Chat room troubleshooting


Staff member
Re: chat room

You have problems staying in apparently, we keep seeing you trying to get in then being thrown out. What browser do you use? Try to get the latest version of Macromedia Flash.
Re: chat room

Hey Aaz i'm having the same problem. I click on the link and nothing happens. I installed macromedia flash in firefox and its still happening. Any ideas whats up? :???:

EDIT: Well it works fine with IE. I guess the browser was the issue. Sucks i love firefox but its better than nothing :serpico:


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Re: chat room

I use firefox exclusively and have no problems. Just make sure you're up to date with all the latest versions and you should have no problem


Staff member
Re: chat room

Aworldapart said:
Hey Aaz i'm having the same problem. I click on the link and nothing happens. I installed macromedia flash in firefox and its still happening. Any ideas whats up?

Firefox works flawlessly with the chat, so there must be an issue with the plugins or something else. Flashchat needs Flash 7.0 and higher, try installing the latest version of Flash and Shockwave.

If it still doesn't work then... No idea, but it's definitely not an issue with Firefox in itself.
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