What Do You Imagine The Character's Voices Sounding Like?

Hi guys, I'm new to the forums. I haven't watched the anime so this is all from my imagination.

Golden Age Guts- Despite his childhood trauma, these were still the happiest years of his life and I imagine he would sound like a decently happy guy around this time.

Black Swordsman- Gruff and husky (from all the yelling/crying/what have you) and very aggressive.

Guts after
Godo's lecture
- His voice is still husky, but it's much calmer; almost monotonous at times. I don't picture him as aggressive-sounding as he was. Especially after
he rescues Casca at the Tower of Conviction

Original Griffith- High pitched, authoritative, and slightly patronizing.

"New" Griffith- Very soft and soothing, and not as high pitched.

I picture Skull Knight's voice as low yet ethereal, and nonthreatening.

And Puck sounds like a girl. :troll:
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