

The can opener went bye-bye...
When was the last time Guts used his throwing knives. The ONLY instance I can think of is the bar in the first volume.


(Yes, I am bored.)


well using his bolts makes more sense .... but i thought it was cool how he gave a shout out to jeadeu when putting them on in vol 14(i think)


around the corner
Btw, i have noticed something strange in vol23
When Guts protects Casca and throws knives to incubus ... well ... i've just checked out : he uses a knife ( not throwing one ) to kill the incubus he had near his head, and then throws 2 to those near casca. But he hasnt his false arm attached, and I thought it wasn't possible ( even for him ! ) to throw 2 knives with the same hand to different targets.
Do you think he actually can ?? Hell, we cant say he has trained much with these, so i'd be quite astonished.


maybe with his teeth? .... nah .... you can throw more than 1 in a different direction if you position the hilts between your fingers


The can opener went bye-bye...
Its more that he has to time the releases differently.

Guts is skilled enough that if he is proficent with a weapon, he can do all kinds of wierd stuff.
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