For a buddy

2 old drawings. I'll try to make new!


Aazealh said:
Your link currently can't work because the file name is a misspelling of "Guts" and the board automatically corrects it.

The board seriously auto-corrects Guts? That's awesome! I'll try to mispell it. Gutz Gutts Gatts, etc.



Staff member
smoke said:
The board seriously auto-corrects Guts? That's awesome!

Yeah, along with a few other names. It corrects the most common misspellings basically.


Last Soldier Standing
If only it did that for all spelling.. (Kidding, kidding, for the most part the spelling in the community is great. I probably misspell the most :guts:)

Anyways back on topic, Nice drawings Grunbeld. Like everyone says keep practicing, you already far surpass my skills :)
Thanks all. I'll start drawing new ones as soon as summer starts!Heres a NEW one i just thought of. It might lead to something...


Staff member
Grunbeld said:
heres a NEW one i just thought of. it might lead to something...

The basic idea's not anything new but I still find it pretty funny, maybe you should try to do something more elaborated on the same topic. :serpico:

More to come. Here are some other drawings.

Which one is better?


Last Soldier Standing
I like the second one, more detailed. Both are good though.

lol, poor Mario. You should try drawing on lineless paper :guts:
Those are just samples. I'm going to combine them (link, snake, etc.) when I'm done to make a small comic, or something like it. When I finish the sketches, I'll move on to white paper.

(think super smash bros.)


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Grunbeld said:
Those are just samples. I'm going to combine them (link, snake, etc.) when I'm done to make a small comic, or something like it. when i finish the sketches, I'll move on to white paper.

(think super smash bros.)

hey grunbeld. Keep practicing. And use reference while you doodle these things. For the dino's this is especially the case. Use the skulls as reference ect. It'll improve your drawing ability.

Google images is great for this sort of thing.
Sorry, i mostly draw these at school. But I until summer, you just have to wait. Hopefully, i can take an art class soon. Also, i have a book about human anatomy, which I can use as a reference as well. Thanks CnC!
Not bad. Maybe try using blank paper? Even computer paper works pretty well. It's coming along anyways. Keep it up! :serpico:
I was going for super smash bros., seeing Nintendo soon to come out with another game in the great series. I was going to end it with Guts, saying NEWCOMER under him, but I got carried away. I guess after i finish, i could go for a manga vs. comics esque. That's if I finish. Which I won't.


The can opener went bye-bye...
Borgoff said:
How bout Guts vs. The Punisher + Batman?
I really can't see the Punisher & Batman working together. Batman is kinda strict about associating himself with killers.

Howbout, Batman&Robin&Nightwing vs Guts.

thinks....thinks some more.... I can't think of anyone who gets along with the Punisher.
Sorry to those who had high hopes, which was no one. I've given up on the whole super smash bros. project, so I'm just going to draw whatever comes to mind. Sorry people, I can't keep my word for it. So the next time i promise something, don't expect a thing!


Staff member
Grunbeld said:
VERY SORRY to those who had high hopes, which was no one. I've given up on the whole super smash brs. project, so I'm just going to draw whatever comes to mind. Sorry people, I can't keep my word for it.

Well, that's too bad. Why not just delay it until you have more time?
New pictures! My hard drive broke so I was gone for a looong time. :( Anywho, I'm starting to work on that project from before, so wish me luck.
I am speechless...

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