Does this actor resemble Griffith

It just pop in my head he reminds me a lot of the anime version of :griff: if they were to ever do a live action version he might be a good canditate


Staff member
I don't think he does. Here's a test: if he had short hair and made angry faces, would you think he looks like Guts?
Well from the first episode too 7 you can kind of see similarities to the Anime and I am not referring to his hair but the voice and the pretty boy look I just got the kind of vibe off of him
Actually his face does kinda resemble Griffith's, I can totally see it. Although it's not perfect, his chin is too broad among other things, it's pretty good. Hollywood would do much worse if they ever got their dirty hands on the rights to do a live action BERSERK movie, god forbid.

Sorry this isn't the best example, but your crazy if you don't see any resemblance at all. The facial features are almost perfect.

Eh, you guys are blind if you don't see any resemblance. It's hard to look past the dissimilarities, but if you can separate them, the parts that do have a likeness aren't really that bad.


Staff member
Aufond, could you please list these similarities, because I'm genuinely not seeing anything similar. If it's just that haughty expression, I guarantee you that any male model can pull off that look. Here, even Azan can: :azan:
Walter said:
Aufond, could you please list these similarities, because I'm genuinely not seeing anything similar. If it's just that haughty expression, I guarantee you that any male model can pull off that look. Here, even Azan can: :azan:

Similarities: Eyes, nose, mouth. Observe the similarities of the shapes.

By god, it's Griffith!



Video Game Time Traveler
Still don't see it. Comparing him to the anime character design is ridiculous anyway, as that's not even Miura's "Griffith".


Staff member
aufond said:
Similarities: Eyes, nose, mouth. Observe the similarities of the shapes.

By god, it's Griffith!

Ok, I admit the picture got a chuckle out of me (those bovine eyes...), but please stop trolling now.
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