Vote for ANN to interview Miura


Ex-Newser of the late Berserk Chronicles
A survey from ANN:"Who do you want us to interview?"

Vote Miura.


Last Guardian when? - CyberKlink 20XX before dying
krzykoopa said:
Voted, What voice actor did everyone pick?
Didn't pick any since I don't watch English dubs often enough to care. I did vote for Togashi, Urasawa, Fukumoto, Araki, Rumiko, and of course Miura for mangaka. Voted for Ikuhara, Leiji Matsumoto, and ABe for anime staffers. As much as I'd like Miura to get interviewed, I feel like only could ask the types of questions I'd be interested in and haven't been answered a million times. Still, it'd be interesting either way. Good luck ANN, I guess.
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