The kinetic energy of Guts swinging Dragonslayer

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I'm sorry but this is the most ridiculous set of assertions I've seen on the site in a while. Despite it being a dark fantasy series, Berserk if pretty grounded compared to other mangas. It makes it a big point that it's a struggle between a man against demi-gods and their monstrous legions. The fact that he's not a super-hero is part of the point. He's just a peak condition soldier, conditioned to wield a very big sword. Nothing more.

You really think Guts can move at Mach 127. Really? Does anyone here buy that? Does anyone buy that he can even move Mach 1? BTW Mach 127 is 97443.2 mph. For comparison, the fastest man made object is Voyager 1 which is currently moving at 38,610 mph. A bullet is 768 mph.

Guts approaches superhuman with the Berserker armor, but nothing like you're talking about resonance, and the evidence is throughout the manga. In marvel, Guts would be on par with Captain America, which is still impressive, because he faces foes that are otherwise so much more physically powerful than him. It's his guile and recklessness that usually wins out the day, not his overpowering atomic swings.


Hmm, perhaps it's best to close this thread as I believe that it is going nowhere and I don't like wasting other people's and my time. I guess it was a bad idea to force these concepts and logic to you, my bad. What I can do is perhaps make a new calculation showing off how much power his other obvious feats have such as destroying the pillars etc. Thanks for being patient and please understand my decision.
Resonance said:
Guts has many other feats, where he fought Wyald who performed a mach 22 feat pre blackswordsman

As was already said here, we don't know what actually happened, it happened off-screen. 'instantly' could have just been a figure of speech for 'it happened really fast'.
Maybe Wyald just threw the guy? How would you know?

Resonance said:
manages to tank being within the explosion of the water snake which got energy yield of 45 tons of tnt and finally Dragonslayers ke which is horrendously powerful.

How can normal weapons hurt him then? Feats can contradict too, you know.

Resonance said:
Quantity of feats =/= outlier, if this was the case Star Platinum being able to punch down diamond teeth would be treated as such due to it failing to kill humans on a regular basis (this does not mean SP is weak, just that the author forgets the power of his characters etc)

I never watched or read Jojo (I am planning to, though), so I don't know about this feat in particular. But does SP regularly display the strength required to pull such a feat? In that case, failing to kill humans is just the opposite of Guts reacting to lightning: a chracter fails to do a feat he should be capable of doing.
In which case, they are both inconsistencies. There's even a page about such inconsistencies on OBD wiki, one of the websites that you cited:
Another name for such inconsistencies (at least the high showing ones) is 'smvfl' or 'spiderman versus firelord'

Resonance said:
You can account this for many verses, where ftl characters do something odd within their stories and get hit by bullets despite numerous other showings.

Isn't there usually a reason for that, though? Like if you hit the flash with a supersonic projectile so that it hits him before he can perceive it?
And besides, the characters you speak of regularly show such feats, and Guts does not.

Resonance said:
Guts did not struggle breaking the pillars, infact Serpico even said that his sword could perform feats of a higher caliber..

I typed that mainly remember his first strike, when he broke through one pillars, and his sword got stuck in the second one. Thing is, with that kinetic energy, Guts should not be hindered at all by the pillars, and yet he clearly was.

Resonance said:
Character/author statements only become invalid once they contradict feats as said before, I even used the Flash thing as an example.

Then Daiba's comment should be invalid, because as I showed you, Guts has never shown such speed and power anywhere else.

Resonance said:
What I can do is perhaps make a new calculation showing off how much power his other obvious feats have such as destroying the pillars etc. Thanks for being patient and please understand my decision.

Well, breaking through Grunbeld's shield implies he can strike with like ,several hundred kilojoules (it's impossible to know how much exactly, because we don't know what type of cannons Grunbeld's shield has blocked), so there's that.
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