Thailand recast kits

from topic about the recast kit from thailand , all of you said it's very low quality.
anyone has the picture of it?
or picture of the original compare with the recast one?
how bad?
maybe i'll try some recast kits if it isn't that bad for me because i think, i cann't find and buy the original kit.
Hey there,

I don't have any pictures of side by side comparisons on hand, but it's not just how it looks like, but the brittleness of the resin. Thai recasts are proned to breaking and need a lot more prep-work. Details are also lost when the recasting is poor and if the material isn't as good.

If you can't afford original kits, then you should at least go for good quality recasts. Try or . They have MUCH better recasts and are competely affordable.
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