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I first heard about this little game a few weeks back on the Gamers with Jobs podcast, but I just saw it displayed on the front page of Steam and gave the demo a try.

Wow what a fun little game! Basically it takes a song of your choosing, analyzes the beats and creates a rythm/racing/puzzle game out of it. You race long a track that moves to the rhythm of your song and along that track are colored blocks that you must either collect in a specific order or avoid (the blocks also show up according to the song beat). It's a bit hard to explain... :puck:

Anyway those with Steam can try the demo out and see for yourself.

Some vids:
A vid to better describe the experience:

The song made famous by Guitar Hero 3 :guts::

10 bucks well spent for the full version, if you ask me...


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Just FYI, Hirasawa music is really fun to play :D

The tracks can be laid out like a roller coaster where the faster bits are represented by going really fast downhill. So songs like "Sign" are fuckin' awesome.


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Aazealh said:
So, did you try Tell Me Why yet? :void:

Dun dun dun.. Dun -dudududun dun da dun dun - Whe-na-whe-WHII WHII Whe-na-wheWHII WHII

"Fwa na shame a wayne. Fwa ur rain na am. Evwy muda.."

...Yea no I haven't tried it. But I imagine it would work just fine. :void:

The faster songs are pretty intense but the slow songs are very fun for me. They allow me to think a little bit and plan out a strategy for getting the most points.
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