Can someone explain who is the "fairy" Rickert sees?

I haven't read the manga so I only know so much. I have learned a lot from this site though. I was wondering about the fairie Rickert sees in episode 22. What is it and why are all those demons there?


Staff member
She's called Rochine, she's an apostle. They were going to the Eclipse (her and her servants, the bugs), and stopped to eat lunch (the Hawks) along with the Snail Count on the way.

She appears and fights Guts later on, in the Retribution arc, Lost Children chapter. You can check the Encyclopedia next time to learn about characters.


Staff member
made me suffer said:
is it the same fairy you fight in the berserk game on the ps2?

She's not really a "fairy" but an apostle (her design is based on a Luna moth). And no, you don't see her in the PS2 game, the character you fight against only appears in the game (he's not in the manga), it's a boy called Charles. And he's not a fairy either but another apostle. :SK:
alright i couldnt remember i played the game ages ago and didnt realy understand what was going on. he he :guts: who exactly is charles? he isnt the boy guts accidently kills is he?


Staff member
made me suffer said:
who exactly is charles? he isnt the boy guts accidently kills is he?

No, that was Adonis, the son of count Julius. He couldn't possibly be an apostle in the game if Guts had already killed him... Charles only appears in the PS2 game as I said. I wrote a short summary of these events in another thread, you can check it here.
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