Berserk Figures

Ever since I started reading the manga, I've become deeply interested in berserk figures. I am however very picky when it comes to toys.

The statues are without a doubt beautiful, but a bit over what I can afford.

I am looking for these toys, and I'm curious if anyone has any for sale:

-By Art of War-
Sealed Guts Black Swordsman 8 inch figure
Sealed Guts Hawk Soldier 8 inch figure (blue/green cape)

The ones I have so far is:
-By Art of War-
Sealed Guts Black Swordsman 8 inch figure (Millennium Falcon 'mad face)
Sealed Guts Black Swordsman 8 inch figure (Millennium Falcon 'calm face)
Opened Guts Black Swordsman 8 inch figure (first edition)
Sealed Knight of Skeleton 8-9 inch figure
Sealed Guts Hawk Soldier 8 inch figure (red cape)

Personally I don't like the mini figures, and as I said I'm picky... so I don't like the look of Griffith, Casca, or the others that are featured in the small line of figures. I am mostly only interested in the Guts figures, and the Skull Knight.

Also... for anyone looking for a Knight of Skeleton figure, I think still has a few for about $29.99, which is the best price I've seen so far.

Is this: eBay Link the 8 inch one you're talking about?? If it is, you'll have to fight for it! The bids keep climbing..

Another place I suggest looking is:

Lots of Berserk stuff here, but much of the merchandise is temporarily out of stock because of Christmas (I'm guessing). I've done business with this merchant before, so I can recommend 'em. :badbone:
Thanks for the heads up! I just won the Guts Black Swordsman on ebay so, I can scratch that off my list.

I would like to try and get the PVC Berserk Armor Guts.... they are on ebay from time to time but always for around $100. I keep my eyes out :guts:


I had bad luck with that one. I looked for it but the only one I could find was 99. So I finally decide to pony up for it and a week later someone posted one on ebay for 45 including shipping. I was so mad. So be patient with that one. It comes up once in a while. :chomp:
If you don't mind me asking, how is it?

How is the quality/paint... can it move at all? I'm just always curious about these things because the best you can get are pictures online... and frankly there aren't that many. Especially for the figures its hard to find GOOD pictures of them in different angles/poses to get the best idea of what they are like.

At this point the PVC Berserk Armored Guts may be the last one that I want. I am tempted to get a Human form Zodd, but I'm thinking about it. At this point I have 5 different guts figures (2 are the same but one is open on display and one in the box) and then my Skull Knight figure. Zodd is the only other character that I think I might like to have.

I'm sad they never made an armor berserk figure, because I prefer figures over the statues. Don't ask me why... obviously the statues look nicer, but I guess that's just me... statues are easy to impress, where good toys are harder to find, and I'm more interested in a good toy than a good statue.


Well its a real nice figure. You can only move the arm that holds the sword. The blood on the figure is a little hard to notice. What I did was I actually picked up the one I found for 45 and I Painted over the blood and added more to it. Everyone tells me they liked how it came out. Ill post a pic up later. I actually have the zodd figure. I recomend picking it up. It looks real nice.
I would love to see how it looks. I am tempted to go after the Human Zodd, I think he would go perfectly with my various guts figures and skull knight.

My girlfriend got me the 12 inch Guts Black Swordsman figure for christmas... excited to see how it looks in person, can't WAIT! :guts:
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