The Oz Factor and Berserk

Forest Wraith

Evil is born when we lose power over ourselves.
Don't worry, I'm not about to try and draw links between Berserk and The Wizard of Oz. Although I suppose a parody featuring the characters of Berserk might have great comedic potential. I used the search function as thoroughly as possible which didn't turn up anything on the specific subject: Still, I apologize if I'm really retreading old-ground here. Must . . . avoid referrence to . . . Following the Yellow-Brick Road . . . Dammit!

The Oz Factor that I am referring to is a descriptive term coined by British paranormal researcher Jenny Randles to describe sensations of disorientation and displacement of reality commonly reported by witnesses to paranormal phenomenon:

Randles defined the Oz Factor as "the sensation of being isolated, or transported from the real world into a different environmental framework...where reality is but slightly different, [as in] the fairytale land of Oz."

A much more thorough explanation is given here:

The wondrous experiences of Dorothy in the film The Wizard of Oz and Alice in her Wonderland, happened as a result of these two adventurous young ladies being whisked away into a magical realm from whence they eventually returned, unfortunately without a shred of evidence to support their experiences. Prolific writer and researcher in the field of UFOs and related areas, Jenny Randles coined the term the 'Oz Factor', to describe the sensations experienced by those who entered this state.
In her 1988 book Abduction, Randles describes the mysterious Oz Factor as, "an induced form of sensory deprivation which seems to alter the state of consciousness of the percipient. It can become visible as a sensation of time standing still, or interfered with, or it manifests as all sound vanishing, a very odd feeling of being isolated from our world into a magic world. It is less easy to describe than recognise, since witnesses often refer to it without having any idea of its significance. This underlines its importance." (Randles, p.57)

Ufologists have long been familiar with the reporting of such sensations as a prelude to UFO related experiences including witnesses to so-called abductions. Participants tell of feelings of disassociation and timelessness. The impression created for the individual concerned is one of having temporarily vacated the material world with its distracting sensory input and entered a timeless, silent, dreamlike, mental state, unlike any other previously experienced. Obviously a type of altered state of consciousness.

Virtually the exact same sensation is repeatedly and consistently experienced by characters in the Berserk World who have had no consistent prior contact with other, "higher" Planes of Reality in the Berserk Universe: Granted, any experience involving missing time in the Berserk World most likely means that you are about to; or have just died in a particularly unpleasant fashion. There is also the obvious difference that paranormal phenomenon in our World and in The World of Berserk; manifest themselves in very different ways. The Astral Realm seems to take a much more immediate and forceful form of manifestion in The World of Berserk's Physical Plane, in comparison to our experience with the highly speculative and ethereal nature of the paranormal. That being stated; The high degree of emphasis and impact of this sensation is greatly noticed by those caught up in the events that produce it in the Berserk World. Indicating that the "Oz Factor" experienced by characters of Virgin experience with paranormal events in Berserk is not merely the product of the often terrifying and fantastic events that they are witnessing; (The events surrounding The Tower of Retribution for example) But something inherent to the nature of Paranormal Phenomenon in Berserk: This is further borne out by the fact that the same effect is also generated by the comparatively mundane occurance of a person encountering an Apostle in Human form.

It would therefore appear that Berserk's Oz Factor (Od Factor?) is a sensation caused by a kind of "Overlap" of Astral energy from higher planes intruding into the Physical Plane. This can lead to some very interesting speculation surrounding the Reality of Berserk, it's differences and similarities between our own and the influence of conciousness in both.

Researchers of paranormal phenomenon in our own World have come to a conclusion that percieved experiences of inexplicable phenomenon exist in a form that is both seperate and connected with our physical reality; the specifics of this . . . Theory are varied and often somewhat loosely defined but one of the main themes is that experiences of Paranormal Phenomenon serve to highlight the similarities (and differences) between individual perception and conciousness and what is reality. To put it another way, an admission that inexplicable experiences are not real in a physical sense but that they are very real in terms of personal perception. It exist but as a filtered and distorted view through a kind of inward reflection of a plane of reality or energy that cannot be percieved normally but only through the subconcious and our ability to sense energy . . . Now we are back in familiar territory in relation to the context of Berserk. Namely that our own reality has multiple levels and dimensions of existence. These other levels of reality are not so much bound with our physical plane as they are bound with the higher reaching force of our subconcious, our mind and will. What further research indicates (such as the study of quantum mechanics); Is that these higher planes of reality are highly susceptible to the power of our own will and collective conciousness: Consider that the form and interpretation of mystical experiences has been changing since man fist started describing them; From God and his Angels vying with Demons, to the Thunder of The Pagan Gods. When science outlawed those interpretations, People started witnessing Nuts-and-Bolts Flying Saucers and Contactees became the new middle-men of the Divine Will . . . You might be getting a little chill down your spine right now since it's fairly obvious where I am going with this. Specifically that the metaphysical concept of our own existence as consisting of multiple levels of reality and the Universe as a living construct formed in part from the Collective Conciousness of Humanity and our perceptions of it: Shows some very interesting correlations and/or similarities between Berserk's Universe and the Idea of Evil.

Consider how pervasively beleif in the construct of Religion alone has shaped Human Existence; I find it rather frightening to wonder where the Constructs we've created to ferment our will end, and where we begin . . . If we put enough energy into them; can they eventually grow beyond our control and gain a conciousness and will from that energy that is all their own in some astral plane?

I hope not but if Zodd flies by my house tommorow, I'll be sure to let you all know . . .


Sweet dreams, dear child of god.
That's interesting... But what you said "form of god, mutiple layers of reality, ect... is all pretty apparent in berserk.

Now my question to you... if god is like you say he is, why would he want to learn about himself
"Prior to the creation of man, Böhme wrote, God was an undifferentiated single unity defined by the absence of everything else -- the Abyss, or "Ungrund."".
Böhme wrote, arguing that God created man in His own image so that He could learn about Himself.

Why the hell would it want to know itself... if it started as formless? Is that the innate value of the universe... provide some support.

So he created man in his image... while he was a formless being (prior to the creation of man)?

Explain more... allittle to much speculation for a theory.

Forest Wraith

Evil is born when we lose power over ourselves.
Thanks, first of all; the article I linked to on Jakob Bohme wasn't written by me but by an anonymous (As far as I know) author on
Bohme believed that the creator of our existence was not an infallible, unfathomable being but possessing of it's own psyche; albeit one of an incredible capacity, as such, self-analysis for a God would be an extremely complicated affair. Which required the creation of life and our existence for use as a tool to learn about it's own vast and uncharted mind. I thought that it was explained pretty well in the article itself; If I may quote:

Even more controversially, Böhme argued that God could not be omniscient and omnipotent, since He was eternal and unique. "He knows no beginning, and also nothing like Himself, and also no end," Böhme wrote, arguing that God created man in His own image so that He could learn about Himself.

To initiate this learning process, God rendered Himself into positive and negative aspects -- yin and yang to the Taoists, although the material substance of Böhme's universe is not itself synonymous with God.

Prior to the initial split, God was only a potential mind with an unformed longing to know itself. After the split, God iterated into a binary-based matrix, continually increasing in complexity as He collected more and more information about Himself. In other words, Böhme's God evolves with the passage of time, in sharp contrast to the traditional Judeo-Christian view of a perfect, complete and unchanging figure who exists outside the normal flow of time.


Sweet dreams, dear child of god.
Prior to the initial split, God was only a potential mind with an unformed longing to know itself.

No, my question was why did it want to know itself... Where did that come from?

a God (meaning there's more than one, if their was only one you would of said god).

If you assume that as truth, and this god is not omnipotent... then their are laws that even it is subject to, and therefore hold power over god... a form higher than god
Ingrained dividing from its state of original unity

Why did that happen?

Can you give me a link to a better written formulation of his ideas (something on the level of Kierkegaard's explanations). This one kind of sucks... I'm trying to understand it, but he doesn't give supports for allot of things in their.

Sorry if this is slightly incoherent, I'm tired.

Forest Wraith

Evil is born when we lose power over ourselves.
Think about it. If a person lives a life isolated from social contact they will be incapable of fully knowing their own Psyche; as it is other people and social interactions that allow us to juxtapose our behavior, feelings and motivations in comparison to another persons or social group.
Now, try to imagine that scenario for a divine being; we can't possibly know if God is an isolated entity. However, Bohme theorized that God required our existence and made us in it's image in order to have entities similar to but also distinct from itself in order to give itself a means to juxtapose it's own motivations in order to better understand them.
If that isn't enough Wikipedia's article is somewhat more succinct:

If that still doesn't cut it, then you are on your own:


Sweet dreams, dear child of god.
it's a nice idea, but that's all.
if a person lives a life isolated from social contact

A person... my, oh, my isn't god so focused on us. We are the pinnacle of everything, the earth is the center of the universe. Assumes to much... I can understand why you would like it, but personally I think it needs a good socratic beating. It's nice ,but to many assumptions. Plus there's still laws that even he must abid by if he is not omni-potent, and so should we not worship those things...
much like the argument is it good because God commands it, or does God command them because they are good. Not really that related, but that thoery implies that on the one side god could have some higher moral that even he commands. So we should worship the idea of good (getting me?).
Assumes to much and isn't really much more convincing to me then the greek gods... who's actions were supposedly made of human nature, not omni-potent (not really the same, but still). Won't be my answer to god (sorry if my ideas were foggy, I usually get home late).

Nice find on the berserk corralation though... to bad you didn't get that many posts. It really is a nice find (who knows maybe part of "his" inspiration).
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