuff like : this site is awesome dudes , I've been lurking for I don't know like three years and, also, I hope you don't mind people who reply to a topic like one month later.And writing in english is not very easy for me, I hope it is not too much of a pain for you all to read me.
So back to the topic. . . although it already felt like beating on a dead horse one month ago...but whatever.

Aazealh said:
But we've seen Zodd kill another apostle in volume 26 and nothing happened (at least that we saw). Besides, it's a good idea but why would that make a difference? I'd understand if Wyald had died through magic or something similar, but Zodd just broke him in half using brute force.

Yeah I was going for the "bad things happens to people killed by demons" rule there (a pretty common rule may I say, although the only exemple I can think of is dragon ball Z, so I'll stick to " a pretty common rule" and I expect you to gently nod along.).
But in this case it would be "bad things happens for sure to an apostle when he die, but when he is killed by an other apostle, the bad things manifest themselves in the physical world". :???: Well that's fucked up.

So another idea I had to explain why the death of Wyald made the vortex appears (in the physical world) is the fact that the worlds may have been more "close" one to another at this time : the day before the occultation.
Well this is of course pure speculation, given the fact that the appearance of the vortex is not really rule out by anything we have seen so far.But to be honest, I think there is no real rule on this and that Miura decided to "forget" the vortex eating the other apostle which we saw dieing to focus on other more important things at that time, for the sake of story telling.


Staff member
A.K said:
It's my second post here, so maybe this time I will take the time to say hi everyone! and to say stuff like : this site is awesome dudes

Hi and welcome! Glad you're enjoying the website. :serpico:

A.K said:
I hope you don't mind people who reply to a topic like one month later.

Personally I have no qualms with it as long as the post is pertinent.

A.K said:
So another idea I had to explain why the death of Wyald made the vortex appears (in the physical world) is the fact that the worlds may have been more "close" one to another at this time : the day before the occultation.

Actually it was the same day, and not long before it happened either. Not too far from where it happened either, so why not.

A.K said:
But to be honest, I think there is no real rule on this and that Miura decided to "forget" the vortex eating the other apostle which we saw dieing to focus on other more important things at that time, for the sake of story telling.

Yes, that is a possibility. But it's our job as fans to try to rationalize everything so it always makes perfect sense in the context of the story. :void:
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