Louis le Galoup (Louis the Galoup)



Here I'm going to speak about a French novel that just come out in shops in France. Why am I making a topic about this novel. Well first for all French member of SK and because the time where the story take place is similar to the Berserk one but in real world except for one big detail: "la grande brèche" (big gap). The main link between Berserk and this novel is the fantastic link because some characters like Louis can transform themselves (like apostles). There is very nice drawing illustrating the novel.

Here is a presentation in French and in English:

French said:
"Louis le Galoup" est un roman écrit par Jean-Luc Marcastel et illustré par Jean-Mathias XAVIER. Le premier chapitre (sur 5) vient tout juste de sortir. Mais qu'est-ce donc qu'un Galoup me direz-vous ? Hé bien voici un extrait du site de l'éditeur pour vous en parler :

"Vous arrivez juste à temps, c’est l’heure du conteur, l’heure de l’histoire…

Ecoutez… vous entendrez parler de dracs, de Grande Brèche, de Vouivre, de sorcières, de Grand Veneur et de Galoups…

Un galoup, vous savez ce que c’est ? Vous le devinez… Galoup, ça vient de « Gars » et « Loup », deux mots pas faits pour se coller ensembles… Un Galoup, c’est un peu des deux…

Vous souriez. Vous croyez tout savoir sur les Galoups ? Les « loups garou », comme les appellent les gens du Nord…

En êtes-vous bien sûr ?

Cette histoire commence ici, de ce côté de la réalité, dans ce village au bout du monde, perdu au Nord d’Occitània, près de la Grande brèche, le village de Louis, Louis le Galoup, et maintenant un peu le votre…

Venez… C’est par ici… Et vos yeux luisent déjà un peu jaune…

La veillée commence à peine, et si vous craignez, une fois retourné de votre côté de la réalité, de manquer la fin de l’histoire, détrompez-vous…

On dit que, portées par la chaleur des flammes, sur un panache de fumée, les paroles du conteur, par quelques voies étranges, filtrent parfois jusqu’à votre monde et que certains, à l’oreille fine, savent les entendre…

J’ai même ouï dire qu’un de vos scribes aurait fixé sur le papier la saga de Louis le Galoup, en lui conservant sa verve et le ton des conteur, et qu’on peut se procurer le récit de cette première veillée Le village au bout du monde, depuis le 8 janvier 2009, chez tous les libraires de votre pays d’en France que la Grande Brèche n’a pas défiguré…

Ainsi vous pourrez connaître la suite de l’histoire, pour la conter à votre tour, et lui prêter vie… car c’est pour cela que sont faits les contes…"

Je vous le conseille vivement et tout comme la visite du site officiel qui, même s'il n'est pas au top graphiquement et en navigation, fournit pas mal d'informations.


English said:
"Louis the Galoup" is a novel written by Jean-Luc Marcastel and illustrated by Jean-Mathias XAVIER. The first chapter (out of 5) has just been released. But what is a Galoup you will say? Well here's an excerpt from the website of the publisher:

"You arrive just in time, it is the time of the storyteller, the time of history...

Listen... You will hear of drakes, of the Great Breach, of the Wyvern, of witches, of the Great Hunter (venery-style) and of Galoups...

A galoup, you know what it is? You guess... Galoup, it comes from "Guy" and "Wolf" in French, two words not made to stick together... A Galoup is a bit of both...

You smile. You think you know everything about Galoups? The "werewolves," as people call them in the North...

Are you sure?

This story starts here on this side of reality, in this village at the end of the world, lost in the North of Occitània near the Great breach, the village of Louis, Louis the Galoup, and now a bit of your...

Come over here... It's... And your eyes glow a little yellow already...

The vigil is just beginning, and if you are worried, once back on your side of reality, to miss the end of the story, you are wrong...

It is said that, driven by the heat of flames, a plume of smoke, the words of the storyteller, for some strange paths, filter up to your world and that some ears know how to hear it...

I've even heard that one of your scribes has set the saga of Louis the Galoup on paper, by keeping its verve and tone of the story, a story we can get since January 8 of 2009, in all bookstores in your country of France that the Great Brèche has not disfigured...

So you can know the result of history, storytelling for yourself, and give it life... because that is what stories are made for... "

I recommend you this novel and to visit the official site. Even though it's not at the top of Internet design and navigation, it still provides adequate information.



Staff member
Could be interesting, though aside from the comparison between werewolves and apostles I don't see much of a similarity with Berserk (well, that and the fact the genre is Fantasy). I also don't think this is going to be available in English in the immediate future, which will limit the interest of most people here.


Unfortunately I agree with you but I think it's good to let know even few people :serpico:


Staff member
One of the dudes in the website's little "trailer" reminded me of the Lord of Koka Castle's snake armor.

Could just be a coincidence?


Hum I guess, because as far as I know the writer and the artist don't know Berserk but if have the opportunity I will ask. What i know is that the artist read the book (in the first edition) and created hundreds of drawings.
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